This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 830 Li Han's method is brilliant

So, is there really a 60-year-old uncle who signed up?

It is not known yet.

However, one thing is certain, that is, there are countless people all over the country who are just around the corner.

Some are young, some are old, some are good-looking, and some are ordinary.

There are many people who want to participate in singing talent shows for various reasons, but have been afraid to sign up before.

For example, a young woman named Wang Yan likes to sing and wants to participate in a singing talent show.

Nor is she saying you have to be a singer.

In fact, is it possible to become a singer? She doesn't care. She just wanted to show herself on the stage of a singing talent show.

It was her dream, but she didn't dare to sign up to compete.

Because, her voice is very special when she sings, her voice is male.

She is actually quite beautiful, not rough at all, but rather cute and cute, and her voice is completely normal.

But for some reason, the sound made by singing is a male voice, and it is very similar.

If you only listen to the voice and don't look at the person, you will definitely think that it is a boy singing.

This made Wang Yan, who likes to sing, very distressed for a time.

She had tried hard to sing with a female voice, but she was able to sing it, but this deliberately changed voice made her feel very awkward and uncomfortable, and the voice she sang was also very unpleasant.

It's far better than her natural singing, and it's so nice.

Just listening to her voice is very nice.

There was no other way, Wang Yan could only sing naturally.

It's just that a delicate girl sang a boy's voice, which made her feel a little embarrassed. When there are many people, I am ashamed to speak, and naturally I dare not participate in singing talent shows.

Of course, there is a more important reason, that is, an alternative singer like her is impossible to be popular, and it is estimated that she will not be able to pass the audition.

Wang Yan was even more afraid to sign up for the competition.

This made her very regretful, but there was no way, who let God play such a malicious joke on her.

Recently, the program "The Voice of Yan Kingdom" planned by Li Han for the Magic Capital TV has been making a lot of noise. Of course, Wang Yan has been paying attention.

But she was just paying attention, and didn't plan to sign up for it herself.

It was not until the "Voice" program team announced the audition method that Wang Yan suddenly had an inexplicable movement.

You only need to send an audio file of your own singing to participate in the audition. Why not try this simple audition method?

Anyway, she didn't have to perform live on stage to sing, and no one knew that she was actually a girl.

As for if you pass the primary election and want to participate in the re-election, it is a big deal to choose to give up.

In this way, at least she can know that she can pass the primary election by singing.

This is already a small achievement that can make people feel satisfied.

The more Wang Yan thought about it, the more moved she became. Finally, she finally recorded a piece of audio of her carefully singing and sent it to the official registration mailbox of the "Good Voice" program group.

Wang Yan did not tell anyone that she had signed up. Anyway, she is only preparing to participate in the primary election.


Wang Yan is in this situation, and then there are many other people who signed up for the audition, with various situations.

When the first season of "The Voice" starts airing in the future, these situations will be exposed, and it is destined to be very lively.

The official registration emails of the "Good Voice" program group have started to receive one after another, and the audio samples of the singing voices registered by the contestants.

This made the program crew including Liang Yong secretly relieved.

It would be quite embarrassing if there was a lot of uproar on the show, but not many people signed up for the competition.

And this possibility is not entirely absent.

Because judging from the current situation, after the launch of "The Voice", there is at least a half chance that it will completely hit the streets.

Then, when many people sign up, they may consider whether "The Voice" is worth signing up?

This is about to sign up for the competition, and successfully passed the audition to participate in the official competition that follows. And when the final show was broadcast, the ratings were appalling, which is likely to be despised by others.

This possibility is not low, so it has to be seriously considered.

Of course, there are very few people who seriously consider and hesitate, and most people sign up without any hesitation.

And the few who were hesitant, after hesitating for a while, some people really chose to give up.

For example, a young man named Hao Hao chose to give up after hesitating for a while.

Because his external conditions are very good and his singing skills are also good, he is already a fairly well-known amateur singer.

If he wants to participate in singing talent shows, he has many choices, and he may not necessarily participate in "The Voice" very much.

He could have waited until the latest season of Shonan TV's "I Love to Sing" started recording.

It seems unnecessary for him to take the risk on The Voice.

Therefore, after hesitating for a while, he finally chose to give up.

Hao Hao also thought about it, if "The Voice" finally caught fire, he would definitely regret it.

But compared to the risky "The Voice", he was willing to choose the "I Love Singing" without risk.

He knew he lacked an adventurous spirit, but there was nothing he could do about it.

If you really regret it, then regret it.

Then, there are even a smaller number of people who don't bother to participate in "The Voice" at all.

In their view, all the current prosperity of "The Voice" is an illusion, and it will definitely hit the street in the end, not just half the chance.

These people more or less have some opinions on Li Han. Every time Li Han publishes his works, they are a little unhappy.

Of course it's the same this time.

"Li Han changed the selection criteria for singing talent shows as soon as he came here, and he also organized such an unprecedented audition. It is called 'breaking and then standing', but in my opinion, it is simply grandstanding. I also like it. Singing, I sing very well. I also want to participate in a singing talent show, but I will definitely not participate in "The Voice"."

"Me too, I will never participate in "The Voice". It's a pity that there are not many people who can think like us. Otherwise, there are very few people who sign up for the competition, and Li Han will lose face if he loses face."

"Don't look at everyone's roaring excitement now, but there may not be many people who will actually sign up for the competition. The "Voice" program team guessed that this might be the case, and will keep the audition process and results completely confidential. , even if not many people sign up for the audition, the outside world will not know. This trick is very clever. "

"Damn it! You seem to make some sense when you say this. I'll just say, why keep the whole process secret? Sign up for the audition. As expected of Li Han! There are so many tricks to eagle bugs."

"Yes, in this way, as long as the number of applicants reaches 100, they will be able to hide from the sky. Because they only need 100 contestants in the main competition. Then, they can completely let all the contestants who signed up for the audition, All of them passed the audition. When there are 100 contestants in the main competition, the audience will only think that they were selected through layers. But how would they know that there are actually only 100 applicants in total. The method is really clever what!"

"Hahaha! Indeed it is."


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