This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 828 The audition is about to begin

At this moment, there are many people who are as excited as Wang Yu.

They are also ready to go to the audition.

Although they go to the audition, they may not necessarily pass. But at least it will not be eliminated because of factors such as external image.

That's enough.

So, when will the audition for the first season of "The Voice" start? In what way will the audition be conducted?

Their unprecedented attention and anticipation.


Several days have passed, and the controversy on the Internet about the selection criteria of "The Voice" has continued, and the two sides are evenly matched.

In the past few days, companies such as Chengzhi Pharmaceutical and Tuojiang Wine Industry have been observing on the Internet and discussing them internally, and finally they have finally achieved results.

Everyone's choice is the same, and that is to participate in the bidding.

After all, everyone chose to believe in Li Han.

It's time to make changes to the selection criteria for singing talent shows.

So, the bidding begins.

The "Voice of Good" program group, as well as the entire Magic Capital TV station, are naturally very excited about this.

I thought that many companies would choose to give up.

The outside world and netizens were surprised and not surprised by this.

As far as the current singing talent show market is concerned, there may indeed be unexpected surprises if you choose to break through and stand up.

Those companies have deep pockets, and they can afford such a bet.

Of course, everyone understands that the real reason why those companies dare to gamble is not because of their wealth and wealth, but because it is Li Han who chooses to break down and stand up.

If someone else proposed such a selection criteria, it is estimated that no company would choose to make such a big gamble.

After all, it was because of Li Han.

This made netizens excited.

And a few thought that Li Han would screw things up,

Those who waited to see the joke were disappointed again.

Moreover, they also found sadly that Li Han's influence seemed to be greater than before. Even those well-known companies began to believe in Li Han.

This is a sad fact.

Still, now is not the time to be completely depressed. Breaking and then standing may indeed bring surprises, but it may also be completely thrown into the street.

There is a fifty percent chance of each.

This is not what they said, but the common views of countless netizens and people from all walks of life.

Well, the results are quite promising.

Therefore, although they are disappointed now, they are still looking forward to the final result.

Perhaps, this time will be Li Han's first failure.

In the previous comics with Kenichi Yamamoto of the island country, it was very unexpected that he did not fail, and it is estimated that he will not be able to escape this time.

The first failure can't keep coming, isn't it.


After some intense bidding, the result was finally settled.

Chengzhi Pharmaceutical has become the exclusive title company of "The Voice" with a sky-high price of 130 million.

Tuojiang Wine Co., Ltd. purchased an advertising space for 30 million yuan.

Then there are several companies that have purchased advertising spaces such as second- and third-level advertising spaces, with prices ranging from 5 million to 20 million.

The worst advertising space also sold for a high price of 5 million.

After the results came out, all the program groups of all TV stations were all envious and jealous.

Even the other program groups of Magic Capital TV are very envious.

""The Voice" is too awesome! How can a singing talent show sell for such a high price, I'm really envious of Nima!"

"After doing the math, the total value has exceeded 200 million. This show has already made money for the TV station before it has started recording. The executives are probably quite excited!"

"The TV station originally budgeted to invest 80 million, but this money has not been credited to "The Voice"? Now not only does it not need to pay, but there is still money to be paid. The "Voice" program group will definitely be infinitely popular."



Director's Office.

Director Ruan Zhongxing laughed and said, "Director Liang, your "Voice" crew did a great job this time! I thought before that, if necessary, you can increase the budget appropriately. Now it seems that it has been completely There's no need for it!"

Liang Yong was in a better mood than ever before and said, "Director, it's all because of Li Han. We are lucky to be able to get Li Han's program."

Ruan Zhongxing nodded and said: "Yes, this is also the luck of our Magic Capital TV. Thanks to Li Han, our Magic Capital TV will become a pioneer in singing talent shows. Director Liang, Your show is really looking forward to it!"

Liang Yongdao: "We are also looking forward to it, and we are looking forward to it more and more. We never thought that we would have the opportunity to become the pioneers of singing talent shows. Now our entire show team is very excited."

Ruan Zhongxing said: "If that's the case, then this time you have the courage to let it go, and the entire TV station will fully cooperate with you. Then, we will wait for you to celebrate. By the way, we must do everything according to Li Han's requirements."

Liang Yongdao: "Please rest assured, director, this time we will hand over an answer sheet that will satisfy the entire TV station."

Ruan Zhongxing nodded, "Then you will have to work hard next."


People in the entire TV station circle are all sighing.

"A singing talent show with at least half of the risk of going down the street has sold for such a high price. Those companies really dare to gamble, do they believe in Li Han so much?"

"It turns out that they believed in Li Han that much. Before I knew it, Li Han was already so arrogant."

"For such a high price, in my impression, only a few programs such as CCTV Spring Festival Gala are higher than it. It is indeed quite a craze."

"Now I'm more and more interested in The Voice. I really hope it starts airing soon, and then see how it turns out?"

"It's still early, and the audition hasn't even started yet. What I'm curious about now is that since they only look at the sound and nothing else. Then, what kind of people will pass the audition?"

"It's definitely not all handsome men and beautiful women. Speaking of which, will the audience like to watch such contestants? You know, is a show going to hit the street? Or is it a big hit? It's up to the audience to decide. "The same is true. I don't know what viewers who are planning to watch "The Voice" are thinking now?"

"It is estimated that it is the same as the view on the Internet now. Some people are looking forward to it, and some people are disappointed."

"By the way, when will the audition for "The Voice" start? Is it a year ago or a year later? Give me a letter of approval!"

"There should be news soon."


In fact, there will be news soon.

The "Good Voice" program team issued another official announcement:

The audition for the first season of "The Voice" is about to begin, and the entire audition will end a year ago.


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