This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 883: Can you hurry up and vote (middle)

When the giant panda mother's parents found Aldo, who was devastated, and began to help the alchemist master who was completely incapable of fighting to appease the clan, William had also been brought behind the spider monster by the little black cat.

After squinting at the six pairs of spinners in its abdomen, and the spinning holes the size of an adult male's thigh, William nodded with satisfaction.

"It's okay, the silk production of this thing should not be low."

"Huh? Little guy, are you interested in my body?"

Accompanied by a slightly hoarse and sultry tone, the graceful body lying on the spider's carapace slowly stretched and stood upright, then twisted over the upper body that was squeezed by the crack, and cast a silky wink full of appetite at William. .

"You look great, and it would be nice to have some fun activities before eating you a little bit."

Seemingly responding to the "half" female elf's words, the lower half of the armored spider held up four pairs of huge arthropods covered with chitin exoskeletons, turned around and let out a low roar at William. Green eyes lined up from large to small stared at him.

The pairs of poisonous fangs in the ferocious mouth suddenly swayed, and the dark green poison glands on the oblique side squeezed out a few drops of saliva-like liquid, pulling the sticky threads and ticking to William's feet, while a little blue-green smoke floated. , and also ablated several dark potholes on the ground.

It is estimated that if it was not suppressed by some kind of force, the spider would probably pounce in the next second, either inserting its fangs into William's body, or directly protruding two pairs of thick chelicerae, and put the man with the cat in front of him. Thoroughly shredded.


The fun activity you're talking about...not sure if that's what I'm thinking of?

No other meaning, I just think, as a f-swinging spider who should "think on the lower body", why does your lower body and your upper body think differently...

After being harassed by the other party who didn't know whether it was from sexual desire or appetite, William took a sneak peek at the upper body of the descendant of the spider queen, and with a purely academic mentality, studied the pair of giant objects that were described as being destroyed by 404. After that, subconsciously, he couldn't help but smack his lips.

Good guy, although this has something to do with body size, her size is actually much more "outstanding" than the giant panda mother, really...

Weird, look again! Just a glance!


"Are you interested in this thing?"

He raised his hand and held it in front of him, causing a huge wave that would be ruthlessly shielded. Looking at William, who turned his head in embarrassment, the naked "Dark Elf" couldn't help showing a playful smile.

"Hehe, shy? You are really cute!"

After driving the huge armored spider like a tank and turning half a circle around William, who had a small black cat lying on his shoulders, the "Dark Elf" shook his head regretfully.

With this wave of three movements, the long white hair behind her was swayed a lot, and relying on the amazing amount of hair that could make countless bald girls envy to death, the harmful weathering was finally reduced to a level that can be broadcast. out level.

"It's a pity, I don't mind what happens to you, even if it happens for a long time, but when I accepted the call this time, the contract I made was to kill all the living creatures around me, so it's only right don't stop..."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, can I ask you a question?"

After looking at the appearance of this spider descendant, and after looking at the countless green spider eyes in the crack, William said hesitantly:

"If I remember correctly, a guy like you with a humanoid upper body and a spider's lower body should be the direct descendant of the spider queen? That dark elf over there is only sixth-order, so even if she sacrificed her own Everything, it shouldn't be possible to pull you over?"

"Huh? You know us very well!"

Raising his hand to remove the long white hair in front of him, and once again switching the TV channel from the public channel to HBO, the Spider Queen looked at William who looked away, pinched his chin and said with a smile:

"Indeed, even if she sacrificed everything, she was not qualified to pull me over, but the crack of the [Candlelight] happened to open beside me, and I was just bored, so try to come out and see look."

As if to prove that she was not lying, she not only turned around to show William's crushed back, but also drove the armored spider under her to move, revealing the bent and deformed chelipeds and the giant Fracturing the carapace.

"Oh, that's how it is……"

After nodding suddenly in his eyes, William nodded to Spider-girl who patiently answered his question, and said a little embarrassedly:

"Then...I actually have a question.

As the direct descendant of the spider queen, do you have the spider queen's gaze on you? Will she notice if I catch you? "


After hearing William's question, the playful Spider-girl couldn't help but stiffen, her expression suddenly became a lot indifferent, and her voice was cold and authentic:

"It's very ambitious, but you don't have to worry about that.

I am the second-generation blood descendant of Lord Spider Queen, and she lays more than 100 eggs each time, while the first-generation god-sons lay more than 3,000 eggs.

Although most of them can't share the grace of Lord Spider Queen, they are all idiots who only know how to eat and reproduce, only one thousandth of them can awaken their wisdom, and they are more like me who inherit the half-spider and half-elf body. is less than one ten thousandth.

But for the spider queen with huge heirs, I am just a descendant with good talent, and it is not worthy of her precious energy to give her attention. "

Got it, it's safe, you can catch it.

After nodding with a look of relief, William stuck out his tongue and licked his lower lip, then said with a slightly shy expression:

"Then... the last question, if I cut you horizontally, can the big spider below you survive alone?"


After receiving the confused look of the Spider Queen's descendants, William scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and said:

"Although you only have the upper body, your upper half is still a human figure, isn't it? If you were locked up and twitched every I always feel... weird.

So I thought, if you can live by separating the upper and lower parts, then only half of them will be left this time! It's a bit perverted to keep a creature that resembles a humanoid in captivity, and I really can't do it. "

Seeing the Spider Queen's offspring whose expression turned cold and his eyes gradually began to congeal, William pointed to the sky with a sincere expression.

"Why don't you do this? Anyway, the crack in the [Candlelight Tool] has not been closed. If you agree, I can help you climb back and replace it with a few pure spider monsters without an upper body."

"Oh, by the way, remember to help me pick a few with a big butt. Spiders with a big **** usually produce more silk, and the size is similar to yours."


"you wanna die!!!"

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