This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 392: Desperate Protection

How long will I be locked up before I die?

Jose leaned weakly in the corner of the cell, feeling that if he continued to carry it like this, it would not be as good as if he had died.

He was already seriously injured, and in addition to the fact that the water and rice had not entered for two days, the whole person's complexion was extremely poor, giving people a feeling that he might faint at any time.

At this moment, a sour chewing sound sounded, which made the drowsy Jose suddenly wake up a lot.

Licking his chapped lips, he tried hard to force himself not to look in the direction of the sound, but he couldn't help but glance at the **** and tragic state.


A sense of nausea came up, but after two days of starvation, he had nothing in his stomach. Even after vomiting several times, he only vomited out a mouthful of sour water. His stomach and throat were burning like fire. He was half lying on the ground, shivering.

Before being knocked unconscious by the warden, although the entire dungeon was gloomy and depressing, it was still somewhat popular.

But after he woke up, there was no one alive in the entire dungeon. Either he was bitten to the point of being mutilated and bleeding, or he directly turned into a terrifying monster, almost completely losing his human form.

Unable to take another look at the source of the sound, Jose bent down and retched again.

"You human beings are really annoying!"

A cold and strange voice sounded, and two fireflies lit up in the dark dungeon, followed by two human-like beast-like screams.

Hearing this strange beast roar, Jose's expression tightened, and he closed his eyes abruptly.

The next moment, a hot, sticky thick granulation came over and rubbed twice on his face, leaving a lot of stinky saliva.

As the two groups of "fireflies" the size of lanterns gradually widened, the dim dungeon also lit up a lot, and an unusually tall woman was "photographed".

The woman was leaning on the monster's curled flank, holding a bizarrely bound book and reading it carefully, as if the darkness had no effect on her at all.

When the chandelier on the ceiling was still there, Jose had the courage to look at the texture of the book. It didn't look like the leather of any common animal, and he thought that 90% of it might be human skin.

The woman's gaze shifted slightly from the book, and after glancing at him, she lowered her head again.

"Be quiet and don't make noise while others are reading."

As she spoke, she reached out and stroked the terrifying beast.

Compared to before, the size of this monster has increased several times, and it can lie down in a huge prison cell with 30 people, and it directly occupies more than half of it.

The tail full of barbs is even more sturdy, and the two pairs of inverted fleshy wings also occupy a large area. Now they are clearly still curled up, so they squeezed Jose into the corner. It can fill two cells of this size.

Glancing at the behemoth in front of him fearfully, Jose barely restrained his retching.

He learned from the woman's mouth that this monster called [Sorrowful Demon] was the middle-aged businessman who cried bitterly back then.

Before being completely transformed into a demon, the man still remembered that he had tried to intercede, so he had a little bit of affection, so he could become the only living person in the entire dungeon...

Was it my weird good luck?

Even though his limbs were weak and dizzy with hunger, Jose couldn't help but flood the thought.

Unlike the ignorant Hans, he noticed the abnormality in himself very early.

Usually, I am just an ordinary person, but my luck is much worse than the average person, but if it really comes to life and death, there are often people who can't be beaten, and inexplicably pull my hand.

In the past, I followed my uncle to run a business and was caught accidentally. The entire caravan was hacked to death by bandits, but the person guarding me was illiterate, because I needed someone who could count to check the harvest, so I temporarily saved my life. .

However, no matter how much he delays, the goods are still a little out of the day. Just as he was shivering and preparing to die, it happened that Her Majesty the Queen attacked the rebellious Rust family and sent a team to kill the bandits.

But because he was the only survivor, he was regarded as the bandit's inner responder, and he was about to be hanged on the gallows to be hanged. At this time, he accidentally broke the black hood of his head, and the person responsible for the execution was an acquaintance who knew him. His uncle had saved his life, so he vigorously proved that he was not an internal response, and was not killed because he needed someone to count the goods. ...

This kind of thing has happened dozens of times, and sometimes it even happens one after another, in and out of various mortal situations in a short period of time.

However, whenever I am in a desperate situation and I feel that I will die, something will happen actively or passively, and I will inexplicably rely on good or bad people.

Although the result is either bruised or bruised, or the family wealth is lost, but they can always save their lives with various strange reasons.

I really don't know if this situation should be called good luck or bad luck...

But this time, I shouldn't be able to escape.

He sniffed the air mixed with the smell of animals and blood, and Jose closed his eyes with a face ashes.

Now that this dungeon is full of monsters, where is the right person for me to meet? I'm afraid I'm going to starve to death this time, right?

If you look at it this way, maybe those who are directly killed by monsters will be a little happier, at least they don't have to endure hunger and torture for several days, they can enjoy themselves...


A thunderous sound sounded, and a large amount of gravel fell from the ceiling of the entire dungeon, smashing on the body of [Sorrowful Demon].

Jose subconsciously shrank to the corner, and struggled to hide behind a triangular slate...

It was this slate that saved his life last time, and something similar happened before that. It seems that the Griddy family transferred the soldiers who used hammers and wanted to gouge the dungeon directly from above.

The strength of those strong men is really not small, and they smashed gravel everywhere in just one round. Even the large chandelier whose ceiling was wedged directly into the cracks of the stone fell down, crushing two unlucky monsters.

He secretly compared the consequences of the two times, and found that although there was only one sound this, not only was the sound louder, the cracked gravel was even more than half an hour before, and it was obviously stronger. many.

But it shouldn't help. As long as that woman is there, it may be more difficult to break through than the ordinary city wall, and the people above are afraid of wasting their efforts.

Sure enough, the tall and strong woman just frowned, then reached out and touched the wall next to her.

The moment she retracted her palm, a large number of granulation-like plants began to grow wildly, covering the entire dungeon in the blink of an eye, and then immediately hardened, firmly holding up the roof that had cracked dozens of places.

However, just as she lowered her head to read again, a roar that was ten times stronger than last time suddenly rang out, and the entire dungeon shook. There were flying rubble and bricks everywhere, and the hardened granulation was also shaken. Broken inch by inch.

The tall woman closed the book in her hand, and looked at the ceiling that was about to fall apart in amazement.

How can it be so powerful! Did they find a giant?

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