This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 101 Returners from Another World

"Brother Ling, I want this, this, and this!"

Pado kept pointing at this and that to Ling Yu.

I was really touched, but I couldn't take any of the things I should take.

"Okay, okay, you can calculate it yourself. If you don't have money, I'll mortgage you here." Ling Yu said perfunctorily.

He was busy helping Esther choose bracelets and necklaces, so he didn't have time to pay attention to Pado.

Pado, who was perfunctorily treated, was not angry. Under the enthusiastic eyes of the clerk, she selected various items.

She turned to choose the ones with less labor costs, because she wanted gold, not craftsmanship.

Alicia chose a delicate and small necklace and planned to give it to Eden as a gift.

Looking at the golden chain in her hand, a smile appeared on her face.

"Eden should be very happy if he receives it."

Meijiu and Luna chose the same bracelet. They put their hands together, just like sisters.

The two slept together every night and fell in love with each other.

After everyone had chosen, Ling Yu went to check out.

Just a few hundred thousand, he still has this little money.

"Welcome to visit next time!"

The store manager respectfully escorted Ling Yu and his group out, and the smile on his face could not be suppressed at all.

Under the light, the jewelry on the women was golden.

Looking at the smiles on their faces, Ling Yu felt that his ability to spend money was still very strong.

"It's only seven o'clock in the evening, do you want to go see the city at night?"

"I agree with whatever Brother Ling says!"

Paduo was the first to agree.

She is now Ling Yu's loyal little fan girl, and she is willing to do anything except die.

"Then go and help us open the door of the mall. It's too heavy, and I'm too lazy to move."

Ling Yu pointed to the glass door of the mall and said.

Because the air conditioner needs to be turned on to prevent the cold air from escaping, the door is closed.


Paduo, who has no memory of the Moon War, naturally doesn't think there is anything wrong with opening the door, so she readily agreed, walked to the door quickly, and opened the door of the mall for everyone.

But at the moment when Paduo opened the door.

A buzzing sound suddenly sounded, and the blue space channel suddenly opened at the door.


Pado turned his head subconsciously after noticing it.

In an instant,

a sharp spear pierced out from inside and went straight to Pado's lower abdomen.


Ai Li was startled and subconsciously stretched out her hand.

And Pado was also stunned, and the whole person stood there in a daze.

Just when the spear was about to pierce Pado, a dark arm suddenly grabbed the spear, and then the knife light passed upward along the spear, and the figure in the space channel was directly wiped out.

"Dare to kill the cat who opened the door in front of me, you have already killed it."

Xu Shu's big hand reached out and directly grabbed the dumbfounded cat back.

Looking at the space channel in front, Ling Yu's pupils were sharp.

Seeing that Pado was fine, Ai Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Everything happened so suddenly that even she didn't react.

"Ling, Brother Ling! Woohoo~"

After surviving the disaster, Paduo hugged Lingyu and cried.

She looked almost like a sloth.

"It seems that I have to set the rainbow stone to passive."

Lingyu was a little scared.

Paduo almost died for the fourth time because of the door.

Thinking of how she was completely shocked just now, Paduo blushed.

It happened suddenly, and she didn't have time to react.

After patting Paduo's head and indicating that she was fine, Lingyu looked forward.

Ji Guoyuan, who was in the shadow soldier state, held a blue flame sword in one hand and looked at the blue transmission channel expressionlessly.

The people around were also confused.

"Space channel? Quick, call the monitoring bureau!"

Someone reacted and quickly took out his mobile phone.

But at the moment he took out his mobile phone, an arrow attacked and shot the man's head directly.

The world was quiet for a while.

And then there was a huge scream.

"Lingyu, what is that?"

Aili looked at Lingyu.

As a person from this world, Ling Yu should know.

"There is something called space crack in this world, which is a channel connecting other worlds."

"Through it, people from two worlds can travel to each other."

"And above this is the space channel, which is larger than the space crack. Generally, its appearance means there will be a large-scale disaster." Ling Yu said calmly.

[Congratulations on starting the trial of the dungeon, the passer of the trial tower. ]

An orange pop-up window appeared in front of Ling Yu. Looking at the prompt on it, Ling Yu's pupils condensed.

[Please stop it, this impending doomsday...]

The pop-up window information was not displayed yet, and it closed with a click.

[Sorry host, I took a nap and let that guy connect to you through the magic tower system. ]

[In order to make up for this loss, you will be compensated for a random sign-in. ]

The voice of the system came, leaving Ling Yu speechless.

"In other words, the owner of the trial tower where I passed through the D-level space crack has come?" Ling Yu asked.

[Yes, but now the system has completely cut off the signal, it will not appear in front of you again.]

"It can actually cross the boundary to locate, the manager is quite capable."

Ling Yu looked at the blue space channel with interest.

After more than a dozen humanoid monsters similar to demons were killed by Jiguo Yuanyi one after another, a naked man walked out of it.

The muscles on his body were very tight, and there was a smell of blood all over his body. It was obvious at a glance that he crawled out of a pile of dead people.

After seeing the man, Luna subconsciously took out the Water Fairy Type II and looked at the man nervously.

The blessing of the wind god Barbatos told her that this man was dangerous!

"here it is……?"

The man looked around blankly, and was suddenly startled when he saw the shopping mall.

Then he showed excitement.

"I'm back, I'm really back!"

In the ten years since he was chosen as a hero to go to another world, he has wanted to come back all the time.

Now, he succeeded!

As long as he completes the final mission, he will never have to go back to that damn different world again.

Originally, he was hunting monsters with one hand. Suddenly, a hateful voice summoned him to another world appeared and issued him the final mission.

"What a nice view!"

After seeing Ai Li and the others, the man's pupils shrank.

He has seen all kinds of princesses and royal daughters, but they are far less beautiful than the women in front of him.

Among the girls, Ling Yu seemed to be an eyesore.

[Final mission: Defeat the rebellious passers

Introduction: Kill those who usurp the Trial Tower system and refuse to go to the Land of Glory.

Reward: Return. 】

Looking at the orange pop-up window in front of him, the man immediately locked onto Ling Yu.

From his perspective, there was an arrow on Ling Yu's head, letting him understand that Ling Yu was the ultimate goal of this mission.

"Although I don't know what the Tower of Trial is, I will decide your fate!"

The man yelled at Ling Yu.

He violently trampled the corpse of the monster on the ground to explode. Just when he was about to rush towards Ling Yu, a sword flashed across him.


Under the man's dull gaze, his arm fell directly to the ground.

Looking at the arm burning with blue flames on the ground, the man's eyes were full of disbelief.

Just because a soul-like figure stood in front of him.

"Just abolish it, don't kill it."

Ling Yu ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

As soon as Ji Guoyuan received the order, the blue flames of the sword in his hand streaked through the void like a dragon, and chopped off the man's limbs.

"Don't even think about it!"

The man who reacted shouted loudly and quickly dodged Enichi Tsukuni's attack.

After all, he is a person who has been fighting in another world for ten years, so he still has some strength.

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