This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 840 The listening rate is very gratifying

Then, the excited crowd continued to urge Yan Chufeng to tell the next story.

Yan Chufeng said, "The next step is that the protagonist's grandfather died, and when he died, he passed the "Sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" to the protagonist.

And then... there's no more. "

"No more? Why is there no more? I enjoyed watching it. It should be about the protagonist's story next, right? This is the most critical moment."

"That's right, go on! It's mainly because we can't get a signal from Izumo. Otherwise, we'll listen to it ourselves. It sounds like it's going to be very enjoyable."


The people in the group urged them one after another, they were enjoying watching it, how could they not?

Yan Chufeng said, "Look at what time it is now?"

"12 o'clock, what's wrong?"

"The "Night Story" is over. I just mentioned the protagonist's grandfather, and passed the "Sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" to the protagonist. After that, if you want to know what will happen next, please continue to listen to it tomorrow night. You don't think it's enough , I don't even think it's enjoyable. It feels so good to listen to the anchor tell this story! I haven't heard enough of it at all!"

"I rub it! That's what it is." Others in the group were stunned.

They just forgot about it.

What should we do now? I would love to know the story behind it!

If only I could see this work in the market.

"Ghost Blowing Lamp"? There really is no such thing on the market.

By the way, whose work is this?

Others in the group asked one after another, "Did the anchor say whose work was when he first introduced it?"

Yan Chufeng thought about it carefully and said, "No. It just introduced the name of the story as "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", and didn't say who the author was?"

"I didn't say who the author was? Could it be the story created by the anchor himself?" Someone said.

This kind of thing is not uncommon, and it is true that there will be anchors telling stories of their own creation.

Qiu Chufeng said, "It shouldn't be possible.

The anchor Tang Wenliang is a very good broadcaster with very strong strength. But in the creation of stories, should not have such ability. "

The rest of the group nodded slowly, which was true.

The person who can write this story definitely has some strong creative ability. An anchor is indeed unlikely to have such creative ability.

Whose work would that be?

The work of Tianji, the best suspense writer right now?

The style is not the same!

Everyone in the group guessed, but there was no answer.

"Want to know who the author is? It's actually very simple. Just call Izumo Radio and ask."

Someone said so.

"That's right!" Others suddenly, how did they forget about this?

"But now it's 12 o'clock in the evening. No one will answer the call." Qiu Chufeng said.

"Whatever it is, let's fight it first," said the people in the group.

Qiu Chufeng thought about it too, and then took out his mobile phone and dialed the hotline of Izumo Radio's "Night Stories" column.

Of course he also very much wants to know whose work is it?


And at this time, the people who were calling were far more than Qiu Chufeng.

For those who have just listened to the program, many people are calling, including Zeng Yuchao.

Everyone wants to know very much, who is the author of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"?

It's already 12 o'clock in the evening at this time.

The result is naturally that most people's calls are outgoing with a busy tone of "beep beep".

A few people got through, but no one ever answered.


Izumo Radio.

As soon as "Night Story" ended, the column hotline rang.

This phone has not been ringing since the beginning of the program.

At 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, that is, this time, there was no sound even once.

In the past, listeners fell asleep after listening to the show, and even fell asleep before the show was over. Where would anyone call the hotline?

Now, for the first time at this point in time.

"Director, do you want to answer the phone?" Tang Wenliang, who had just dropped the broadcast, asked Wei Wanyang, the station director next to him.

Yes, director Wei Wanyang is still on the radio.

The reason why he is still on the radio is naturally for Tang Wenliang's program.

"Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is very important to the entire Izumo radio station. And Tang Wenliang broadcast the speech directly on the spot, and did not record the soundtrack in advance.

Broadcasting directly on the spot is prone to various situations.

Although Wei Wanyang absolutely believes in Tang Wenliang, after all, he will be completely at ease by guarding the scene himself.

Tang Wenliang's live broadcast went very smoothly, and Wei Wanyang's slightly dangling heart completely fell to the ground.

And the hotline would ring, as he expected.

Moreover, he can also guess what is the main purpose of those who call?

He smiled slightly and said, "No answer. It's so late anyway, and listeners who don't answer the phone can understand."

Of course he doesn't answer the phone.

Because as soon as you answer the phone, the audience on the other end will definitely ask, who is the author of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"?

He does not intend to disclose the news that the author is Li Han now.

At the beginning of the show, Tang Wenliang did not introduce who the author was, and he deliberately arranged it.

There is only one reason for this, and that is to deliberately let the outside world guess and discuss who the author is? Wait until the popularity is high enough, and then announce that the author is Li Han, which can achieve the best effect.

Of course, Tang Wenliang also understood why Wei Wanyang made this arrangement, he laughed and said, "President, in fact, I can't wait to know what their reaction will be when they find out that the author is Mr. Li Han."

Wei Wanyang smiled and said, "Don't worry, you'll be able to see it soon. Xiao Tang, your speech today was very successful, and you will continue to do so in the future."

Tang Wenliang said, "Don't worry, President, I will. President, what do you think the audience rate will be tonight?"

Wei Wanyang said, "The starting stage is similar to the previous stage. However, when it reaches the middle part, it will definitely rise slowly. As for how much it can rise in the end? It's hard to guess, but it's definitely worth looking forward to."

Tang Wenliang said, "I think so too."

At this time, a staff member of the technical department walked in, holding a page of A4 paper in his hand, his face was very happy, and he said, "Director, the listening rate has come out."

Wei Wanyang had a look of joy on his face, and when he got an A4 paper, he said, "Xiao Du, thank you for your hard get off work, let's get off work."

"President, it's not hard work. President, the "Night Story" column is going to be popular!"

"Really?" Wei Wanyang laughed, "Let me see what the listening rate is."

Looking at the A4 paper in his hand, Tang Wenliang also rushed over.

The highest listening rate is 076, and the average listening rate is 043.

This is a very good listening rate.

Both Wei Wanyang and Tang Wenliang were very happy.



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