This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 804 This is a huge surprise

At the same time, the other guests in Yuanxi Village also heard the whistle.

They didn't know the relevant rumors about Costin on the Internet, so they just thought it was an ordinary eagle.

Just some doubts, what kind of eagle is it? Why is the whistle so sharp and long?

Then they were also very interested and looked up.

And the tourists in the Tingxi Corridor also found something that surprised them.

That is, hundreds of thousands of birds near the Tingxi Corridor, no matter what species, big or small, all of them suddenly shivered, as if they were afraid of something.

What are the birds afraid of? Could it be the eagle that just whistled? That guy has a very strong sense of coercion on the birds.

Then, all the tourists in the village saw that in the direction where the whistling sound just came out, a figure was flying towards the direction of the village at high speed.

"It's flying over." All the tourists thought so, and then they all looked a little excited.

For some reason, seeing an eagle flying across the sky is always exciting.

Of course, the tourists who just ran out of the Yuanxi Corridor were the most excited and excited.

Are they about to see the legendary Haidongqing?

This surprise was too sudden and too unexpected.

All the tourists in the village raised their heads and stared at the fast flying figures in the sky.

The distance is getting closer, the figure is getting bigger and bigger, and the sight is getting clearer and clearer.

All the tourists are getting more and more surprised, and many people have begun to exclaim, "Oh my God! It's huge! This size is too big! This is not an eagle, this should be a eagle. What kind of eagle is it? It's so huge!"

"The feathers turned out to be pure white, not even a variegated color. This is too beautiful!"

"What kind of sculpture is this? Is it a snow sculpture? Uh... Is there such a thing as a 'snow sculpture'?"

"Snow sculpture? It seems there is, but it doesn't seem to exist."


The guy who flew from the sky,

Naturally it is Costin.

At this time, Costin had already flown into the sky above the village.

After flying into the sky over the village, Costin slowed down and lowered the altitude appropriately, and then began to hover slowly within the village.

This lowering of the height instantly made the tourists directly below feel an inexplicable heart palpitation, and at the same time there was a strong sense of oppression.

I feel that even the atmosphere is a little afraid to come out.

It wasn't until Hai Dongqing flew a little farther that he gasped heavily.

Then I felt my heart pounding hard.

"Nima! It really scared me just now. It feels like I can be easily caught in the sky. What kind of eagle is this? It's too scary."

"Yeah! I was so frightened that I didn't dare to come out. The real Nima makes people feel frightened. If you are alone in the wild, you have to be scared to death."


Wherever Costin went, the tourists in the immediate vicinity were all frightened.

When the distance was just far away, everyone didn't feel anything. Who knew that after flying close, it would be so terrifying.

Fortunately, it is now in the village, and there are many people around. If in the wild, the soul will be scared out of the body.

After Hai Dongqing slowly circled the village for two times, he left in the direction he came from, and finally disappeared into the sky.

Almost all the tourists in the village felt the oppression and fear just now.

Seeing Hai Dongqing leave now, everyone breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Put, puff," the beating heart slowly returned to calm, and then began to become excited and excited again.

I was scared and scared just now, and now I am excited and excited again. This seems contradictory, but it is not contradictory.

The statue just now gave them a strong sense of visual impact, and they wanted to feel it again.

Excited tourists began to talk to each other.

The most talked about is naturally the eagle just now, what kind of it is?

Some people say that it is a snow sculpture, but the key point is that there is a special kind of "snow sculpture"?

It seems that there is, and it seems that there is no, everyone is not sure.

Only a few tourists who just ran out of the Yuanxi Corridor knew the answer.

They were not sure whether the guy flying over from the sky was Haidongqing?

However, when Costin flew slowly over their heads, they were sure.

There can be no mistake, it must be Costin.

Only the legendary God of Eagles can bring them such a sense of oppression and make them feel fear.

It turns out that Costin really exists.

It turns out that the news on the Internet is true.

Now, several people are so excited and excited that they actually saw the legendary God of Eagles.

Moreover, they were once so close.

Several waves of tourists slowly gathered next to them, all of whom were discussing what kind of carving was just now?

Everyone has no answer.

After hearing it, the few people who had just run out of the Yuanxi corridor looked at each other and all laughed.

Sure enough, the news has not spread in the village yet, and everyone still doesn't know it.

This is interesting!

One of them, Lu Jianping, said, "We know what kind it was just now?"

"Oh? Do you know? What kind of it is?" Several waves of tourists stopped, and then waited curiously for Lu Jianping and the others to give the answer.

Lu Jianping and the others didn't sell too much. Lu Jianping smiled and said, "The eagle that can make people feel so fearful is naturally only the legendary God of Eagles!"

"God of Ten Thousand Eagles? Haidongqing?" Several tourists exclaimed at the same time.

Most of the tourists from Xinwei know Costin.

At this time, all the people who knew had a look of shock and disbelief on their faces.

Even people who didn't know Costin before can roughly understand what kind of existence Costin is from the words "God of Ten Thousand Eagles"?

They were equally shocked and disbelieving.

Seeing the shocked expressions on everyone's faces, Lu Jianping felt inexplicably satisfied and inexplicably relieved.

Then, Lu Jianping said, "Yes, it is Costin."

The tourists from Xinwei were even more shocked. Some people said, "How do you know it is Costin? Isn't it just a legend that there is no such thing in reality?"

Lu Jianping said: "But think about it, besides Costin, what kind of eagle can make people feel so scared? I used to think that Costin only existed in legends, but now it seems that That's not true."

The tourists who came over from Xinwei nodded slowly, "Yes, apart from Haidongqing, there is indeed no other kind of eagle that can make people feel so frightened."

It seems that it should be Haidongqing.

After confirming this, the tourists who came from Xinwei became excited and excited one by one!

This is definitely a huge surprise!


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