This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 391: true greed

Let "greed", see the real greed?

Is my greed above yours?

What are you kidding? Where am I greedy? At most, it is just unreasonable when you are short of money. It seems that this task will definitely not be completed.

William shook his head, completely put out his mind to do this hidden task, and started to help the old man pick up the gems scattered on the ground, and threw them back to the small wooden box in his hand.

"Clap, clap..."

Old Man Mara was lying on the ground, looking at William's actions with a dazed expression, holding the box in both hands and not daring to even move.

He watched helplessly as the small wooden box turned from empty to full, from light to heavy, and then his hands were empty...

Even though he knew that his life was in the hands of others, the old man Mara was still blushing with anger.

After picking up the gems, the damned little white face actually broke his fingers apart, and stuffed the small wooden box full of gems into the ring as a matter of course. Explanation is indebted.

[You have shown your dedication to property and real greed, the progress of the task is updated, and the current completion rate is 33.3%]

Um? Is this greed?

William looked at the old man Mara subconsciously, and after reading his expression, he frowned in confusion.

What is there to be "shocked"? It's not something I did first. You stole my God of Wealth and a million gold gold. Can't I charge two million in interest?

At this time, the female knight on the side came over and poked William a little embarrassedly.

"William, you... just take it like this?"

After listening to Jessica's words, William raised his eyebrows.

"If I don't take it directly, will I leave him an IOU?"

The female knight couldn't help but smiled when she heard the words, and then explained a little embarrassedly:

"Generally speaking, according to the tradition of fighting between nobles, shouldn't you explain the reason first?

For example, they made the first move, causing you to drive people overnight, and these are considered military expenses and so on. "

"It's too much trouble. Besides, it's only you and me here. Who should I tell you?"

William waved his hand indifferently, skillfully untied old Mala's wallet, and threw it into his space ring without changing his face.

"My purpose this time is to rob money, and to get people back by the way. By the way, I still think of it."

Picking up the old man Mara who dared not move, William smiled and said, "Where are the people from my caravan? Also, don't forget to answer my previous question, where is your family's money hidden?"

Staring at William's space ring, Old Man Mara twitched in distress.

He avoided answering William's question, but said without knowing what he was thinking: "The gems you took are worth 8,000 gold gold, this time it's my Gredy family's fault, those gems are... …”

"You didn't understand me?"

William said calmly: "The purpose of my visit this time is to steal money! If you don't understand clearly, I can repeat the original request again. Where's your money? Hand over it all."

"Don't go too far!"

The old man Mala was furious when he heard the words, gritted his teeth and said: "I admit it this time! The sum of your wealth will only add up to 400,000 gold gold, the big deal is that I will pay! I can pay you two... "

"Is it two million? Yes, as long as you pay, I will release it immediately."

[You have shown your dissatisfaction and shown real greed, the task progress is updated, and the current completion rate is 66.6%]


William clicked his lips wordlessly.

Well, I probably understand how to do this task...

"Impossible! Then you might as well kill me!"

At the "critical" juncture, the old man Mara brought out the true qualities of the Mammon Demon blood, and when he closed his eyes, he looked like he would be spoiled. If he hadn't been caught by William, he would have been lying on the ground.

"Tsk, I really can't understand you people who want money but not life."

William shook his head and let go slowly. Old Man Mala was a bachelor, but he actually lay down on the ground, making it clear that he was lying flat and would not pay the money.

I'm sorry, your set is useless to me.

William raised his eyebrows playfully and said, "You are dead, what's the use of asking for so much money? Leave it for others to spend?"

After hearing his words, Old Man Mara's breath suddenly suffocated.

Maybe thinking of what others looked like when they spent "my" money, he shivered, and his eyeballs were rolling back and forth under his eyelids, revealing a miserable appearance.

William's blow continued.

"People are dying and the money is not spent. Are you uncomfortable?"

Old Man Mara's lips were faintly pale, and he was almost bleeding from the bite.

William's highly targeted question directly hit his biggest pain point. As long as he thinks of the scene where he died and the money was spent by others, old man Mala seems to be tortured, his whole body hurts everywhere, and it is even difficult to breathe.

After the longest two seconds in his life, he was finally deflated, clenching his fists and opening his eyelids unwillingly.

"I... can I pay half of it?"

[You have shown your ingenious means of extracting wealth, showing real greed, the progress of the task is updated, and the current completion rate is 100%]

After hearing the system prompt, William couldn't help but slightly curled the corners of his mouth.

For old man Mara's death, he didn't take it seriously at first.

Maybe it is possible for others to play a game of jade and burn it all, but absolutely all members of the Griddy family are afraid of death. Greed for money and life is their own family. Unless there are some special circumstances, it is basically impossible to have people who are both greedy for money and not afraid of death.

[The real original sin, task 1: let "greed" and see the real greed (completed)]

[Task evaluation: Before they saw the real greed, they saw the real shamelessness]

[Task 2: Untriggered]


That's it? Before completing the final mission, is there not even a segment reward? Spicy chicken!

William pouted his lips speechlessly, pulled up old Mara who was lying on the ground, and rummaged through the city lord's mansion according to him, and reluctantly took out a few things and a bunch of things, worth about half a million gold. Gord up and down.

Seeing those darlings who started with thousands of gold gold were piled up in the hall like garbage by William, old man Mara's heart was bleeding.

"That's all? What about the remaining two million?"

"You...don't go too far!...Can you?"

Old Man Mara's tone was first hard and then soft, almost pleadingly threatening:

"We've already sent someone to report the news to the Church of have to keep a little bit of it? If you take it all, the chanting person from the Church of Knowledge might be able to..."

"Maybe laugh out loud and ask me if I can help."

William put away the things on the ground, and while happily cutting his words, he carried people out of the city lord's mansion, and then ordered someone to find a war horse that was temporarily idle, and tied the old man Mara firmly to the horse. on the back.

"Let's lead the way! Where did you keep all the people you caught?"

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