This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 103 Visitors from the Monitoring Bureau


Hearing Ling Yu's words, Alysia took it thoughtfully.

Is it for Mobius?

Waving away the three shadow soldiers, Ling Yu opened the imaginary passage connecting the store.

It's a bit inappropriate to go back to the mall now, maybe I will bump into a lot of people.

"I'm back."

Passing through the imaginary space, Paduo looked at the familiar store and said.

"The ability of the Herrscher of the Void is really convenient." Aly also sighed.

It's simply a must-have for travel.

I go to the other side of the world to play during the day and go home to sleep at night.

This is simply a dream-like life.

"Let's do this for today, I'll take you out to play next time."

Ling Yu showed an apologetic look to the three people.

"It's okay, I'm already very happy today." Cecilia said quickly.

Going shopping, watching movies, these simple things were also a luxury for Cecilia in the past.

So she is very precious and happy about today's experience.

Ling Yu looked at Cecilia with emotion.

Is this the mother-in-law?

She was so gentle that he cried to death!

So he said solemnly: "I will definitely take you to see more scenery in the future."

Cecilia blushed, replied softly "yeah", and stopped talking.

"Pado, don't open the door for others in the future, no matter who asks you to open the door."

Then, Ling Yu said to Maomao very seriously.

Maomao opened the door, as if there was some magic spell.

Something must happen.

"I, I know!"

Pado was puzzled, but seeing Ling Yu's look, she nodded hurriedly.

Seeing that Maomao listened, Ling Yu put his hand on her head and rubbed it.

Pado also showed a comfortable expression.

Pado, who learned from the cat, naturally inherited the cat's preferences and characteristics.


Unknown Planet

In the barren desert, a huge marble tower similar to the ancient Roman style stands here.

"Even the disaster is no match?"

"What exactly is that dark ability..."

Inside the tower, a bearded man looked at the man being beaten by three shadow soldiers on the screen and fell into deep thought.

The blue gold disaster, even in the Land of Glory, is a powerful monarch-level fighter.

But such a person was overwhelmingly defeated by a human who had just been thrown into the world of the Trial Tower.

"And that power that can directly interfere with the main system, did other managers intervene?"

The more the manager thought about it, the more puzzled he became.

"In any case, that world has the meaning of being observed."

"I remember that there seems to be a traverser in that world."

The man murmured, tapping the screen in front of him with both hands

Finally, a man holding a spear appeared on the screen.

"It's you."

"Knight of the spear, Jin Cheng."

Looking at the man holding a blue spear on the screen, the corner of the manager's mouth slightly raised.

Jin Cheng, from a planet called Aquamarine, was summoned to another world as a traverser a second before the impact of the nuclear explosion.

It has been ten years since he crossed over.

His power is stronger than that of the Cangjin Disaster that was killed by Ling Yu, and he is already a king-level monarch.

"I must catch you back! All the trialists who refuse to go to the Land of Glory must die!"

Looking at the picture of Ling Yu, there was a light flashing in his eyes.

He found Ling Yu through the "line" of the magic tower system that was usurped by Ling Yu's dimensional system, and was blocked in time by the dimensional system, so he didn't know that Ling Yu was in another world.

But relatively speaking, he also located the coordinates of Ling Yu's main world.

It is still possible to open a space to send someone.



Because Cecilia needed to train, she went back early after saying goodbye.

But Alicia and Padofilis didn't.

The current Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire are like atomic bombs to the World Snake.

Unless there is a major event, they will not be easily dispatched.

This also makes them very idle, so even if Ali and the others don't go back for a month, nothing will happen.

The remaining Paduo and Ai Li moved into Meijiu's house.

It was mainly Ai Lixia's wish, but Paduo was forced to do so.

Meijiu's house is actually quite big, with an area of ​​more than 200 square meters, so there must be a lot of rooms.

This also prevented Ling Yu from saying to them: My house is actually quite big.

And Ai Lixia's purpose of actively asking to move in is to stick together.

With a laugh, Ling Yu lifted the quilt and lay down on the bed.

"System, I want to sign in."

He didn't forget the sign-in that the system gave him as compensation.

Now he just happens to be free.

