This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 434 This story is so cool!

The number of followers of Li Han's official account has exceeded 10 million. And it's still rising.

As soon as "Warm Wine Kills Huaxiong" was updated, it was seen by others.

"Warm Wine Kills Hua Xiong"? Looking at the name, it seems to be the name of the story of the Three Kingdoms.

Could it be that Li Han updated the story of the Three Kingdoms?

What the hell! So fast?

People who saw the update were startled, and then very excited and excited.

Because of "Taoyuan Three Knots", they are all very eager to see more of Li Han's stories about the Three Kingdoms.

I have always been looking forward to Li Han to launch another Three Kingdoms story.

Although we have been looking forward to it, everyone thought that we would have to wait for a while at least.

I didn't expect an update so soon. Li Han's creative speed is as fast as the legend says.

Excited, they said on the Internet: "Hahaha! Good news! Good news! Mr. Li Han's official account has been updated. A new Three Kingdoms story has been launched."

There were quick responses on the web.

"Fuck! Really? So fast?"

"Of course it's true. Go and see for yourself! This time it's the story of "Warm Wine Kills Hua Xiong". This should be the story of the Three Kingdoms, right?"

"Hua Xiong? It is indeed a character of the Three Kingdoms. It seems to be a general under Dong Zhuo's subordinates. So, Mr. Li Han has really launched a new Three Kingdoms story. Hahaha! It's so cool!"


The news spread quickly, and countless people entered Li Han's official account. Sure enough, it has been updated.

It's just that "Warm wine kills Huaxiong" doesn't seem to be very easy to understand.

I know what "Zhan Huaxiong" means, and what "warm wine" means, but it seems difficult to understand when they are connected together.

Also, which character are you talking about this time? Is it the one who killed Hua Xiong? who is it?

Seeing the title, everyone has such doubts in their hearts.

And such doubts made them eager to start reading the story.

What do you want to do so much? After reading the story, isn't all the doubts solved?

Those who are familiar with the history of the Three Kingdoms are thinking, "Hua Xiong was defeated and killed by Sun Jian's army. Could it be that the protagonist of this story is Sun Jian?"

Just, what does "warm wine" mean? They couldn't figure it out either.

Not to mention them, even Cen Xuegeng and other historians did not understand.

Seeing that Li Han updated the new Three Kingdoms story, Cen Xuegeng was quite pleasantly surprised.

With the help of the story of "Taoyuan Three Knots", the effect of popularizing relevant historical knowledge is very good, which makes Cen Xuegeng very much looking forward to Li Han's second story about the Three Kingdoms.

Now, he has been waiting so quickly, which is naturally very pleasant.

Are you going to write a story about Sun Jian? Of course you can.

Just what does "warm wine" mean? Cen Xuegeng is as puzzled and curious as ordinary netizens.

Start reading the text with questions.

At the very beginning, Cen Xuegeng smiled bitterly, and that kid Li Han changed the history again.

Changed Sun Jian's defeat of Hua Xiong to Sun Jian's defeat to Hua Xiong.

Since Sun Jian lost to Hua Xiong, isn't Sun Jian the protagonist of this story?

The old questions are not gone, and new questions are added, which is more and more interesting.

Cen Xuegeng continued to look down, and finally understood that the protagonist was Guan Yu.

Continuing to read, at the end, I finally understand what "warm wine" means.

Then, I couldn't help but applaud. This story simply shows Guan Yu's extraordinary force and performance.

Also, the way of writing is pretty cool!

It does not directly describe how strong Guan Yu's martial arts are, but constantly exaggerates how unstoppable Hua Xiong is. So many confident generals were killed by Hua Xiong one by one.

This special Huaxiong is too powerful, he is simply invincible.

Even figures like Yuan Shao and Cao Cao are helpless and helpless. Who else is Hua Xiong's opponent in the account?

All in all,

It all makes people think that Huaxiong is too powerful, it is simply invincible, and there should be no one opponent.

Then, Guan Yu appeared. Not only did he kill Hua Xiong, but he did it in a very short time while the wine temperature was still there.

This must be too strong.

There is no positive description of Guan Yu's strength, but Guan Yu's strength is vividly expressed.

This writing style is really wonderful, it is simply amazing!

Cen Xuegeng couldn't help but clapped in admiration.

Li Han's strength is really not ordinary!

Moreover, Cen Xuegeng also found that there is another place in this story, which is also very refreshing.

That is when Guan Yu took the initiative to ask Ying, Yuan Shao learned that he was just a horse archer, and thought that a horse archer was not qualified to fight at all, so he would immediately kick Guan Yu out of the tent.

After Guan Yu issued a military order and went out with a knife, other people in the account thought that Guan Yu was going to give away the head. Such a powerful Huaxiong, how could you, a little pony archer, be able to defeat him?

The final result was that Guan Yu had already returned with Hua Xiong's head while the wine was still warm, and slapped all the former people in the face, making Yuan Shao and Cao Cao look at each other with admiration.

For readers, this looks pretty cool.

Cen Xuegeng sighed again and again, he knew that this story would spread all over the Internet again.


This is indeed the case.

The story of "Warm Wine Killing Huaxiong" has indeed become popular all over the Internet, and the hot search has already reached the first position.

Countless people are excitedly discussing related plots.

"I finally understand what it means to kill Huaxiong with warm wine. This story is quite cool! Mr. Li Han is too good. He was able to write the story of the Three Kingdoms so well!"

"When Guan Yu went out with the knife, many people in the tent said that Guan Yu was going to give people's heads. As a result, Guan Yu slapped him in the face every minute. It's really cool! Haha! I like to read stories like this."

"Does Yuan Shao still dislike Guan Yu for being a horse archer? So Yuan Shao is not as famous as Cao Cao. Compared with Cao Cao, he does have a gap!"

"Wenjiu kills Huaxiong, this story is so well designed. Mr. Li Han is too strong to be able to design such a story."

"The wine temperature is still there, and he has already taken the enemy's head back. It's really handsome!"

"Hahaha! I found out that Guan Yu also pretended to be coercive. Cao Cao warmed him a glass of wine and invited him to drink it. But he said, put the wine first, I will go back when I go, and I will drink it when I come back. In the end, I really go and go back. Come back. After that, the wine was still warm. This is a cool pretense!"

"This story is fictitious. There is no such story in history. The person who killed Hua Xiong was also Sun Jian, not Guan Yu. However, it is precisely because this story is fictitious that it reflects the strength of Mr. Li Han. Compared with The real historical story is obviously the story processed by Mr. Li Han, which is much more exciting."

"It's not nonsense. I didn't like the history of the Three Kingdoms, why would I like to watch Mr. Li Han's Three Kingdoms story so much? It's because Mr. Li Han's story of the Three Kingdoms has been processed by Mr. Li Han, and it has become extremely exciting!"

"In "Taoyuan Three Knots", Zhang Fei's force is comparable to that of Guan Yu. I wonder if Zhang Fei can also kill Huaxiong with warm wine?"

"Haha! This question is interesting. Maybe we can have a good discussion."


Excited netizens have various discussions, and the story of killing Huaxiong with warm wine has become popular all over the Internet.


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