This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 256 What will be the last weapon?

Wuxia Fengyun Magazine.

The assistant asked Cheng Weifeng, "Editor-in-chief, what did Mr. Li Han say?"

Cheng Weifeng said: "Mr. Li Han did not give a clear answer."

The assistant wondered: "There is no clear answer? What does Mr. Li Han mean?"

Cheng Weifeng pondered: "The suspense should be left on purpose, so that this topic will always generate speculation and controversy. If there is a controversy, there will be a story. If the controversy continues, the story will continue, and the popularity will continue. Have."

The assistant's eyes lit up, this is a good method.

"However," the assistant thought for a while, and then said, "Isn't this method better used for the last weapon? The parting hook is the sixth weapon, and there is another weapon behind it."

Cheng Weifeng sighed deeply and said, "This is the last weapon. Or, to be more precise, this is the last weapon with a story."

Um? what's the situation?

The assistant was even more puzzled and said, "Editor-in-chief, there are seven types of weapons in total, but now there are only six types of weapons! There is still one less. How do you say the parting hook is the last weapon?"

Cheng Weifeng said: "It's not wrong to have seven weapons, but the weapons with stories are only the first six. That is to say, the last seventh weapon has no specific weapon name and no specific story. I have already done this. I have carefully confirmed it with Mr. Li Han, there is nothing wrong."

The assistant was even more astonished and somewhat incomprehensible, and said, "Editor-in-chief, what happened for a while? Why doesn't the seventh weapon have a specific weapon? There is no specific story? Mr. Li Han, what exactly is this operation? what?"

Cheng Weifeng said: "Mr. Li Han's operation, I didn't understand it at first, but after communicating with Mr. Li Han, I understand what Mr. Li Han means. The last weapon is 'No'. As for this 'No' How to understand it? It depends on each person. For example, you can understand it as, when a person's martial arts is strong enough, he no longer needs to use weapons. Or, 'None' can be any kind of weapon , a weapon that you think is the most powerful. This can be regarded as echoing the previous martial arts arena."

After listening, the assistant thought about it carefully, and finally nodded thoughtfully and said, "That is to say, in the heart of every reader, there may be a most powerful weapon. This weapon may be written in front of him. It may not be one of the six weapons in the list. So, what is the seventh weapon? Just leave it to the readers to think about it, it can be any weapon. Is that so?”

Cheng Weifeng nodded and said, "Almost,

That's what Mr. Li Han meant. I have to say that what Mr. Li Han thinks is really very human. "

The assistant nodded slowly, and then said excitedly: "Editor-in-chief, this idea of ​​Mr. Li Han's is quite wonderful! Moreover, I'm afraid it's already doomed, and it will be hotly debated for a long time. Even It may also become a classic scene in the martial arts world. We, Wuxia Fengyun Magazine, will also benefit from it.”

Cheng Weifeng said with a smile: "That's true. So, I have said more than once that Mr. Li Han came to our martial arts world across the border, and it is our luck that he is willing to publish his works on our "Wuxia Fengyun"."

The assistant nodded hurriedly, and then said: "Editor-in-chief, the serialization of "Seven Weapons" has now ended. Does Mr. Li Han plan to continue to open new books? If so, we must fight for it!"

Cheng Weifeng said: "That's for sure. However, Mr. Li Han doesn't seem to have any plans to open a new book recently. Next, I will keep in touch with Mr. Li Han in person. I also plan to find a time to visit Yuanxi Village. When you come with me."

The assistant said: "Okay, editor-in-chief."



Martial arts fans have always been discussing and debating what the real weapon represented by "The Farewell Hook" is.

Everyone's interest is high.

The expression "desperately" is being accepted and recognized by more and more people.

However, no matter how many people accept and recognize it, it can only be guesswork. Is it really? It needs to be confirmed by Li Han himself.

Only if Li Han personally confirms it will it be an authoritative answer.

However, martial arts fans could not contact Li Han. However, they were able to contact Jianghu Fengyun Magazine. I can ask the magazine to confirm with Li Han.

As a result, many martial arts fans expressed their wishes to Wuxia Fengyun Magazine through various means.

The official Wuxia Fengyun magazine quickly gave a reply.

The reply stated: Wuxia Fengyun Magazine has already asked Li Han about this issue. However, Li Han did not give a definite answer.

After getting the official reply, all the martial arts fans were a little confused.

what does it mean? Li Han did not give a clear answer?

Could it be that Li Han did not give a clear answer on purpose?

There was another heated discussion among the martial arts fans, and then they came to the conclusion that Li Han really should have deliberately not given a clear answer.

I wipe! This is too pitiful.

Martial arts fans were a little protested.

However, they also know that protesting is useless.

Besides, when you think about it, it's actually pretty good. When everyone is fine, it seems interesting to discuss and argue on the Internet.

Li Han didn't give a clear answer, and it didn't seem to be a bad thing.

In this case, there is no need to know Li Han's authoritative answer very much.

Wuxia fans are slowly thinking this way.

When the famous martial arts masters met, they had to admire Li Han, such a good method!

It's a pity that Li Han is still a little tender after all. This method is used early, and it should be used until the last weapon.

The effect used on the last weapon will definitely be better than the effect used on the penultimate weapon now.

All the famous martial arts masters were a little overjoyed, and Li Han was not as good as them in considering such issues.


Before I knew it, it was already the sixth weapon. Six wonderful stories, six of the most wonderful martial arts, make a lot of martial arts fans can't stop watching.

Then, the sense of anticipation for the last weapon can be said to be very strong.

The last weapon, will it be more exciting than the previous six weapons?

Everyone is looking forward to it, and then a little reluctant.

After seeing the seventh weapon, there will be no eighth weapon, which is quite a pity.

It would be great if Li Han could write every weapon into a story.

Every martial arts fan thinks this way, but they also know that it is impossible.

Since Li Han said that there are seven kinds of weapons, naturally there will only be seven kinds of weapons, and there will be no eighth kind of weapons.

It's really a pity.

Fortunately, there is one last weapon waiting for them.

What weapon will it be?

They are looking forward to it.

Even the famous martial arts masters are a little curious, what will Li Han write about the last weapon?

Halberd, axe, tomahawk, fork, whip, mace? Or something else?


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