[Sign in successfully! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill: Magic Sword Creation]

"Magic Sword Creation?"

Ling Yu was stunned when he heard the voice of the system.

Then he closed his eyes and felt the ability he gained by signing in.

Magic Sword Creation: A power that can create any magic sword, and the magic sword created has the same ability and characteristics as the original.

"System, are you going to train me to be a weapon master?"

Ling Yu asked after understanding the principle.

What he lacks the most right now is weapons, and the system gives him the skill to create weapons.

In response, the system gives its own answer.

[It is always better to have many skills. ]

Ling Yu: "...That's true."

He really couldn't refute the system.

Suddenly, a faint blue light lit up in his hand, and a dark magic sword was created in an instant.

Dark golden lines are engraved on the obsidian-like sword body, adding a touch of mystery to it.

After sizing it up, Ling Yu threw it into the imaginary number space.

With a 'chi' sound, the magic sword that was thrown into the imaginary space was stably inserted into the ground.

When you zoom out, you can see that this land is densely covered with hundreds of weapons of different styles.

the next day



Alicia, who had slept until she woke up naturally, looked at Miku and Luna who were still sleeping with a puzzled expression.

Did they get up so late?

As everyone knows, Mijiu and Luna originally had a good routine, but it was suddenly disrupted by Ling Yu.

We already go to work at 10:30, who still gets up early?

"If you don't wake up, you can't blame me."

Alicia smiled and lifted Miku's quilt.

As for Ling Yu, he turned over with Esther in his arms and continued to be immersed in sleep.

at the same time

In front of Dimensional Store

Several people from the Monitoring Bureau looked at each other in confusion as they looked at the closed door.

It's already o'clock, why don't you open the door yet?

Among these people is the director of the Luoshui City Monitoring Bureau.

Finally, under his order, the group began to rest where they were, waiting for Ling Yu to come to work.

It wasn't until eleven o'clock that the door was opened.


Luna opened the door and looked at the people sitting on the stairs with doubts.

"who are you?"


"It's finally open!"

After hearing the sound, Changjiang Anzhou of the Monitoring Bureau suddenly stood up and looked at Luna with eyes full of excitement.

Do you know how long they have been waiting here? A whole Kun hour!

"Then, who are you?"

Seeing those people looking like hungry wolves looking at lambs, Luna subconsciously took a step back.

"Ahem, sorry, I scared you."

"We are from the Luoshui City Monitoring Bureau."

"We are here today to talk to Mr. Ling Yu about something."

After Jiang Anzhou finished speaking, he saw Luna looking at him blankly.

After five seconds of silence, there was a 'click' and the store door was slammed shut by Luna.

Looking at the re-closed door, Luna didn't dare to stop at all, and quickly turned around and ran away.

While running, he shouted: "Shopkeeper, it's over, your copper smelting was discovered!"

Ling Yu, who was feeding Esther milk, couldn't help but twitch the glass in his hand.

"Ling Yu, do you still open a factory?"

Alicia, who didn't know why, wondered.

Really rich and multi-billion dollar.

Ling Yu: "..."

"It's not about practicing, Sister Ai Li, it's about love... Wuwu!"

Before Luna could finish speaking, Miku covered her mouth.

She looked at Alicia with an apologetic look: "This child has lost her mind while sleeping. I will take her to the bathroom to wash up now."

Luna was puzzled at first, but she woke up after seeing Ling Yu's smiling eyes. After shuddering, she allowed Mijiu to drag her into the bathroom.

"It seems that the person from yesterday came here."

Under Alicia's gaze, Ling Yu handed the milk in his hand to Pado for feeding, and walked towards the door without changing his expression.


The door was opened, revealing four people in plain clothes.

"Please come in."

Ling Yu made an invitation gesture to them.

The few people who were initially confused because it was closed looked at each other and walked into the store one by one.

After arranging the four of them on the sofa in the living room, Ling Yu took the initiative to ask: "What do you four want from me?"

"Mr. Ling Yu, I am Changjiang Anzhou from the Monitoring Bureau. I am here today to confirm a few things with you."

Jiang Anzhou's words were very humble, which made Ling Yu feel a little dazed.

In the previous world, he wouldn't even be able to get along with Xiao Ling.

