This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 670 The news is really true

In a hot pot restaurant.

Li Han and Li Xiaoru were sitting in a corner.

After ordering the food, the two of them ate slowly.

The shop is doing well and all the seats are almost full.

The conversations of the guests at the surrounding tables passed into the ears of the two.

"Hey! Have you heard? Li Han has a new work coming out."

"Cut! Who doesn't know! The variety show "Brave Forward". I went to the show today to watch the recording. Don't say it, it's very interesting! I plan to watch it again when the TV broadcasts. "

"It's not 'Brave Forward', it's a song."

"Song? Damn! Is it true? What song? Where is it? Never heard of it!"

"Impossible. If Li Han releases a new song, the movement will be quite big. We can't have heard of it. So, it must be fake. I don't know who is spreading rumors again."

"This song has not been officially released. I just heard that Li Han wrote another song for people."

"Oh? When did it happen? Where did you hear about it?"

"I just heard about it on the way here. It said it happened this afternoon, and then this song was used to publish it on the Internet. I don't know if it's true or not?"

"Li Han will not write songs for people at will. If it is true, what kind of story should have happened? I hope it is true. In this way, we will not only be able to hear a new song by Li Han, How can you know what kind of story happened again? It makes people look forward to it!"

"The news about Li Han's new songs is often true or false. It's hard to say!"

"Since there is such news, it should not be groundless. I think it can still be expected."

"Hope it's true!"


After hearing the discussions around, Li Xiaoru whispered, "I didn't expect the news to spread so quickly."

Li Han said: "News spreads fast. In fact, any news spreads very fast."

Li Xiaoru said: "Okay. That's what I said."



Related news is also slowly spreading. Anyone who sees the news is both surprised and dubious.

The reason why I am dubious is because news about Li Han's new song will be spread on the Internet every once in a while.

And the news turned out to be false.

Therefore, everyone can't believe the news about Li Han's new song.

However, everyone was still surprised.

While the news is likely to be false, it is also possible that it is not true.

How likely is it to be true? It's always a delight.

At the same time, everyone hopes that the news is true.

Li Han has not released a new song for a long time, and everyone is looking forward to it.

What's more, there is often a story about the new song born with Li Han's new song, which is also very interesting.

"I hope the news this time is true." Everyone who saw the news prayed in their hearts.


Li Han and Li Xiaoru have already finished the hot pot.

Then I found a good hotel nearby and opened two rooms.

Li Xiaoru was lying on the bed in Li Han's room, fiddling with her phone, and said, "There are more and more news on the Internet about that song."

Li Han turned on the computer,

I plan to send the accompaniment of "Breakpoint" to Liang Sheng's e-mail.

Wen Yan said: "In the Internet age, this is normal. That's why I said that I want to use the Internet as a platform to release songs."

Li Xiaoru said: "Do you think there will be a lot of popular songs on the Internet in the future?"

Li Han said: "It should be."

Li Xiaoru said: "I hope some high-quality songs can be popular."

Li Han said with a smile: "Songs with low quality are generally not popular. Although there is no threshold for online platforms, the quality of the work itself is the most important."

Li Xiaoru said, "Yes. By the way, shall we go back to the village tomorrow?"

Li Han said: "Look at you. See if you want to spend two more days in Shudu."

Li Xiaoru said: "Then go back after two more days of play. I have already arranged everything about the farm."

Li Han said: "Okay. You don't have to tell me about the farm, you can handle it yourself."

Li Xiaoru said: "Okay."


In the next two days, Li Han and Li Xiaoru went to play in many places in the capital of Shu.

On the third day after that, I returned to the village.

This time out, Li Xiaoru had a good time and said, "Come to my house for dinner tonight. I'll cook."

Li Han smiled and said, "Okay! There are very few opportunities for Sister Xiaoru to cook by herself."

Li Xiaoru rolled his eyes and said, "I often cook at home, okay? You just don't eat it yourself."

Li Han said: "You invite me! As soon as you invite, you will come!"

Li Xiaoru "cut" and said, "Go get some lobster. I'll make a garlic lobster tonight."

Li Han said: "Okay."

Afterwards, Li Xiaoru went to the farm office building, while Li Han went to a weir pond where lobsters were raised, intending to catch some lobsters.

It is enough to get a few pounds of lobster, just use the fish.

"Li Han Xiaoyou, stay safe!" As soon as he approached the pond, he heard a familiar voice say with a smile.

This is Huang Jian's voice.

Li Han was overjoyed and hurriedly looked in the direction from which the voice came from. Sure enough, he saw Huang Jian looking at him with a smile among a group of lobster-fishing guests.

Li Han smiled and said: "Huang Lao, long time no see. Huang Lao is here fishing for lobsters?"

Huang Jian smiled and said, "Yeah. The little guy in the family wants to eat your lobster, so I'll come over to catch some. It's very interesting to fish this thing, so I caught it here myself."

Li Han nodded and said, "It's very interesting. I'm going to fish a little for dinner."

At this time, the guests around the lobster fishing were also very pleasantly surprised to say hello to Li Han.

Originally, not everyone had seen Li Han, but Huang Jian just said "Li Han's little friend" to let everyone know Li Han's identity.

A guest laughed and said, "Mr. Li Han wants to eat lobster, and he also needs to catch it himself!"

Li Han laughed and said, "Even Mr. Huang has to fish by himself, so of course I need to do it myself."

The guests laughed when they heard it.

Then someone else said: "Mr. Li Han, in the past two days, there have been rumors on the Internet that you have written a new song. Is it true?"

As soon as these words came out, all the surrounding guests pricked up their ears, and of course they also wanted to know the answer very much.

Li Han smiled and said, "I wrote one. However, I don't sing it myself. I'll sing it for others."

Li Han didn't intend to hide it.

The news is indeed true!

The guests were all extremely excited, and finally heard another Li Han's new song again.


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