This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 799 The significance of this victory is very important

Then it was relatively easy to find out some news.

I see.

Do you think that Li Han's "Slam Dunk" can't maintain such quality all the time?

It has to be said that this is indeed possible.

Even some Yan Guo cartoonists themselves have a little bit of such concerns.

However, at this time, they still believe that Li Han will always maintain a high level.

Then, the island country believes that it is still too early to make a final judgment on the two works.

In this regard, the cartoonists of the island country are not good to say anything.

It is indeed too early, and it is completely normal for the island country to delay two or three more phases.

However, doesn't this mean that there is a default over there. If the final judgment is made now, the winner will be Li Han?

This is the most important.

The cartoonists of the Yan Kingdom laughed, and they were all excited.

After all, those guys in the island country still didn't open their eyes and talk nonsense with their conscience.

Although it is impossible to say that Li Han will definitely win the final victory, the victory at this initial stage is already of great significance.

This is the first time that the cartoonist of the Yan Kingdom has truly won the cartoonist of the island country.

This kind of meaning is very important to the entire Yan Kingdom comics field.

The cartoonists were very excited. How could they have thought that Li Han would bring them such a huge surprise?

Now, they have more confidence in their comic level.

Island comics are not invincible as many people thought before.


Relevant news and statements quickly spread among comic book fans and the outside world.

Comic book fans are equally thrilled and excited.

Aren't those guys in the island country awesome before? Not very superior to think,

Will Kenichi Yamamoto win?

Why can't you even make a sound now?

What the hell are you talking about?

Presumably when those guys first watched "Slam Dunk", they must have been quite shocked and surprised.

Now, it must be very painful.

It really deserves it! Who made those guys think that they could easily knead Li Han?

Now, it's no wonder Li Han was beaten in the face. They can only blame themselves.

However, those guys are not dead ducks, but they can make people look at them.

This is not bad, I didn't open my eyes and talk nonsense for the sake of face.

As for the idea of ​​those guys wanting to delay two or three more issues, fans can only say that they think too much.

If Li Han can win now, he will definitely win in two or three periods.

Moreover, more and more will be won, and those guys will become more and more desperate.

At that time, I have to admit publicly that I lost completely this time, right?

Really looking forward to it!

Comic book fans were excited and chatted online.


And for the rest of the world, it's also great news.

Isn't island country comics always the best comics in the world? Isn't it invincible?

Now defeated by Li Han?

Li Han is too strong. This is sweeping everything internally, and it can also win glory for the country externally!

It may be a little exaggerated to say that winning glory for the country, but winning glory for the entire comics field is certain.

It turns out that Li Han's accomplishments in comics are also so high.

Although only three works have been released so far, it is already the first person in comics, right?

This Nima has reached the pinnacle of a field again!

All the fields Li Han is involved in, except for calligraphy and painting, seem to have reached the peak of the field.

Really a legendary kid.

Countless people from all walks of life sighed with emotion, and they also discussed it on the Internet.

Many celebrities and bigwigs also felt the same in their hearts, and even publicly wrote an article to congratulate Li Han.

For example, Cen Xuegeng wrote an article publicly: "Congratulations to Li Han! I look forward to and believe that "Slam Dunk" can achieve the final victory!"

Another example is Yan Guoli, a top Chinese painting artist who publicly wrote: "This is a very important victory in the field of comics in our country. Xiaoyou Li Han's comic creation skills have reached the peak. I hope that Xiaoyou Li Han's painting skills will also be able to reach the same level one day. peak."

Celebrity bosses publicly wrote articles to express their congratulations, which made countless comic book fans and other ordinary netizens even more excited.

As expected of Li Han! Even celebrities are so concerned.


The entertainment media are also very excited. The gimmicks this time are really enough, and there are many points that can be used for reporting, enough for them to report a lot of content.

Then, they also heard about the entertainment media over there in the island country.

"I heard that the entertainment media in the island country were also going to make a big report, and they made all kinds of preparations for the report. But when the results came out, they quickly died, and the whole family pretended to be deaf and dumb. I don't even dare to report. It really made me laugh."

"Hahaha! Presumably the entertainment media over there must be very depressed. The big news that I finally waited for, but said no, then said no, who should I go to!"

"Hahaha! They are pretending to be deaf and dumb, then we will come to report it, and we must be so angry that they vomit blood."

"Li Han is from our Yan Kingdom, this is really lucky!"

"Hahaha! Who said it wasn't."


The entertainment media got excited, and then the related reports were overwhelming.

Among them, there is no shortage of reports involving the death of the island nation's entertainment media.

Then he showed a strong sense of superiority in the report, which was very "squeaky".

Comic book fans who report on Yan Kingdom like this very much.


The relevant entertainment media in the island country can see the relevant reports from the entertainment media in the Yan Kingdom.

After seeing it, the whole family was a little crazy. Just report it, what do they do when they mention it? It's quite abominable!

It's a pity that they have nothing to do except go crazy.

Who makes Kenichi Yamamoto look like he is really at a disadvantage. They can only continue to pretend to be deaf.

Then, with a more urgent hope in my heart, after two or three periods, Kenichi Yamamoto can really turn defeat into victory.

At that time, it was time for them to launch a sharp counterattack.

The current victory is only temporary, the final victory is the real victory.

At that time, we must let the entertainment media in the Yan Kingdom dare not put a fart.

The entertainment media in the island country are full of expectations.

Then, some reports from the Yan Kingdom entertainment media also spread in the field of island country comics.

Many cartoonists, especially Kenichi Yamamoto, were so angry that they wanted to vomit blood.

There is no real victory yet, so I can't wait to report it, and I'm not afraid of being slapped in the face in the end?

"It's really pissing me off. Mr. Yamamoto, you must defeat that Li Han in the end. Then slap them in the face." said a cartoonist.

"No problem." Yamamoto Kenichi said, "I will definitely win in the end, everyone wait and see."

All the other cartoonists nodded, and they naturally believed in Kenichi Yamamoto.


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