This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 669 Sing to You Tonight

Everyone stared blankly at the lyrics. Is this the lyrics that Li Han wrote without hesitation?

Even if they had just seen it with their own eyes, they still couldn't believe it.

No wonder Li Han's first song is a classic, it's really strong.

After reading the first paragraph of the lyrics, and then continuing to read the following, the resonance in my heart became stronger and stronger.

After reading all the lyrics, the resonance in my heart is already very strong.

Especially those who have a story in their hearts.

They sighed softly, wondering if they remembered someone? Remember something?

After a while, a guest said with emotion: "No wonder Li Han's fame is getting bigger and bigger, his musical talent is simply breathtaking. I can't read the musical notation, but I still know what the melody of this song is like? But , just by virtue of the lyrics, I can already be sure that this is another classic."

Another guest also said: "A classic song was born right under our noses in an instant. It's really amazing, it's amazing. It's a miracle!"

Another guest smiled and said, "It's a miracle for us, but for Li Han, it's just a routine operation. In the music industry, Li Han is really invincible."

"Not only invincible in the music industry? In many other fields, I am afraid that it is also invincible."

"We are all extremely lucky to be able to witness the birth of this song today!"

"It seems that Li Han's music creation is really as simple as eating and drinking. By the way, Mr. Cai and Mr. Lin, you are also musicians, and you also have to create music at ordinary times. When you create, do you find it easy?"

A guest asked Cai He and Lin Dadong this way.

The mentality of the two has obviously changed now, and the guests are willing to talk to them.

Cai He smiled bitterly and said, "Of course it's extremely difficult. Of course, I mean creating a work that I think is satisfactory, it's extremely difficult. For a professional musician, if you want to randomly write a song It's easy to say, and it's fast to write. But the quality is absolutely horrible."

Lin Dadong said: "However, even if it is written randomly, the speed cannot be as fast as Mr. Li Han's exaggerated level. The speed is so exaggerated, and the quality is still very high, there is only one person in the world, Mr. Li Han. Absolutely unprecedented, I'm afraid And no one came after.”

The guests all nodded after hearing this, and they could actually think of it themselves.

Then, another guest said to Liang Sheng, "Mr. Liang, congratulations. With this song by Mr. Li Han, it's only a matter of time before you become famous."

The rest of the guests listened and congratulated Liang Sheng.

Cai He and Lin Dadong also sent their congratulations.

Liang Shengdu was still extremely excited and excited, thanked the guests one by one, and said that he would work hard to sing this song well.

Later, another guest said: "We can only understand the lyrics, but not the musical notation. So, what is the melody of this song? It makes people curious and want to know. Mr. Liang, you Can you try to sing it for us?"

The rest of the guests listened, their eyes brightened, and of course they were also extremely curious, what is the melody of this song like?

Naturally, Liang Sheng would not refuse, and said, "Okay, let me think about it first, and see if I can play the notation with a guitar and sing while talking?"

The guests all said yes.

Cai He and Lin Dadong said, "Mr. Liang, do you mind if we think about it together?"

Liang Sheng smiled and said, "Okay! Let's think about it together.


Cai He and Lin Dadong were overjoyed.

Then, the three of them began to ponder the notation.


After Li Han and Li Xiaoru left the Shishang restaurant, they continued to hang out in the film and television base.

What happened just now can only be regarded as an episode for the two of them.

However, Li Xiaoru really liked the song just now.

She was the only one who watched Li Han write the notation word by word, and she liked the lyrics very much.

Although it is written in the lyrics, she has never experienced it, but she still likes the lyrics.

I like a touch of sadness expressed in the lyrics.

"I want to listen to the song just now." Li Xiaoru said to Li Han.

Li Han said: "Then let me sing to you tonight."

"Okay!" Li Xiaoru said.

Next, after the two continued to stroll around for a while, it was already late.

Li Han said: "Let's go, go out, and then go back to the city."

Li Xiaoru nodded.

The two began to return to the city of Shudu.

Today, I will not go back to Yuanxi Village, but I will find a hotel in Shudu City to stay.

At the same time, in Shishang Restaurant.

Liang Sheng began to play and sing the song.

"Quietly accompany you so far, so far,

I didn't even notice that my eyes were red.


Still a little rusty, but already able to let the guests hear the basic melody.

The lyrics are sung through the melody, and the resonance is even stronger.

Liang Sheng's voice is clean and soft, which is indeed very suitable for singing this song.

All the guests listened quietly.


I kissed your face,

Your hands were on my shoulders,

It feels so sweet, I'm so attached,


Listening and listening, the eyes of some guests have become slightly moist.


It's getting dark.

Li Han and Li Xiaoru returned to the capital of Shu.

Li Han found a recording studio and decided to make the accompaniment of the song "Breakpoint" first.

"Breakpoint" is a song by Henry Zhang in his previous life. The style is soothing and the melody is gentle, revealing a touch of sentimentality.

This song is hard to forget when you first listen to it, and it can have a strong resonance with people.

Especially those who have a story in their hearts.

Li Han has always liked this song, and Liang Sheng's voice is very suitable for singing this song, so he chose this song.

I hope people in this world can also like this song.

In the recording studio, Li Han personally operated, and it didn't take too long to complete the accompaniment of the song.

Then, Li Han planned to sing this song to Li Xiaoru in the recording studio.

Li Xiaoru put on the monitor headphones, and Li Han spoke slowly.

Li Xiaoru listened quietly to the melodious melody with a touch of sentimentality, her eyes blurred.

After singing, Li Xiaoru slowly took off the monitoring headphones and said to Li Han who walked out of the studio: "It's very nice, I like it very much."

Li Han smiled and said, "I like it too."

Then, the two walked out of the recording studio.

"What do you want to eat?" Li Han asked. It's time to go to dinner now.

Li Xiaoru thought about it and said, "Hot pot. I haven't eaten hot pot for a while."

Li Han smiled and said, "Okay!"

Originally, Ding Qiuping, the director of Funan TV, called and said that he wanted to invite Li Han to dinner in the evening, but Li Han declined, saying that he would eat it next time.

Tonight, he wants to accompany Li Xiaoru to dinner.


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