This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 805 Many people are fighting Haidongqing's idea

Then, the news that the huge eagle just now was Haidongqing quickly spread throughout the village.

All the tourists in the village heard about it one after another.

Everyone couldn't believe it, but in the end they all believed it.

After that, there was unprecedented excitement and excitement.

They actually saw the legendary God of Ten Thousand Eagles, even if they say it out loud, no one else will believe it!

Then, they learned about relevant news on the Internet.

It turned out that there were rumors about it on the Internet before.

Not long after the relevant rumors appeared, they saw Costin in the village. This is a good luck and chance!

Seeing that almost all the people on the Internet can't believe it, but they are desperately hoping that the rumors are true, and desperately longing that they can really see the appearance of Costin, all the tourists who are in the village at this time suddenly have a strange feeling. a sense of superiority.

It's a great feeling that they've just experienced something that everyone so desperately desires.

Moreover, this is a good opportunity to pretend.

So, the tourists in the village all started.

"Hahaha! It's very lively! It seems that everyone is very interested in Costin. Then there are people who are looking for people who are playing in Yuanxi Village at this time. I am in Yuanxi Village now, everyone is here, everyone is watching come over."

Many people on the Internet are indeed looking for people who are playing in Yuanxi Village.

Therefore, the news just now quickly attracted the attention of many people.

"Really? Brother is really in Yuanxi Village? Then please ask brother to find out if the rumor about Haidongqing is true?"

"Hahaha! You don't need to ask. I can tell you clearly. It's true, there is really a costa in Yuanxi Village."

"Fuck! Is it true? Brother, you can't talk nonsense! Could it be that you released the news? In fact, you are not in Yuanxi Village at all."

Naturally, it is impossible for everyone to believe that the rumors are true with just one sentence. Who knows if this guy is the guy who deliberately spread rumors?

But soon,

There are more and more voices on the Internet, all of them vowed to say that the rumors are indeed true, and they are now in Yuanxi Village.

Moreover, they just saw Costin in the sky above Yuanxi Village with their own eyes.

After Hai Dongqing circled over the village for two laps, he quickly disappeared into the sky.

People on the Internet are finally restless.

Is it true? Costin really exists? This is too incredible, right?

Of course, there are still doubts.

"If there is a huge eagle that appears in the sky above Yuanxi Village, we absolutely believe it. But the key question is, how can you be sure that it is Costin?"

"That's right. What does Costin look like? No one has seen it before. How can you be sure that it must be Costin?"

Those voices on the Internet responded one after another.

"We really haven't seen Costin before. But I can tell you that when the giant eagle flew over our heads just now, we could feel a strong sense of oppression and fear, and we didn't even dare to let out the atmosphere. I can Guaranteed, it can easily grab an adult into the sky."

"Yes. That sense of oppression and fear is definitely not something that ordinary eagles and eagles can bring to people. It is definitely the legendary god of eagles."


After these voices, everyone on the Internet finally believed it.

Shouldn't this Nima really be Costin? This is really quite... exciting!

Yes, people on the Internet are already quite excited! The legendary god of ten thousand eagles makes countless people yearn for it.

"It's decided. I will go to Yuanxi Village tomorrow. I must see Haidongqing with my own eyes."

"I will also go to Yuanxi Village tomorrow. That's Haidongqing! What an exciting thing to be able to see with my own eyes."


Countless people are eager to move, and those who can leave as soon as they can decide to go to Yuanxi Village tomorrow.

And those who can't say go and leave, have also decided in their hearts that when they have the opportunity, they must go to Yuanxi Village to take a look, and they must go after Costin.

Most people just want to see Costin for themselves. But there are also a few people who want to own Costin in person.

Of course, those who just want to see it for themselves, actually want to own it. It's just that they know that they absolutely don't have that strength.

And the few who want to have it, think they have the strength to have it.

At this time, there are many such people who are thinking excitedly, "Costochine! If you have a Costin, what a respectable thing it would be?"

Of course, there are also people who have always longed for a legendary god of eagles because they like eagles very much.

They searched all over the world to no avail.

Don't say I found it, I haven't even heard of it. Where can I find Costin?

Now, finally there is the news of Costin.

Therefore, these people are even more excited and excited at this time, and they are also going to Yuanxi Village.

They don't just see, they find a way to own it.

"I don't know if that Haidongqing has an owner?"

"It doesn't matter. If there is someone who owns the owner, we will directly offer a price that the owner can't refuse, and just buy it."

"However, if there is an owner, its owner must only be Li Han. Li Han is not a poor person."

"When the price is high enough, people who are not poor will also be tempted. No one in this world will think that they have too much money."

"That said. But that may not work for Li Han. He doesn't seem to be too interested in money."

"It doesn't matter, if you can't solve the problem with money, then use other methods. There are so many ways, there is always a way to solve the problem."

"That's true. As long as there are enough solutions, problems can always be solved."

"However, we will certainly have quite a few competitors that are comparable to us. This is a troublesome thing."

"No matter what, we are bound to win that Costco."

"That is for sure."


Many powerful people have begun to play Haidongqing's idea.


The news about Costin has always been popular on the Internet, and it has never faded.

Relevant news slowly spread to the island country.

During this time, the island country has paid more and more attention to Li Han.

It's not just because of Li Han's "Slam Dunk", he is playing against Yamamoto Kenichi's "Basketball Boys".

Also because of the magic of Yuanxi Village, everyone is more and more interested in learning about it.

About the magical sayings of Yuanxi Village, everyone believed a little more than before.

Under such circumstances, news of Costin in Yuanxi Village would naturally spread to the island country.

There is also a legend in the island country that Costin is the god of ten thousand eagles, and everyone also yearns for Costin.

Therefore, the news about Costin also exploded in the island country.


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