This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 255 Use the parting hook to get together

After the Overlord Gun, it is the sixth weapon.

Hook, parting hook!

Now that they are hooked, why are they parting? Why is it called a "parting hook"?

Because, this hook will cause parting no matter what it is hooked on. If it hooks your hand, your hand will be separated from your wrist, and if it hooks your foot, your foot will be separated from your leg.

If it hooks you in the throat, you're leaving the world.

That's it, no problem. As long as it hooks something, it is bound to cause parting.

Why use such a brutal weapon?

Because, I don't want to be forced to part with the people I love.

It turned out that the parting hook was used just to get together.

The martial arts fans were stunned, and then faintly excited. It reminds them of the Passionate Ring.

Passionate ring, called Passionate, is actually ruthless.

The parting hook, called parting, is actually a reunion.

The names of the two weapons are the same. Passionate ring and parting hook are good names.

I hope the story of the parting hook can be a little more beautiful than the love ring.

All martial arts fans think so.

The story involves two main characters, Di Qinglin and Yang Zheng.

Di Qinglin, a hereditary first-class lord, the world's number one virtuous man, and extremely strong in martial arts, is a perfect person.

Yang Zheng, the descendant of the Jianghu thief and the head of the county government, is a humble person with low martial arts skills.

Di Qinglin was still a member of the Qinglong Club. Because of an incident, he wanted to kill Yang Zheng and his favorite person.

Therefore, because of a case of robbery of darts, Yang Zheng gradually fell into a trap specially arranged and designed by Qinglong Club for him.

Yang Zheng could clearly feel that Qinglong was going to kill him, as well as the person he deeply loved.

For the sake of himself and the people he deeply loves, he will not be killed by the Blue Dragon Society. In order to be able to grow old with the person you deeply love, in order not to part with the person you deeply love.

In order to find out the truth of the matter, and also to clear his own innocence.

Yang Zheng opened a box that had been sealed for many years, and took out a weapon that his father left him.

A weapon that kills, a weapon that keeps me and my love together forever:

Farewell hook!

Yang Zheng slowly found out the black hand behind the scenes, it was Di Qinglin.

It's just that Di Qinglin is alert, smart, and extremely skilled in martial arts, so it is almost impossible for Yang Zheng to defeat Di Qinglin.

Fortunately, Di Qinglin is too proud, although he does have the capital to be proud.

Fortunately, Yang Zheng still has a parting hook.

In the end, Yang Zheng used one of his own arms as a price to let the parting hook fly obliquely and fly up the throat of Di Qinglin, who is always high above.

Let Di Qinglin leave this world.

Yang Zheng's arm left his body in exchange for Di Qinglin's separation from this world.

Without a doubt, this is a very good deal.

Di Qinglin died, and Yang Zheng could finally be with his lover forever.

He used the parting hook, really just to get together.

The story of "Parting Hook" is indeed more beautiful than "The Passionate Ring".

At least, the ending of "The Farewell Hook" is beautiful.

Martial arts fans rejoiced. And "The Farewell Hook" is undoubtedly a wonderful story.

It's just that martial arts fans always feel that there seems to be something missing at the end of "The Farewell Hook"?

After a while of discussion, everyone finally knew what was missing?

That is, at the end of "The Farewell Hook", author Li Han did not give a conclusive explanation. What is the real sixth weapon?

At the end of the first five weapons, Li Han summed up what weapons he really wanted to write about? But at the end of "The Farewell Hook", nothing is explained.

what's going on?

Did Li Han forget?

This is unlikely. Then why didn't Li Han explain clearly?

Also, since Li Han did not explain clearly, what is the real sixth weapon?

On the Internet, countless martial arts fans are talking about this.


Yuanxi Village.

The reason is naturally not because Li Han forgot.

But it was because the original book "The Parting Hook" by Master Gu Long in the previous life did not explain what the real sixth weapon was at the end?

Although, there were some publishing houses in the previous life, when they published "The Parting Hook", they added a sentence at the end of their own accord:

"The proud will lose.

This sentence should always be kept in mind by anyone. "

That said, the real sixth weapon is "the proud will lose." Or "prevent arrogance".

But this statement is only added by the publishing house according to its own understanding when publishing, and it is not really the original intention of Master Gu Long.

While possible, it is unlikely.

Because, in Master Gu Long's original work, there is no such sentence.

Moreover, the statement of "preventing arrogance" is really a bit reluctant, because weapons are used to deal with the enemy, and "prevention of arrogance" is used to alert oneself.

Saying that "preventing arrogance" is a weapon is somewhat nondescript.

So, what is the real sixth weapon? Why didn't Master Gu Long clearly point it out?

This is another eternal suspense left by Master Gu Long.

And with this suspense, there will be eternal speculation and controversy.

As it was in the past, it will certainly be the same in this world.

And this can also be said to be a good thing, there will be stories when there is controversy.

Controversy continues, and so does the story.

In fact it is.

At this time, there are many martial arts fans on the Internet, who have started speculation and controversy on this issue.

Some people say it is "determination", some people guess it is "family affection", and some people say it is "reunion" and so on.

And each statement has its own reasons, but it does not sound very reliable.

Then some people said it was "proud". The reason why Di Qinglin hooked his throat on parting was because he was too proud.

"Pride" is a weapon, a weapon that can kill oneself.

Therefore, one must know how to guard against arrogance.

This statement is more reliable and has been recognized by many people.

However, as mentioned earlier, it is still quite far-fetched.

Finally, someone mentioned "desperately".

Lan Da once asked Yang Zheng, "If you meet someone, not only will you not be able to defeat him, but you will definitely be defeated by him, what will you do then?"

Yang Zheng replied that he only had two words: desperately!

Yang Zheng has indeed been working hard all the time.

He was reluctant to use martial arts before. Therefore, when fighting the enemy, he never uses martial arts moves, but he can always hit his enemy, relying on hard work.

In the end, the reason why he was able to defeat Di Qinglin, whose martial arts were far superior to him, was indeed due to the parting hook, but it was more due to his hard work.

Because of his hard work, he dared to use one of his arms as the price, and finally succeeded in killing Di Qinglin with a parting hook.

The real sixth weapon is not the parting hook, but desperate.

This statement has been recognized by more and more people, and it feels like that is really the case.

Seeing this statement, Li Han also recognized it.

Although saying "desperately" may not be the original intention of Master Gu Long in the previous life, it feels more reliable than "guarding against arrogance".

Cheng Weifeng, the editor-in-chief of Wuxia Fengyun Magazine, called Li Han.

"Mr. Li Han, at the end of "The Parting Hook", you didn't point out what the real sixth weapon is? Now there are all kinds of speculation and controversy among book fans on the Internet. Among them, the expression 'desperately' seems to be It has been recognized by more and more people. May I ask Mr. Li Han, is it really 'desperate'?"

Li Han did not give a definite answer.

For one thing, he didn't know the exact answer.

Second, he also intends to keep the speculation and controversy about this issue going.


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