This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 800 To observe a rare animal, or bird

Yuanxi Village.

Li Han also learned about the relevant situation, and also watched "Basketball Boys" by Kenichi Yamamoto.

Li Han's evaluation of "Basketball Boys" is still very good.

Kenichi Yamamoto is indeed one of the most famous cartoonists in the island country, and he is very powerful.

It's a pity that it encountered an absolutely classic work in the previous life, and its failure was already doomed.

After two or three issues, the island country comics field will be even more desperate than it is now.

Li Xiaoru was in a very good mood and said, "Those people in the island country comics field are finally honest. It would be nice if they could keep being honest."

Li Han smiled and said, "That's impossible. If they lose this time, they will definitely find a way to win it back. It's a matter of honor, and they can't give up."

Li Xiaoru nodded and said, "That's true. From their point of view, it should be done."

Li Han said: "So, in the future, it will be difficult to calm down the comic fields of the two countries. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing."

Li Xiaoru said: "Don't worry about things in the future. By the way, have you noticed that some foreign faces have begun to appear among the tourists who come to the village during this time? The reputation of our Yuanxi Village has already spread. Have you gone abroad?"

Li Han said: "I noticed it too. However, this does not mean that the fame has spread abroad. Maybe they came to visit our country and heard about our village, so they came to see it."

Li Xiaoru said: "It is possible. However, after they return to their own countries, they may mention our village to the people around them or on the Internet. As you say, it will take time, our village will be in other places. Is the country famous?"

Li Han smiled and said, "Maybe. However, that's not important."

Li Xiaoru rolled her eyes and said, "I knew you would say that. In two days, is that girl Xiaoyu going back?"

Li Han nodded and said, "I'm going back. The holidays are so long, and she can't stay here all the time. She still has to go back to spend more time with her grandparents. Besides, she must also go back to celebrate the New Year."

Li Xiaoru said: "Then I will cook some delicious food for her in the past two days."

Li Han said: "I can have this! By the way, let me taste it.


Li Xiaoru said, "Think beautifully!"

Li Han laughed, what was he going to say? Suddenly, a voice came from afar, "Li Han Xiaoyou, so you are here! That's great."

This is Wang Chang's voice.

Li Han and Li Xiaoru turned their heads to look at the same time, and they saw Wang Changzheng walking towards them from a distance.

The little guy Xiao Haoling was also beside him.

The little guy also shouted from a distance: "Brother Li Han, sister Xiaoru."

The little guy's mouth is still sweet.

Li Han and Li Xiaoru both smiled and went up to them.

After approaching, Wang Chang smiled and said, "Li Han Xiaoyou, Miss Xiaoru, didn't bother you?"

Why does this sound weird?

Li Xiaoru couldn't help but blushed slightly, and said, "Of course not, Mr. Wang is worrying too much."

Li Han smiled and said that there was nothing to disturb.

Wang Chang laughed and said, "That's good. Little friend Li Han, we are here this time because we want to ask you a favor."

Li Han said: "Old Wang, you are too polite! If you have something to do, you can directly tell me. You are an elder."

Wang Chang laughed again, and said, "That's right. Hao Ling has a winter vacation homework, which is to observe an animal around him, or a bird, a bird, etc., and then write a composition based on the observation. Originally, In the park near our house, there are animals and birds for him to observe, but this kid dislikes those animals and birds that are too common. He said he wants to come to you and choose a rare animal or bird. I think this kid just wants to show off in front of his classmates."

When Xiao Haoling heard it, he quickly said that he was not trying to be in the limelight, but just wanted to write about a rarer animal. Animals that are too common are boring to write about.

Li Han smiled and said: "Xiao Haoling's idea is very good! Whether it is animals or birds, if you want to write, you must write about something different, and if you want to write, you must write about what your classmates have no chance to observe. "

Xiao Haoling nodded hurriedly, and said excitedly: "Brother Li Han, that's what I think. That's why I thought of you here to find an animal that no one else has a chance to observe, or something Birds. Brother Li Han, can you help me find one?"

Wang Chang said helplessly: "Li Han Xiaoyou, I will trouble you."

Li Han smiled and said, "Mr. Wang is very polite, this is just a small matter. Besides, I think Xiao Haoling's idea is very good, of course I want to support it."

After hearing this, Wang Chang said, "Thank you, little friend Li Han."

Xiao Haoling also said excitedly: "It's great! Thank you brother Li Han."

Li Han said, "You're welcome, Xiao Haoling. Don't worry, Xiao Haoling, brother Li Han will definitely let you observe a species that is almost impossible for your classmates to observe."

Xiao Haoling said even more excitedly: "Okay! Thank you brother Li Han."

Xiao Haoling is looking forward to it. Even Wang Chang can't help but be curious, what kind of species is it?

Is it a bird of paradise?

Birds of paradise are quite rare, and are almost always off the beaten track.

Where there are human activities, only in Yuanxi Village can we see the traces of the bird of paradise.

Li Xiaoru was also a little curious and asked, "Which species are you talking about?"

Li Han smiled and said, "You'll know when you see it later. Let's go, we'll go over now."

Li Xiaoru pouted, and snorted softly, "Come on."

Wang Chang said, "Then I will trouble little friend Li Han."

Xiao Haoling said excitedly: "Okay! Brother Li Han, let's go there now. Where are we going? Tingxi Corridor?"

Li Han shook his head and said, "Not in Tingxi Corridor. Let's go, you'll know when you get there."

Not in Tingxi Corridor, where would it be?

Li Xiaoru, Wang Chang, and Xiao Haoling were all curious, and left with Li Han.

After a while, we came to the pier by the river. Li Han said: "Let's go to the edge of the jungle to find it, everyone, let's get on the bamboo raft."

On the edge of the jungle? The three became more and more curious.

Then one after another on a bamboo raft.

Afterwards, Li Han also got on the bamboo raft and ferryed it himself, shaking the bamboo raft upstream.

Going downstream is to Jiulong Gorge. If you go upstream, you will gradually go deeper into an endless jungle.

There are many kinds of beasts and poisonous snakes in the jungle, which can be described as dangerous.

Almost no one dares to step into the depths of the jungle, at most the edge of the jungle.

Li Han is going to take three people to a place today, which is the edge of the jungle.

There, Li Han will summon a mysterious guy to let Xiao Haoling observe the records.


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