This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 843 I feel like I have discovered a brand new adventure world

This seems to be a story about a tomb raider.

Everyone was amazed, they had never seen this kind of story before.

To be precise, there is no such story on the market now.

Not a single work.

There are many authors of suspense and exploration, and everyone's works also involve a variety of suspense and adventure materials, but they have never involved tomb robbery materials.

The reason why it is not involved is because no one would have thought that about tomb robbing, it can also be a kind of story material.

In fact, the listeners are all quite surprised now, and they didn't even think that tomb raiding could be a story material before.

If it was before, let them listen to a story about tomb robbing, they would definitely not be interested in listening to it.

Not to mention about tomb robbing, can it be used as a kind of story material?

Even if it is possible, what good is the story about tomb robbing?

It's nothing more than finding a tomb and going to steal it.

But now, listeners are discovering that tomb raiding is not that simple.

First of all, it is extremely difficult to find a valuable tomb, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

Previously, the audience thought that finding a tomb was a non-technical thing.

Because, as for tombs, whether it is an ancient tomb or a modern tomb, there will definitely be a mound, and some will have obvious structures such as tombstones.

Such an obvious thing, as long as the eyes are not blind, anyone can see it!

But now, after listening to Hu Bayi's discovery of the tomb, the audience realized they were dead wrong.

Those tombs that everyone can see are just tombs on the ground.

In fact, there are many, many tombs that have been buried deep in the ground due to long time and constant changes in the ground.

Some tombs were even originally built underground.

They may be a few meters away from the ground, or a dozen meters, or even tens of meters.

There is no mound, no tombstone, just with the eyes, how can we find it?

Ordinary people will never find it.

But Hu Bayi can, he can find out, according to the records in the ancient book "Sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique", through mysterious and mysterious Feng Shui.

It was as if he had just speculated that there was a female ancient tomb buried deep under the mountains in front of him.

The discovery of the tombs is so exciting, so what will the next tomb robbery be like?

One by one, the audience was very interested and curious.

Therefore, after they guessed that the whole story was about tomb robbing, not only were they not disappointed, but they were also very excited and excited.

They felt like they had discovered a whole new world of adventure.

This feeling excites every cell in the body.

At this time, they thought of the author again.

Who is its author? It feels like a lot of bullshit!

To be able to take them into a whole new world of adventure is definitely not an ordinary author.

All listeners have been able to confirm this.

But only to be able to determine this.

Forget about the author's business, it's important to continue listening to the story.

The story is getting better and better.

And, time and time again, it was very stressful.

Hu Bayi, Fatty, and Yanzi were attacked by humans and bears in the forest. The scene was very thrilling...

Hu Bayi and a group of comrades arrived at Kunlun Mountain.

In the Kunlun Mountains, they encountered a strangely shaped little ladybug. Its whole body was like a red transparent crystal, and its wings were even more translucent. Through the transparent carapace, they could vaguely see the translucent internal organs inside, and there seemed to be a faint flame in it. In the flow, it looks mysterious and strange.

One of his comrades, called Gong Gong, held the little ladybug in his hand and wanted to study it carefully.

However, the fingers that Wang Gong and the ladybug touched were suddenly ignited by a blue flame, and the flame spread to the whole body in an instant.

The rest of the people wanted to save, but it was too late.

In the end, Wang Gong died in the struggle.

Then, the blue flame rushed up along the bayonet, and instantly engulfed the instructor holding the bayonet, and the instructor died while struggling.

Then, the strange ladybug split into three, rushed towards the crowd, and instantly turned the three comrades into fireballs...

The sound of gunfire triggered an avalanche, causing a large gap sloping downward on the steep hillside...

Hu Bayi and the surviving comrades fell into the big gap and died.

After groping under the ground, looking for a way out, I found a strange nine-story wooden pagoda.

Every floor of the wooden pagoda is full of dry bones in peculiar ancient costumes, both men and women, young and old, and every big tree is engraved with Tibetan secrets.

It also has a name written on it, called "Nine-Story Demon Pagoda".

The tower is full of stars and countless red flashes.

Taking a closer look, it is the kind of weird and terrifying ladybug, the number of which is endless...

Hu Bayi and his surviving comrades, relying on a river, finally managed to escape the attack of those strange fire ladybugs.

Then, in the river, he was attacked by a tyrannical salamander more than ten meters long...

Thrilling, bizarre, and terrifying scenes were heard one after another, making all the audience nervous, and even the atmosphere was not good.

One by one was both scared and inexplicably excited.

When the program time was up and Tang Wenliang finished his speech, the audience both felt reluctant and breathed a long sigh of relief, and it was finally over.

Then, there was an inexplicable relief in my heart.

The series of thrilling and weird scenes just now made them very nervous, and their hearts were tense.

Now that it's over, they finally don't have to be nervous anymore, and their whole hearts are relieved.

There is a kind of happiness, but at the same time, I am very reluctant to let today's story end like this.

They still want to continue to be nervous, and they want to continue to go back to that mysterious and weird world.

There is a little bit of contradiction in my heart, but no matter what, today's story is over.

Compared with yesterday, today's story is much more exciting.

All the listeners were not drowsy, and all kinds of exchanges were excited on the Internet.

Today's new listeners, this time is the most excited.

Those guys really didn't lie, and "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is really wonderful.

They were all very fortunate, fortunate that they believed the words of those guys and chose to listen to it tonight.

Otherwise, such a wonderful story will be missed.

Yan Chufeng is in the group.

Yan Chufeng kept his promise and broadcasted the story live in text. Although he only talked about the content of the story in general, it has already excited the group members one by one.

"Today's story is much more exciting than yesterday! The weird ladybug and the mysterious nine-story demon tower make people scared and excited."

"Just watching the text live broadcast is so exciting. How attractive would it be to listen to Tang Wenliang's broadcast directly? Why can't I receive Izumo Radio? It's really depressing."

"It's also that I am too far away from the Demon Capital and Izumo Town. Otherwise, I would have to go to the west gate of the Demon Capital or Izumo Town to listen to the story."

"It's unrealistic to go on purpose. One or two nights is fine. It's impossible to go every night, right? I hope CCTV radio station can introduce "Ghost Blowing the Lantern". In this way, we can all hear it."

"It would be great if CCTV Radio really introduced it."

"I hope so!"



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