This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 882: Could you hurry up and vote? (superior)

Holy crap, the big one is coming!

Feeling the evil forces that had grown out of nothing and gradually condensed, William, who had just taken off his socks, was startled, and he hurried out of his tent without even bothering to put on his shoes.

"William, this kind of fishing can't go on any longer."

The slightly dignified reminder of the goddess pulling the hips sounded.

"That fourth-order elf traitor will only attract a few sixth-order dark elves at most. But now you have captured five sixth-order dark elves, and the strong they can hook up with are no longer weak. If you continue If you let him call his comrades with magic, the next time he will come back will most likely be the mistress of a certain big family.

The total number of believers in the spider queen is not large, so they are more concerned about their own believers than most gods, so although the strength of those mistresses is not particularly strong, they are all voters who have been recognized by her.

Coupled with the fact that the dark elves do not have the Pope's statement, these mistresses are not only voters, but also her shepherds in the world. If you really touch those mistresses, you will definitely be noticed by her. I'm afraid I can't hide the secret. "

"alright, I got it."

William, who rushed out of the tent, raised his head, looked at the huge cloud that gradually solidified in the night sky, and then nodded with satisfaction in his eyes:

"A few days ago, more than 600 people were arrested in total. In addition to today's more than 200, the number of dark elves is enough for the time being. When the big baby who can spin silk is caught, I promise to stop immediately!"


A screeching sound of cracking rocks and piercing clouds sounded, interrupting William's answer and tearing up the quiet night completely.

Chaos, destruction, darkness... The evil and huge power gradually condensed, with a terrifying coercion that made one's heart sink, directly tore the white moonlight, and opened a fish-eye-shaped dark crack in the air .

Accompanied by frantic prayers and treacherous singing, a cluster of pale candles lit up from the crack, illuminating the huge dark cavity on the other side of the crack.

Immediately afterwards, there were several wild roars from the corners of the cavity, and hundreds of pairs of green fluorescent lights lighted up at the same time. Afterwards, he successfully conquered all opponents and struggled to get to the front of the rift.

That's the [Lighting Device] ah...

After seeing the cold candlelight in the crack, William's eyes couldn't help showing a little nostalgia. The last time he saw this thing, it was still on the **** of the ninth-order Blasphemer Warlock. .

As an artifact left by the spider queen in the world, although this thing looks like a candle, it will not shorten due to burning, but will only consume one after another candlesticks made of strong corpses in response to knowing the spider queen. The call of believers of some real names.

As for the specific effect...


The highly penetrating scream sounded again, and a pair of dark green chelicerae with barbs and bristles suddenly protruded out, as if they had grabbed some entity, directly stuck on the edge of the black cavity, abruptly smashing the huge The body was dragged out of it.

With the roar of the pained monster, a huge monster nearly four meters high squeezed out of the crack and slammed into the soft ground with a bang. And this giant, larger than a main battle tank, fell from the air, and the effect was completely equivalent to a small earthquake, causing the elves who rushed out of the tent to stagger.

"Evil... Evil God!"

"Come on! Spider... that evil **** has come to arrest us!"

"I...I don't want to die!"

"Great daughter of fertility, I am still loyal to you, please perform miracles to save your devout believers!"

Screaming, roaring, praying, crying... After noticing the real face of the strange noise, many elves who had just got up from the dizziness lost their legs and fell again uncontrollably.

Although some of the more resolute elves did not make a fool of themselves, they still couldn't help looking at the huge half-length spider struggling to stand up.

In the past month or so, although the bodies of these elves haven't suffered much damage, their spirits have long been overwhelmed and suffered unimaginably heavy losses.

A large number of clansmen were killed, and although they were not killed, they were also taken captive and left their homes. Then he had to blaspheme the gods he believed in, suffered the corruption of the spider queen, and was finally handed over to an unknown human, who was about to go to an unknown place that he had never heard of.

The death of their relatives, the collapse of their beliefs, and their uncertain future... Under a series of huge shocks, these elves have long been on the verge of collapse. If it wasn't for Kiran, who rescued them from the sea of ​​misery, relying on his good reputation, he guaranteed that they would be properly If it is placed, I am afraid that some people will not be able to support it long ago.

And relying on the hope in their hearts or "lucky mentality", they managed to support it until now, but when they saw the evil **** who destroyed everything reappeared, these elves have completely lost the will to resist, and even waved weapons against them The courage is gone.


[Encountered the sudden attack of the "Spider Queen" LV78, the morale of the legion "Fine Leaf Elf" -3]

[Due to the recent contamination of the belief of the spider **** queen, the morale of the legion "Fine Leaf Elf" -3]

[Legion Features: The Birds of Fright are activated. Before the reorganization and training, the Legion "Fine Leaf Elf" will be in a state of collapse when faced with any battle. If the battle lasts for more than 5 minutes, there will be escape-type attrition.]


hey... guessed it.

Although I knew that these elves might not be of much use, it is a bit exaggerated to collapse when they meet, and this psychological shadow is really heavy.

Seeing Aldo, who was trying to maintain order in the crowd, but was unable to appease the elves at all, William had to shake his head helplessly, and then turned to look at a couple who came out pushing a wheelchair.

After nodding politely, William raised his arm to point at the collapsed elf, gestured to the mummy in the wheelchair, and then disappeared in place with a disgruntled meow.

"Don't! Dangerous!"

Seeing that William rushed up alone, it seemed that he was preparing to face the giant spider monster alone. The little woman couldn't help but look tight. After rubbing her abdomen hesitantly, she gritted her teeth and stomped her feet to help, but she was caught by one. The bandaged arm stopped in place.

"It's okay, don't worry."

Facing his wife's doubtful eyes, the mummy comforted softly:

"You forgot? He was the one who killed the Shadow Pope. Although this spider monster is not weak, it is impossible to compare to the Shadow Pope. It must not hurt him."

After hearing her husband's the little woman calmed down a little, and also remembered what her daughter had said before, her expression suddenly relaxed a little, but she still said stubbornly:

"Then we can't do nothing and just watch here?"

"Of course not, and before he was taken away by the black cat, he had already assigned us a task,"

The mummy closed her eyes and felt the sound from the back of the camp, where the dark elves were imprisoned. She seemed to have regained the feeling of the past, and chuckled with a nostalgic expression:

"Let's go, push me to find the patriarch of that elf tribe. If you want these elves to settle down, I'm afraid his help is indispensable."


Chapter 2... Visually 1.20...

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