This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 841 I hope it won't be embarrassing

You must know that the highest listening rate before "Night Story" was only a little more than 0.6.

Now "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" has only broadcast the first episode, and the highest listening rate has exceeded the previous highest listening rate.

As for the average listening rate is not high, it is because of the impact of the low listening rate in the first half, I believe the average listening rate tomorrow will be very gratifying.

It is really worth looking forward to!


In the group where Yan Chufeng belonged, someone in the group asked, "How is it? Did the phone get through? Did the radio station say whose work it was?"

Yan Chufeng said: "No, the line is always busy, so I can't get in at all."

"Is that so? But it's normal. Those who want to know who the author is now must be more than those in our group. There must be many other people who want to know, and there must be a lot of people calling now."

"Okay, it's very late, everyone, go to bed early. When you get up tomorrow morning, there may be news."

"I also want to sleep. However, I feel a little sleepy! First, I really want to know who the author is now? Second, the story of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" just now is so exciting, and now the whole person is a little excited and not sleepy."

"Me too, I didn't sleep at all."


Everyone in the group said that they were a little excited and had no sleepiness, and Yan Chufeng had nothing to do.

Well, in fact, he was more excited and less sleepy.

Because the people in the group were just watching the story he introduced, and he was listening to Tang Wenliang's speech, which made him feel much more than the people in the group.

He still seems to be able to hear Tang Wenliang's voice in his mind now, as well as the background sound effects that can make people feel nervous, scared, and frightened.

The background sound effects were carefully prepared by Tang Wenliang, and with his speech, it can create an immersive atmosphere for the audience.

This is also one of the reasons why Yan Chufeng can hear it very emotionally.

Now, even though the show has ended, the tense and terrifying atmosphere seems to be still there, and the plot of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" that I heard before is still in my mind.

This made Yan Chufeng feel a little nervous,

And quite excited, where can there be sleepiness?

In this situation, Yan Chufeng was not alone.

In fact, including Zeng Yuchao, everyone who has just listened to "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is in a similar situation to Yan Chufeng at this time.

No one fell asleep.

Originally, when everyone listened to "Night Story" before, when the show ended, they were often very drowsy, and soon fell asleep.

Even before the show ended, he fell asleep.

But not this time.

No sleep at all this time.

What to do then? Express your excitement online.

"Who listened to Izumo Radio's "Night Story" column just now? Do you feel very excited now?"

"Hahaha! It seems that I am not the only one who is excited. "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", they actually found such a story. It feels like a fire!"

"It should be a small fire, but a big fire will not. Because the coverage area of ​​Izumo radio station is limited, people outside the area can't hear it at all. By the way, where are you? The West Gate of the Magic City or Izumo Town?"

"By the way, do you know who is the author of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern"? I called the hotline of the column group. From 12 o'clock until now, the line has always been busy. It's really helpless."

"I've been busy too, it's been half an hour."


Their words attracted a lot of attention from those who had not slept at this time.

Among them, there are people in the area of ​​Ximen and Izumo Town. They basically know Izumo Radio. Some people also know the "Night Story" column, and even heard it before.

"Night Story" is now broadcasting "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"?

This name makes my heart go crazy!

It didn't seem to be this story before! Has that story been told before?

"Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is wonderful? Want fire?

real or fake?

If there is such a wonderful thing, I might as well listen to it tomorrow night.

Does Radio Izumo have a column called "Night Stories"?

The story called "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" seems to be very popular.

However, this has nothing to do with them. They don't watch ghost stories. No matter how good the story is, they won't watch it.

Different people have different thoughts.

But no matter what kind of thinking people have, they have noticed the story of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

Then, there are many more people within the area of ​​Ximen and Izumo Town, the non-magic capital.

Most of them don't know Izumo Radio, and many people don't have the habit of listening to the radio.

So, they're all a little weird.

"Radio show? Are there still so many people listening to a radio show? I haven't listened to a radio show for more than ten years."

"I've never listened to a radio show and have absolutely no idea why anyone would still listen to a radio show."

"Actually, there are still many people listening to radio programs. There are also many radio stations all over the country. Izumo Radio should be a small local radio station, right? The stories told by the local small radio stations cannot be wonderful, right? "

"There is a small town in the western suburbs of the Magic City called Izumo Town. Izumo Radio Station should be the local radio station in Izumo Town, right? Although it is a small radio station, it belongs to the Great Magic City, so it should not be underestimated."

"Okay. However, this has nothing to do with me. I can't receive the signal from Izumo Radio here, and I don't usually listen to the radio station. However, the name 'Ghost Blowing Lamp' makes people remember it all at once."

"The ghost blowing the lamp is indeed unforgettable. But, what does this mean?"

"Then who knows."


Many people have noticed Izumo Radio, the "Night Story" column, and "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", but everyone just noticed it and didn't have too many ideas.


The night is getting darker.

Within the area of ​​Ximen and Izumo Town, the magical capital, those who were not sleepy after listening to "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" finally fell asleep.

Blink to the second day.

The first thing I do after waking up in the morning is to go online to see who is the author of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern". Is there any result?

There were so many people calling the hotline last night, there will always be someone to get through, right?

Will definitely share it on the web when I know the answer.

However, the results were disappointing and there was still no answer.

Co-authoring, no one got through the phone last night?

Well, the person in charge of answering the hotline at that time should have been off work.

Then wait for the people over there to go to work today and continue to call.

Can you know the answer today?

It was nine o'clock in the morning, and it was estimated that the person who answered the hotline of the "Night Story" column on the Izumo radio station should have gone to work.

Many people started making calls again.

They really want to know who the author is now?

The phone was indeed connected, but the reply from the "Night Story" column team was, who is the author for the time being, and will tell you who the author is in the future?

This answer made everyone very depressed.

What are you doing? Is it necessary to be so mysterious?

Is it the work of some famous great writer? Want to whet your appetite first, then give a big surprise at the end?

I wish the author was famous enough.

Otherwise, it would be quite embarrassing for the "Night Story" column group to be so appetizing now.

Many people are talking about it on the Internet again.


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