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Chapter 102 It's time for magic


There was a metallic clang.

A metal bracer appeared on the man's arm, blocking Enichi Tsukuni's blow.

"Axiba, no matter what, I have been killing people in another world for ten years, how could I be killed by you so easily!"

The man yelled angrily.

He finally got the [Return] mission, but he didn’t want to go back at all!

Facing the man's roar, Ji Guoyuan remained unmoved and continued to wave the weapon in his hand.

"It turns out to be Xiao Xihachi, let Xiao Sakura deal with it."

Ling Yu was happy listening to the man's words.

There was a "pop" and a crisp finger snap.

Immediately afterwards, two figures, Black Death Mou and Izanami, appeared out of thin air.

"Catch them alive."

Ling Yu hugged Pado with one hand, pointed at the man with the other, and said calmly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Two respectful voices sounded, one man and one beast lowered their heads respectfully, and at the same time they shot at the man who was fighting with Ji Guoyuan.

Ellie's beautiful eyes trembled.

She had never seen such a strange ability.

The blue-black flame is like a karmic fire that burns the soul.

Not hot like ordinary fire, but extremely cold, like Kevin's ice.

"They call you king..."

Ai Li looked at Ling Yu.

"He's just the commander-in-chief of a small army, not worth mentioning." Ling Yu chuckled.

A small army...

Luna and the others, who knew the truth, looked at each other.

I'm afraid that as long as Ling Yu thinks about it, all the souls buried under the earth will be used by him.

"Damn it, what are these things, why can't they be killed!"

The man under siege was stunned.

Even when facing the four great monarchs of the demon clan, he had never been so embarrassed.

His fists seemed to hit the shadow soldiers as if they were hitting the air, without any real feeling at all.


The angry man slammed the ground hard.


The earth shook, and instantly, numerous cracks appeared on the ground, the cement building the foundation bulged, and the load-bearing columns broke.

Just as the mall was about to collapse, a blue light suddenly passed by.

In an instant, the shopping mall that was about to collapse returned to its original state.

"Wha, what?"

The man looked at the intact shopping mall around him in astonishment, wondering if he was dreaming.

He obviously looked like he was about to collapse just now...

"It's too disrespectful to cause damage in front of the Lawyer of Reason."

Ling Yu, who put his hand on the cat's head, had a look of contempt on his lips.

"Brother Ling is so handsome!"

Cat worship.

All he needs is little hearts in his eyes.

“Can the Herrscher of Reason’s ability still be used like this?”

Ellie said that it was the first time she saw it. If the Herrscher of the previous civilization were on their side, it would be like a building standing on the earth.

This ability, similar to time retrieval, left the man completely confused.

"We can't let him continue to destroy so unscrupulously. Let's take him to the imaginary number space."

Ling Yu said.

Izanami took the order, stretched out her big hand, grabbed the man's head, and pushed him backwards.

At the same time, the dark golden imaginary number space opened behind the man, and the man's whole body was stuffed into the imaginary number space by Izanami, pressing his head.

"Aren't we going to help?"

Alicia asked as she watched the man and the three shadow soldiers disappear.

"Ellie, if you want to play, you can try it."

"She almost hurt Phyllis. As the second among the Thirteen Heroes, how could she just let it go?"

Ellie's blue eyes turned pink.

She is very angry now.

Especially hurting a lovely girl in front of her is unforgivable!

"Then let's go together."

Looking at Alicia's appearance, Ling Yu felt that he should have a chance to experience the legendary magic.

The imaginary number space opened and Ling Yu and his party were brought in.

Before leaving, Ling Yu took a special look at the mall's cameras.

Behind the screen is the Luoshui City Monitoring Bureau.

"He found us!"

The expression of the director of Luoshui City Monitoring Bureau changed slightly.

"The power to restore the entire mall in an instant, as well as the mysterious dark power."

"Who is he in the end..."

imaginary number space

With the blessing of the Breath of the Sun, Liubianruohuo completed the initial solution.

He swung out a flame tornado with a temperature of more than 6,000 degrees, turned into a fire dragon, and killed the man.

There was no emotion at all on his cold face.

Feeling the terrifying temperature coming from the fire dragon, the man looked horrified.

He jumped up suddenly and saw the ground melting where the fire dragon fell below.

"Bright light, illuminating the earth!"

But just when he was glad that he had escaped, a clear voice came from above.

Pink light bloomed above the head.

Then, he saw a magic wand continuously dilating in his shrunken pupils.


The next second, the man was slammed into the ground like a falling meteor shower, splashing countless dust.

The pink light dissipated, and a beautiful figure flew in the air holding a magic wand.


An ethereal cry came.

A pink and white ray flew from a distance and landed at Alicia's feet.

"Huh~ I haven't used it for a long time. Fortunately, I'm not unfamiliar."

Ellie, who was standing on the back of the Origin Ray, wiped the non-existent sweat from her forehead.

"It seems that I still have the potential to be a magical girl."


"As expected."

"Luna, do you know? The so-called magic is to pretend to chant and hit the opponent with a stick when he is not paying attention."

Ling Yu sighed when he saw Ai Li's attack, and then said to Luna seriously.

Luna: "???"

What kind of physical magic theory is that.

"Cough, puff!"

The man who was half lying in the deep pit

spurted out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, his flesh and blood were blurred, and his head was sunken.

It's obvious that it was the effect of Ai Lishia's magic.


The man who covered his chest was very angry.

He staggered to his feet, his eyes full of ferocity.

But soon, his anger turned into fear.

Two breezes passed by him on both sides.

Kuroshibo and Tsugikoku Yoriichi had already appeared behind the man, and blood was dripping from the blades in their hands.

The next second


As blood gushed out, the man's limbs were all cut off.

The man, with only his upper body left, fell to the ground with a thud.

Izanami stepped forward, and the blue flame burned to help him seal the wound.

Silence for a moment


The miserable screams resounded throughout the imaginary world, and an orange pop-up window popped up in front of the man.

[Mission failed! ]

The pop-up window then shattered.

"No, don't!"

Ignoring the man's miserable screams, Izanami grabbed his body and dragged him in front of Ling Yu.

"Your Majesty."

Izanami knelt on one knee, lowered her head, and said respectfully to Ling Yu.


After nodding as a response, Ling Yu took out a disposable card and put it into the desperate man's face, and then handed it to Alicia who flew back.

"Here you go, I think Mebius should like it."

Ling Yu said in Alicia's puzzled eyes.

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