This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 826 The dream rekindles again

Originally, everyone thought this statement was more plausible.

This is also the reason for the increasing popularity of this statement.

But, soon after, how did the selection criteria for "The Voice" be different? What are its selection criteria? Also exposed together.

After the exposure, everyone instantly felt that the statement that "the selection criteria are different" is unreliable.

Because, the selection criteria for exposure is, "only look at the sound, nothing else."

In other words, the program group has only one requirement for the contestants, and that is to sing well.

Everything else doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what gender, occupation, height, age, appearance, etc.

The selection criteria are indeed different.

This kind of program has been broadcast for more than ten years, and there are dozens of programs broadcast. No matter whether the program is popular or hit the street, there has never been a program that has done this.

This selection criteria are false at first glance.

How could "The Voice" choose such a person? It doesn't follow the laws of the market at all.

A talent show, a talent show, since it is a talent show, there must be certain requirements for the contestants.

Like age can't be too old, right? If an uncle in his 40s or 50s, or an old man over 60 came to the competition, how could such a player be popular?

Then there must be certain requirements for looks, right? It doesn't have to be very pretty, or very handsome, but at least it has to be decent, right?

For the audience, who doesn't want to see all the contestants looking young and beautiful?

All singing talent shows will follow this market rule when selecting contestants.

This is the decision of the market, and there is nothing unfair. Young and beautiful is a kind of capital.

Li Han's "The Voice" must be the same.

Isn't it nonsense to say that people's selection criteria are based only on voice and not on other things?

It looks fake.


Everyone thought it was fake.

But there are people who desperately desire it to be true.

It is those who are eager to participate in singing talent shows, but their own conditions do not meet the selection criteria.

Their vocal conditions are all very good, and they sing very nicely.

Just because their external conditions are not outstanding, or they fail to meet market requirements in some aspects, they can't even pass the audition.

Very frustrating and very helpless.

For example, there is a person named Wang Yu, that's it.

Wang Yu, 35 years old, is still a young age, and his appearance is actually passable.

Then I naturally have a good voice, sing very well, and I have received professional singing training.

If he goes to a singing talent show, it stands to reason that at least the first stage of the audition should be able to advance relatively easily.

However, in the past ten years, Wang Yu has participated in the audition five times in total, and then failed to pass once.

Only because his legs are disabled, he has to use crutches to walk.

He wants to sing and dreams of becoming a singer, and participating in singing talent shows is a very good choice.

Every time he went with hope, but every time he returned disappointed.

When he participated in the audition for the fifth time, the audition judges at the scene directly told him that his singing ability was actually able to advance, and even when he participated in the main competition, he also had the strength to fight.

However, his disabled leg prevented him from qualifying and also prevented him from standing on the stage of the race.

The judges' words made Wang Yu completely despair and give up.

It also completely broke his thoughts of participating in singing talent shows.

In fact, he knew before that because of his disabled leg, he should not be able to pass the audition.

However, he also looked forward to a miracle.

Now, he knew that miracles were impossible, and there was no point in continuing.

He was frustrated and lost, but he didn't blame the judges who knocked him out.

He knew that it was not so much that the judges eliminated him, but that the market eliminated him.

He can understand.

It's okay to stop thinking, so that you don't have to continue to dream that dream that is destined to never come true.

Since then, Wang Yun has no longer participated in any auditions for singing talent shows.

His heart gradually calmed down, no longer turbulent.

Now, he is 35 years old, and his heart is even more dull.

He thought that in his life, he would never be disturbed by singing talent shows again.

Unexpectedly, I suddenly heard that Li Han, for Magic Capital TV, personally planned a singing talent show.

A program planned by Li Han himself?

Wang Yun's already dull heart suddenly regenerated waves, just because it was a program planned by Li Han himself.

There is no other reason.

However, the waves that arise were not strong and did not last long.

Because Wang Yu did not think that the programs planned by Li Han himself would not follow the market rules of singing talent shows.

As long as he follows the laws of the market, he can't even pass the audition.

Therefore, his heart quickly returned to peace. From the beginning to the end, the idea of ​​​​going to participate in the audition has never arisen.

Even if it was a program planned by Li Han himself, he could only watch it helplessly.

Then, a sudden revelation made Wang Yu have regained his calm heart, causing waves once again.

Moreover, the waves that arose this time were very strong, making Wang Yu's heart pounding non-stop.

Just look at the sound and nothing else? Age, appearance, etc. are all ignored?

Does this mean that his disabled leg is no longer a problem?

If this is the case, wouldn't there be a chance for him to realize his dream for many years?

Moreover, this time, Li Han personally planned "The Voice of Yan Kingdom", and its influence will be no small matter.

Thinking of this, Wang Yu's heart thumped violently.

At this time, he realized that his desire to sing, to sing, and to be on the stage of singing talent shows has never cooled down.

Now I just saw a little hope, and I can't wait to rekindle it.

It turned out that he never let go.

It used to be just that, under the desperation, it was buried deeply.

Wang Yu's heart beat again, as strong as ever.

At this moment, he seems to have returned to the age of chasing his dreams.

At this moment, he felt that he was still young.

He was a little excited, a little excited, and a little nervous.

He was afraid that it was all just a short-lived dream.

When I woke up, everything was the same as before.

And as long as the revelations about the selection criteria for "The Voice of Yan Kingdom" are true, all this will not be a dream.

In this way, Wang Yu can stand on the stage of the Shanghai election again, and then successfully advance with his singing voice.

Wang Yu is still very confident in his singing, although he dare not say how far he can go in the race? But there is absolutely no problem with passing the audition.

At this moment, Wang Yu had a strong desire to break the news.

He prayed to heaven.


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