This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 806 We want to visit Mr. Li Han once

Anyone who heard the news was shocked.

And then, all with extreme suspicion, complete disbelief.

The statement about Yuanxi Village is getting more and more unreliable.

It was said before that there are hundreds of species of birds that survive, which is already very unreliable.

Also Haidongqing, why don't you say there is a dragon! Doesn't the dragon have a very high status and significance in the Yan Kingdom? That directly said that there is a dragon!

This should be a hype method by that kid Li Han.

In order to promote the village where I am, I am getting more and more shameless!

That kid Li Han still feels unreliable.

It's really unreasonable that such an unreliable person can create works like "Slam Dunk"!

By the way, "Slam Dunk" shouldn't be Li Han's work, right?

Well, this must be doubtful.

Almost everyone thought so.

Then someone said: "It seems that everyone doesn't believe it, and I don't believe it either. However, if, I mean if, if there really is Costin in Yuanxi Village, what would everyone think?"

"Your assumption is not true, so you don't have to look at it. However, if it is true, it will definitely make all people who like eagles in the world flock to it. The legendary god of ten thousand eagles is enough to make everyone who likes eagles crazy. Then, we have to congratulate Li Han, he will be able to sell for an astronomical price. If he is the owner of Costin."

"That's right! For the legendary God of Eagles, there must be many people who will try to find a way to get it at all costs."

"Let's not talk about other countries, there should be a lot of people in our country who will spare no expense for a Costin. By the way, I don't know what they will think after hearing the news?"

"I guess someone will immediately set off to Yuanxi Village in the Yan Kingdom to find out."

"No. It's obviously fake news, and they still spend time and energy to find out the situation?"

"Yes, it will. Even if they know it's fake news, they will go to find out. Costin is extremely difficult to find in the world.

Does this species even exist in reality? There has never been an accurate statement. Therefore, once there is news about Costin, even if the possibility is slim, they will not let it go. Of course, we're talking about those who have the capital to look for. "

"Okay, maybe you're right. In that case, Li Han's hype will really work wonders. It's really eye-opening."

"It's really not easy."


As many people have said, there are also many in the island country who are extremely eager for Costin.

Among them, there are many people who have the ability to go to the world to find Costin.

Now, they're ready to go.

They don't know much about Yuanxi Village and Li Han. They have only recently heard of and started to pay attention to Yuanxi Village and Li Han.

For the magic of Yuanxi Village, they believe some, but not completely.

Of course they don't believe the news about Costin now.

However, even if they didn't believe it, they still decided to go to Yuanxi Village.

They must go to Yuanxi Village in person to confirm that the news is false, and then they will be completely reconciled.

Of course, deep in their hearts, there is a glimmer of hope and desire.

They expect the news to be true, even if the odds are remote.

Now, they are preparing to set off for Yuanxi Village of Yan Kingdom.


the next day.

Yuanxi Village.

There are obviously more guests coming to the village today than yesterday.

Moreover, many guests went around to ask people about the appearance of Costin yesterday as soon as they entered the village.

Obviously, they are all here specially for Costin.

Among them are old tourists who have been to the village before, as well as tourists who have come to the village for the first time.

Whether it is an old tourist or a new tourist, the excitement is the same at this time.

Because they inquired with many people in succession, everyone told them with certainty that Costin did appear yesterday, and they all saw it with their own eyes.

It seems that there is really Costin, which is really exciting.

Then the next biggest wish is to hope that the Costin from yesterday will also appear today, so that they can also witness it with their own eyes.

"By the way, do you think Haidongqing will also appear today?"

"Then who knows? Maybe, maybe not, see if you have that luck?"

"I guess it's basically impossible to appear today. You must know that Li Han's crane and the bird of paradise appear very rarely, let alone Haidongqing. It can appear once in ten days and a half months in the future. It's probably pretty good."

"This... I'll wipe it!"

The tourists who came for Costin today were all dumbfounded.

It will only appear once every ten days and a half months? Don't do that.

It is quite uncomfortable to know that there are Costin haunts, but you have no chance to see it!

"Of course, this is just my guess. In short, if you want to see Haidongqing today, just pray silently in your heart. Maybe you want to be able to achieve it, but you can't say it." The person just said again.

"That's the only way." So, all the tourists who came for Costin today all prayed silently in their hearts, praying that Costin would appear today.


in the crowd of tourists.

A man in his thirties said to a man in his forties beside him: "Brother Li, I have found out. That Costin does have an owner. Its owner is none other than Li Han. "

The man called "Brother Li", called Gu Li, is a businessman, very rich, and quite powerful.

One of his biggest hobbies is training eagles, and he has always been extremely eager for the legendary Costin.

He has been trying his best to find Costin, but it has never been fruitful.

Unexpectedly, Yuanxi Village gave him a huge surprise.

For this Costin, he is bound to win.

"Li Han?" Gu Li said, "Then, let's go visit him."

The man in his thirties, called Qiu Yuan, heard the words and said, "Okay. Then let's go to his farm office, where we should be able to meet him."

Guli nodded.

Afterwards, the two came to the office building at the entrance of the village.

"Welcome! Do the two gentlemen need help?" said a girl in charge of reception at the front desk.

Qiu Yuan smiled and said, "Hello, we want to visit Mr. Li Han."

All right, you two, please come with me. "While talking, the girl walked out of the front desk, and then led Qiu Yuan and Gu Li to a lounge and made two cups of tea.

Then he went to Li Xiaoru's office and said, "Sister Xiaoru, there are two gentlemen who want to visit Xiaohan."

"Really?" Li Xiaoru said, "Could it be for Costin? Well, I see, I'll go take a look."

"Excuse me, Sister Xiaoru." The girl said, and left.


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