At the same time, there are many people all over the country who are also praying like Wang Yu.

Like Wang Yu, they all have no problem with singing, and there are even people who can reach a professional level, but cannot pass the audition for various reasons.

They had already given up their hearts, thinking that in their lifetime, it would be impossible for them to be on the main stage of singing talent shows.

But now, they all have hope.

If the selection of "The Voice" really only looks at the voice and nothing else, they are all very sure that they will pass the audition.

Being able to pass the audition, even if it is a preliminary dream.

So, is the selection criteria for "The Voice" really like this?

They look forward to the official answer.

And the official really gave the answer.

Just when the vast majority of people in the outside world believed that the selection criteria for the revelations could not be true, the "Good Voice" program team officially announced the selection criteria.

Its standards are the same as those previously reported.

The outside world was stunned.

It turned out to be true! The selection criteria for "The Voice" turned out to be based only on the voice and nothing else.

What is Li Han doing? Do it the other way around?

This is clearly against the market rules of singing talent shows.

Does this really work?

While stunned, many people couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Shouldn't Li Han screw things up this time?

You must know that those companies who are interested in buying title and advertising spaces are now preparing to bid for it.

Now if they all give up buying because of such selection criteria, it would be quite...a drama!

In fact, these people's concerns are indeed justified.

Several companies, including Chengzhi Pharmaceutical and Tuojiang Liquor, were a little dumbfounded at this time.

They are preparing to bid for the purchase, and they are all ready to bleed, and now they suddenly come out like this.

Why does it seem that there is a kind of happiness that has not been successfully purchased yet?

Of course, I'm not really lucky. I have to analyze and analyze how the effect of "The Voice" will be after the broadcast if such selection criteria are used?

Although it looks like it's about to hit the street. After all, it violates the market rules of singing talent shows.

But it is also possible that because of not taking the usual path, the final show is a big hit!

It is indeed possible.

Because the market rules of singing talent shows are now half dead.

If you follow the laws of the market, the final effect is mostly half-dead.

Then, it is better to find another way and block it by not taking the usual way, and maybe it will eventually become popular.

So, is it a complete smash? Will it still catch fire?

This has to be analyzed well.

This is a problem for major companies.

"Mr. Wang, I think we should completely trust Li Han. The man who always creates miracles should not fail this time."

"Mr. Li, 80 million is not a small amount. I think we must be extra cautious. We would rather not make money than invest 80 million at a big risk."


Views are not consistent across companies. Some people think that Li Han should be completely trusted, and some people think that the selection criteria of "The Voice" have increased the risk.

Do you want to participate in the auction? There was no conclusion for a while.

"In this way, let's first observe the reactions and public opinions on the Internet and then talk about it." All companies have made such a decision.


On the Internet, related discussions are naturally buzzing, and related topics easily rushed to the top of the hot search list.

Everyone is sighing. It is indeed Li Han's show. It has just started, and one hot topic after another has been created.

The previous hot topic has not ended, and a new hot topic is coming.

It is said that every time Li Han launches a work, he will never be calm, and various topics and incidents will arise.

This is really quite... exciting.

Yes, excited.

Although everyone is somewhat worried, will Li Han screw things up this time?

But in addition to worrying, he can't help but be excited.

Everyone likes to watch Li Han's works and make things happen.

Then, everyone has their own different views on the selection criteria for "The Voice".

Some people think that the market for singing talent shows is already not very prosperous.

If the contestants are all handsome men and beautiful women, it is estimated that they can increase their popularity.

But if you only look at the sound and don't look at other things, it is estimated that there will be all kinds of players at that time, and the audience is probably not much interested in watching it.

After all, more than ten years have proved that for singing talent shows, audiences like to watch handsome men and beautiful women.

Therefore, they are not optimistic about the selection criteria of "The Voice".

However, some people have the exact opposite view.

As some companies have analyzed before, even if the contestants are all handsome men and beautiful women, the popularity is not expected to be very high.

Now Li Han has broken the market rules for more than ten years in one fell swoop, and his sword has taken a slant.

They believe that the audience should have been tired of watching handsome men and beautiful women for more than ten years.

This is also the reason why the market for singing talent shows is declining.

In their view, the selection criteria for this type of show may have long since changed.

This is called breaking and then standing.

In the past, people in the relevant industry didn't know how to break and stand up, or they didn't dare to break down and stand up.

Now, Li Han stood up.

Therefore, they are very optimistic about the selection criteria of "The Voice".

People who hold these two views are arguing endlessly on the Internet.

At first, everyone was just discussing with each other, but the discussion and discussion gradually turned into an argument.

Among them are ordinary netizens, some who have always liked to watch it, or who liked to watch it before but now do not watch it, some people from the TV station circle, and other program crew members of singing talent shows, etc.

In short, everyone involved is discussing and arguing, which is quite lively.


Wang Yu's heart is beating very fast now, and he feels that his heartbeat has never been faster than it is now.

He was excited and excited because what he had prayed to God had come true.

The selection of "The Voice" really only looks at the sound and nothing else.

So, doesn't it mean that if he goes to participate in the "Good Voice" audition, as long as his singing voice can meet the promotion standard, he will definitely be able to advance.

His dusty heart was restless again, and he couldn't wait to participate in the audition for "The Voice".

I just don't know what form the audition for "The Voice" will take?

Is it similar to the auditions of other similar programs? Or will it be more special?

In any case, Wang Yu decided to participate in the audition, and he was ready.

This is his dedication to his dream once again.

Maybe the last time.


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