Is this the awe that power brings?

As for Jiang Anzhou, who came today, they must have already determined his identity, and they were just here as a formality.

"you say."

"September 7th was the bat-shaped monster you killed in the suburbs, right?"


"Can you tell us the reason why you took action to stop it?" Jiang Anzhou asked.

"If it causes damage in the city, I won't be able to go shopping and buy groceries."

Ling Yu spread his hands and said.

"What?" Jiang Anzhou was stunned.

The four of them who originally thought that Ling Yu would say something like: it annoys me, it's too ugly, I just want to make a contribution to society, were completely confused.

Is the reason actually because of shopping and grocery shopping?

Wait, this reason seems very practical.

If the monsters were allowed to wreak havoc in the city, the post-disaster reconstruction would definitely take a long time.

For non-salted fish and social animals, staying at home is a very painful thing.

For a moment, the four of them fell into deep thought.

"Any other questions?" Ling Yu asked.

"No, Mr. Ling Yu, I already understand your thoughts very well. The Monitoring Bureau will not interfere with your life." Jiang Anzhou said.

It can be heard from Ling Yu's words just now that he is a person who does whatever he wants.

The previous demons and last night's disaster also showed that Ling Yu's strength was not something they could interfere with.

Since no one can beat him, it is natural to make good friends.

"The reward for the demons and last night's incident will be delivered this afternoon."

"Okay, then tell me your main purpose." Ling Yu nodded and said.

Jiang Anzhou's original smile froze.

Ling Yu looked at him with a smile: "You should have checked all the information you should have checked last night, otherwise you wouldn't have come to the store to wait for me."

"Let me think about it, it was Yan Yiyue who leaked the news, right?"

"Mr. Ling Yu, didn't you think of hiding it?" Jiang Anzhou smiled.

This news is not too secret.

Just have a friendly exchange with the other party overnight and you will know.

Ling Yu took out four store cards, put them in front of Jiang Anzhou, and said: "Take one each."

Without hesitation, all four of them picked up the cards.

They had prepared a strategy long before they came, so there was no hesitation.

The moment they came into contact with the card, the information of the store was transmitted to their minds.

After receiving it, the four people from the Monitoring Bureau looked at each other and could see shock in each other's eyes.

The description I heard from Yan Yiyue before was far less shocking than the actual contact.

"I've said it beforehand that I don't want to do business with the authorities because it's too tiring."

"Just let the monitoring bureau of Luoshui City know." Ling Yu's voice came, bringing Jiang Anzhou back to his senses.

He nodded solemnly: "Please rest assured, this will become our Luoshui City's S-level secret."

No one can ask others to do anything, especially when that person has the power to crush them.

Everyone has selfishness, and Luoshui City's combat power ranking is also lower among many cities.

He has been laughed at by his colleagues.

If there is a store now, maybe he can turn the tables.

"Come with me." Ling Yu nodded, stood up, and walked towards the counter.

Jiang Anzhou looked at the card in his hand, and then walked towards the counter.

"What kind of jar is this?"

Jiang Anzhou, who was originally planning to open an ordinary jar, noticed the strange jar and asked.

"A derivative series with the same price as ordinary jars, the Qi Fu jar."

"What's the difference between it and ordinary jars?"

"The difference, the color is different?"


Aside, Ellie hugged Padu, and Padu hugged Esther.

The three of them looked at the four people quietly, just like a family of three.

Jiang Anzhou naturally noticed Ellie and the others, but his main purpose of coming this time was to confirm the authenticity of the store.

"Please give me five Qi Fu jars and five ordinary jars each."

Jiang Anzhou added up the origin points of the other three people and collected a thousand origin points.

"I'll take one thousand from you."

After crossing out the number on the card, ten jars were placed in front of Jiang Anzhou.

After seeing the jars, Jiang Anzhou first asked someone to turn on the camera, and then grabbed an ordinary jar with one hand.


The jar broke.

A blue light emerged.

A crystal stone that was like a diamond and glowed with cyan light was suspended in Jiang Anzhou's hand.

[Blue Dragon Crystal]: A mysterious crystal that holds the power of the mythical beast Blue Dragon, and can transform into a Blue Dragon warrior.

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