As soon as the news came out, countless people were cheered up.

Is it finally time to start?

So, what is the audition method like? This is what everyone is very concerned about and curious about.

The answer came right after.

Sign up by mail.

Anyone who wants to sign up can record a demo of their singing and send it to the official email address for registration.

Anyone can, there are no restrictions.

There are no restrictions on gender, age, appearance, height, occupation, education, etc.

As long as you like to sing and want to sing.

From now on, you can submit singing demo registrations for one week.

Then, the program team directly conducts the primary selection based on the singing samples that everyone signed up.

Those who pass the primary selection will be notified by the program team.

Then, the contestants who received the notification of the program group will go to the place designated by the program group to make a check.

Those who pass the test will be promoted to become the official contestants of the first season of "The Voice of Yan Kingdom".

The number of official contestants in the first season is 100.

During the re-election, although it is a live performance, it also only looks at the sound and nothing else.

The entire audition process will be conducted in secret and will not be disclosed to the public.

At the same time, whether it is the primary election or the re-election, the list of qualified players will not be disclosed to the public.

Also, even the four mentors, Ling You, Gu Zhan, Wang Junsheng, and Ye Xiaowen, would not know the process and results of the audition, as well as the list of candidates for the audition and the list of official contestants.

That is to say, the process and results of the audition are also kept secret from the four mentors.

After the audition ended, the only people who knew the results were the members of the "Voice" program team and the contestants themselves.

At the same time, whether it is the program team members or the players themselves,

Neither can disclose the relevant information of the audition to the outside world.

As soon as the audition method came out, countless people in the outside world were talking about it.

Everyone's first feeling has three points.

First, such an audition method is unique and has never been seen before.

Second, this is really only looking at the sound and nothing else.

Of course, everyone didn't doubt it before, and now it's just a sigh of relief.

Third, the entire audition process is mysterious, which is also the opposite.

How can the audition process and results not be made public?

For those other singing talent shows, I wish the process and results of the audition were exposed every day, and I wish that someone would hype it up every day.

In this way, the popularity will increase, and the ratings may be higher at that time.

And "The Voice" has to be mysterious. This is definitely the first time in the history of a singing talent show.

The most surprising thing is that even the four guests have to be kept secret, and the players themselves are not allowed to disclose the situation to the outside world.

This is the first time ever. For other similar programs, I wish the guests and contestants would do things by themselves to increase the popularity.

"The Voice" is the complete opposite!

As expected of Li Han's show, it will keep giving you all kinds of surprises.

However, one thing I have to say is that the groundbreaking and mysterious audition method of "The Voice" makes people more curious about the content of the program.

Why use such an audition method? Is it related to the content of the show?

The "Voice" official did not disclose any information about the content of the game.

Now, the content of the race is a mystery to everyone.

Of course, except for the program crew and four guests, Ling You, Gu Zhan, Wang Junsheng, and Ye Xiaowen.

The four guests must know the content of the competition, which should be the reason why they will accept the invitation.

The major entertainment media once again tried their best to interview Ling You, Gu Zhan, Wang Junsheng, and Ye Xiaowen.

As the representative of the four mentors, Ling You publicly accepted interviews with entertainment media.

There are dozens of entertainment media present, and every entertainment media is very excited.

Because they know that if they can interview something of value, the number of clicks and reads will explode.

"Mr. Ling, will your four mentors really not participate in the audition process for "The Voice"?"

"Yes. Including how many players in total signed up for the audition is a secret to us."

"Why is this? What's the purpose of the show team doing this? Why are you able to accept such conditions?"

"Of course there is a purpose to do this, but what is the purpose? I can't disclose it now. In addition, the four of us will also abide by this rule and will not inquire in private, what kind of players have successfully advanced to the final. The race. Although if we know the result, we will have a very big work.”

"This... Mr. Ling, can you speak more clearly?"

"Sorry, that's all I can say."

"Mr. Ling, why are the four of you called mentors? Not guests?"

"I'm very sorry, but I still can't answer this question. However, our responsibilities in the "Voice" show are indeed completely different from the responsibilities of guests in other similar shows."

"Mr. Ling, what do you think will happen to the ratings of "The Voice" after it airs?"

"It's not easy to guess. However, it should be very gratifying to think about."

"Mr. Ling..."

The reporters asked a lot of questions, although some of Ling You's answers were unsatisfactory.

But overall, it's still very exciting.

As a result, reports about Ling You's interview were overwhelming.

After watching it, countless netizens were both excited and disappointed.

After talking for a long time, the specific content of the program that everyone is most curious about has still not been revealed.

It seems that we really have to wait until the show is officially broadcast before we can find out.

It's really annoying!

Li Han's servant was definitely deliberately trying to indulge people's appetite, it was really hateful.

Netizens complained about Li Han for a while.

After complaining, that's all.

There should be players now, so start signing up for the audition, right?

I really want to know what kind of players are signing up?

Someone on the Internet just said that he heard that an uncle in his 60s sent his own singing demo audio to the "Good Voice" program team and signed up for the audition.

Don't know if it's true? or fake?

If it's true, think of an uncle who is over 60 years old, standing on the stage singing and participating in a talent show, the style of painting... It's actually quite interesting.

"Hahaha! If you think about it carefully, it seems quite interesting. I have never watched singing talent shows before. But if there are such contestants, I would be interested to see them."

"Me too. I've never watched it before. They're all handsome men and beautiful women. I don't know what to look at. But now, I'm a little interested in "The Voice"."


Many people who have never watched singing talent shows before are expressing their interest in "The Voice" at this time.

This was an unexpected surprise for the "Good Voice" program group.


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It's been a long time since I asked for a ticket! Now please ask, everyone who has votes in hand, please vote.

Thanks guys!


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