This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 435 Picked up an eagle and came back?

in the hotel.

Li Han knew that the story of Wen Jiu beating Hua Xiong would satisfy and delight readers.

Because this story is quite cool, Li Han is most familiar with it.

As for the question that netizens are very interested in, can Zhang Fei also be able to kill Huaxiong with warm wine? Li Han was also very interested.

I have been interested in watching the discussions of netizens on the Internet for a while. Some people think it's OK, and some people think it's not OK.

Some people left a message on the public account, asking if Li Han and Zhang Fei could do it?

Li Han didn't know about this, so he could only say that Zhang Fei might still be slightly inferior to Guan Yu in terms of force alone.

After this story, two Three Kingdoms stories have been launched, which is enough for the time being, and the rest will continue to be launched after a while.

At this time, Wu Liang, the storyteller of the tea shop on Zhuangyuan Ancient Street, sent a Fetion message, and the two added Fetion to each other at that time.

Wu Liang asked Li Han if he could tell the story of Huaxiong beheaded by warm wine?

Li Han naturally said yes. Then, Wu Liang euphemistically said that some colleagues who had a good relationship with him asked him to ask Li Han on his behalf, if they could also tell Li Han's story of the Three Kingdoms?

Wu Liang said that after "Taoyuan Three Knots" spread in the field of storytelling, all the storytellers were very envious, and they also wanted to say "Taoyuan Three Knots".

Therefore, some storytellers who have a good relationship with Wu Liang asked Wu Liang to ask Li Han on their behalf, can they also speak?

Therefore, Wu Liang only asked this question.

Li Han also had no opinion. In fact, more storytellers are willing to tell the two stories, which is conducive to the spread of the two stories.

You must know that many people of a certain age do not usually surf the Internet very much, nor do they go to the public account to read stories. Storytelling is a good way to spread.

After thinking about it, Li Han updated a message on the official account, directly authorizing it to all storytellers for free, saying that they can all tell his story of the Three Kingdoms.

When the news spread, all the storytellers were excited and expressed their gratitude to Li Han in their own way.

Then, the two stories of "Taoyuan Three Knots" and "Warm Wine Killing Huaxiong" were repeatedly commented on by storytellers all over the country, over and over again.

Storytellers like to say, and audiences like to hear them. The two stories have almost become household names in a short period of time, and the speed of dissemination can be described as extremely fast.

Of course, this is another story. Now Li Han is about to leave the magic capital and return to the village.

Before leaving, Li Han went to Izumo Town to see Xia Xiaoyu again. After this time, it is estimated that he will have to wait for a while before he can see this little girl again.


Yuanxi Village.

It's better outside, but it's still better at home. Returning to the entrance of the village again, Li Han was in a happy mood and chatted with Li Zhongchi of the grocery store at the entrance of the village for a long time.

The scale of Li Zhongchi's grocery store has expanded a lot from the beginning. There are more and more guests coming to the village, and the business of Li Zhongchi grocery store is getting better and better, and now it has expanded.

Since the grocery store opened, Li Zhongchi and his wife have stayed in the grocery store most of the time. It can be said that they have witnessed the increase of customers day by day.

The couple was full of joy every day.

The parking lot has been completed and is now officially in use. Li Han took a look, and there were dozens, even hundreds, of cars parked in the parking lot.

Most of them are ordinary cars, and there are also a few luxury cars.

Walking into the village, on the right hand side, the engineering team is now building an office area, which is still in full swing.

With the development of the farm and the rest of the project, an office area has become necessary.

Li Xiaoru was very happy to see Li Han coming back, and pulled Li Han to ask questions. The rest of the young people who came back to the village to work on purpose were also very pleasantly surprised.

There are people from this village who grew up with Li Han since childhood. At this moment, I was looking at Li Han and sighing. Why didn't I see it when I was a child, how could this kid be so strong? What's more, I was no worse than this kid when I was young.

Why is there no comparison at all? When did this kid suddenly get enlightened?

There are also some villages next door. They are not very familiar with Li Han, so they are a little reserved and unnatural.

However, this is also temporary. After they have been in contact with Li Han for a little longer, they will definitely be the same as the young people in this village.

After joking with a group of young people, Li Han returned home.

The pond outside the yard was surrounded by fishing guests.

The guests fishing here have never been interrupted. Such a scene made Li Han feel quite cordial.

Among the fishing guests were old acquaintances who knew Li Han. They were very pleasantly surprised when they saw Li Han, and greeted Li Han with a laugh.

With this greeting, the rest of the fishing guests also knew that Li Han was back, and their eyes lit up, and they also said hello to Li Han.

One of the guests asked with a smile, "Mr. Li Han, when are you going to release your next Three Kingdoms story?"

Li Han also smiled and said, "Did you also read those two Three Kingdoms stories?"

The guest said, "I saw it naturally, it's very beautiful, and I really want to see the third story again."

Many other guests also expressed that they also watched it and said that they were all looking forward to Li Han's third Three Kingdoms story.

Li Han laughed and thanked the guests. As for the third Three Kingdoms story, Li Han said that it is still being conceived and may have to wait for a while.

The guests nodded, indicating that they would be waiting.

After chatting with the guests for a while by the pond, Li Han walked into the courtyard, returned to the room, and called out the space.

In the space, the little guy who was picked up in the jungle near Xia Xiaoyu's house last time was flapping his wings happily.

I don't know if it is because of eating Bailingdan, the little guy is very vigorous now and grows very fast.

In only ten days, his body size has more than doubled. It was no longer the dying chick of the time.

The little guy is getting bigger and bigger, and Li Han is getting more and more surprised.

Because, the little guy's claws are getting sharper and sharper, the longer it is, the more it looks like an ordinary bird, and the longer it is, the more it looks like an... eagle.

Yes, Li Han felt that the little guy was more and more like an eagle.

Could it be that he picked up an eagle and came back?

Li Han was very surprised. If it was an eagle, what kind of eagle would it be?

At that time, there were mountain eagles in that place. Could it be a mountain eagle?

This Li Han can't see it yet, and he can only watch it after the little guy has grown up for a while.

Li Han originally planned to release the little guy in the Tingxi Corridor when he grew up to be able to survive alone.

There are many birds there, I believe that the little ones can live happily.

But now it is an eagle, so naturally it can no longer be released in the Tingxi Corridor.

When the little guy is big enough, let it go deep into the jungle.

Now, let it continue to grow in the space. The little guy also seems to like being in the space very much.

In this way, Li Han is also relieved.


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