This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 291: stuck task

William nodded with satisfaction. It seemed that the official document he sent for the name change had indeed been seen by the queen.

The reason why he came back so quickly was because he received a system prompt, telling him that once the main quest has been completed, please go back to the city lord's seat to start the follow-up quest, but unexpectedly broke Andrea's slutty behavior. .

He opened [Mission 2], and William recalled what happened before.

I have to say that the female fairy has a really good figure. Even if she wears a black robe that is several yards larger, she still can't hide the wonderful scenery underneath.

Especially when bending over to drink water, the black robe soaked by the tea clings tightly to the body, and the two full moons behind him are outlined so that they are ready to appear, it is really people...

[Recalling the touching scene before, you can't help but show a gratified smile]

Moving? Are you sure it's not a chicken move?

While thinking about it, William rubbed his face subconsciously.

By the way, did I just laugh? No way! With [the face of an ambitious person] there, under normal circumstances, I would definitely not be able to laugh! How can you make people innocent out of thin air?

Oh... It turned out to be a happy smile, I thought it was silver... That's all right...

[Because of your dissatisfaction with your reconstruction plan for the Dawning Collar, Andrea has had many disputes with you, and it was so intense that you even thought she would run away in frustration]

No, no, she didn't dare to leave. William thought happily.

The [Sea of ​​Trees Prison Ring] on the witch Mistress's neck is now hanging on the female fairy's neck, but she usually wears a black robe and others can't see it.

This thing is a huge trouble. If the quilt is covered with this thing, it is equivalent to being on the blacklist of the elves. The professionals of the natural sequence can find the person who has been "ringed" more than ten kilometers away, no matter how they hide. use.

According to the elves' style of poking a large nest, as long as you meet a professional in the natural sequence with this thing, and if he stabs the news out, it is equivalent to being targeted by a large group of elves.

The banshee doesn't have the ability to chase and kill the elves, so she won't go anyway until old man Cameron comes back and opens the [Sea of ​​Trees Prison Ring].

The narration of the system continues.

[What makes you happy is that when you returned to the City Lord's Mansion exhausted, the girl who had been arguing with you before was carefully refilling your teacup, because she was worried that the tea would scald you, and even posted I tried to test the water temperature by myself...]

William smacking his lips silently, no... I said that your whitening power is somewhat shameless, right?

My pot of water has been cold for almost 800 years, so I really don't know? And also personally test the water temperature... Do you use your mouth to test the water temperature for others?

[Feeling your scorching gaze, Andrea hurriedly turned around and saw you smiling at the door, this usually cheerful and generous goblin turned red as a rare sight]

["Don't get me wrong! I didn't forgive you, I just... just happened to see an empty cup and wanted to pour a glass of water for myself to drink! I didn't want to refill it for you!"]


Hemp egg! This textbook is generally arrogant, so envious! Can this attribute of a winner in life give me a little bit of it?

[In order to avoid embarrassing her too much, you can only smile helplessly, pretending not to notice her thoughts, and walk back to your seat to sit down]

["Andrea, are you here this time for what happened before?"]

[After hearing your question, she probably remembered the fierce quarrel between the two of you. She finally regained her composure. After a snort, she turned her head and ran out of the hall.]

[Seeing that she still hasn't let go, you can't help but sigh and bend down your exhausted body, ready to continue processing the official document, but you are surprised to find that a new plan is right in front of you]

Um? That thing that I'm swarmed into? Is there any part of it here?

[Although this picture did not strictly follow your requirements, it still retains a lot of unnecessary designs, but it balances the proportions extremely well.

Through some ingenious designs, both aesthetics and practicality are subtly taken into account. Between the two of you, you have found a balance that was almost impossible to exist. Obviously, a lot of thought has been spent]


You were moved to read her name, and your voice was full of relief and joy, but what you didn't know was that at this moment, she was secretly hiding by the wall outside the door, listening to the movement inside the house with anticipation...]

Um? Dare to eavesdrop!

William narrowed his eyes slightly, strode towards the door, raised his foot and suffocated, kicking the closed wooden door into a big hole, but where is the figure of the female fairy outside the door?

Silently pulling his foot out of the hole, William spat with dissatisfaction:

"Bah! Liar!"


Confused by William's aggressive testing method, the system was stuck for several seconds before continuing.

[After hearing her name, Andrea's eyes filled with deep joy, she covered her mouth with force, and tiptoed away from here.

Soon after, a silver bell-like laughter came with the wind, passed through the thick door, and fell into your ears, and then pried open your tightly pursed lips, and a particularly warm smile appeared.]

You fart, I'll just stand at the door, and laugh like a silver bell, and the laughter like a barbell is all right?

Ignoring William's complaints, the system continued to tell the story that was completely out of reality.

[The dispute with Andrea was resolved in the most unexpected way, the girl who regards money as dung and does not eat human fireworks.

She is actually willing to deal with the money she hates the most for you, and abruptly found that almost the only optimal solution from the massive permutations and combinations...]


Too many declined to comment.

[You lift the quill with emotion, and you neatly sign your name on this carefully crafted plan]


After saying this, the system didn't make a sound for a long time, and William raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"and then?"


[You mentioned the quill pen very moved, and signed your name quite seriously on this plan full of painstaking efforts]



[You raised the quill with great emotion, and signed your name very seriously on this plan full of painstaking efforts]




"Don't be long-winded, I understand, I understand!"

William stretched out his arm speechlessly, took out the blueprint that he had formed into a ball from the document basket, laid it on the table, and then signed his name stroke by stroke.

[The moment you signed your name, a feeling of being driven by fate came to your mind.

You swear in your heart that this city that you and Andrea co-bred will one day become the first ray of dawn to tear apart the vast night sky]

[Although the night is long, the scorching sun will finally break]

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