This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 844 The whole radio circle was shocked

Izumo Radio.

Director Wei Wanyang is still in Taili today.

After Tang Wenliang finished the broadcast, Wei Wanyang said with a smile: "Xiao Tang, you've worked hard. The effect of your broadcast today is even better than yesterday. Xiao Tang is feeling more and more!"

Tang Wenliang said: "Director, I myself feel that the effect is better than yesterday. Today is indeed better than yesterday. Director, what do you think the listening rate will be today?"

Wei Wanyang said: "Yesterday's highest listening rate was 0.76, and the average listening rate was 0.43. Today's listening rate is definitely higher. I wonder if the highest listening rate can reach 0.9? The average listening rate is expected to reach 0.6."

Tang Wenliang nodded, he thought so too.

At this moment, the staff member of the technical department ran in and said excitedly: "Director, Brother Tang, the listening rate has come out."

"How many? Show me quickly." Wei Wanyang said eagerly.

Tang Wenliang also eagerly leaned over.

The highest listening rate was 1.02, and the average rating was 0.86.

This listening rate has been able to rank the top two among all the programs of Izumo Radio, and only "Xianshuoyun" has a higher listening rate than this.

However, "Night Story" is only on the second issue of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", and the listening rate may be higher in the future. It should be easy to surpass "Xianshuoyun".

"Night Story" is really popular.

This show is on fire, and it will have a very positive meaning for the entire Izumo radio station.

It can even pull the listening rate of all programs on the entire radio station, which is really exciting.

Wei Wanyang laughed, feeling an unprecedented ease.

This thing is really like Liang Yong put the location of the "Good Voice" rematch on their Izumo radio station.

Otherwise, he would have no chance to get to know Li Han, and there would be no future.

Wei Wanyang feels that he is really very lucky.

Tang Wenliang also thinks that he is very lucky, the show is popular, and his fame is even greater.

All this is just because of Li Han's trust in him,

Willing to let him broadcast such a wonderful work.

Tang Wenliang's heart was full of inexhaustible gratitude.


The night is getting darker.

The listeners of "Night Story" are still enthusiastically discussing "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" on the Internet, without sleepiness.

And their discussions are destined to cause greater volatility on the Internet than before.

More people on the Internet who haven't slept yet, and many have noticed.

"'Ghost Blowing the Lamp'? What kind of work is this? Movie?? Never heard of it! Am I ignorant?"

"You are really ignorant. 'Blowing the Lamp' is neither a movie nor is it. Of course, it should be a work, but it has not been released on the market. It is now a story told by a radio show."

"It turned out to be a radio show. There shouldn't be many people listening to that thing now, right? Can a story told by a radio show be so popular?"

"As long as the story is exciting enough, it should be popular."

"Okay. "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", the name is a bit cautious, but it's impressive. But what does it mean?"

"I don't know. I only know that it seems to be a story about tomb robbing."

"Robbering... robbing tombs? Tomb robbing can also be written? This is truly unheard of."

"When I just saw them talking, I was also very confused. I know about suspense and I have seen some, but I have never heard of stories about tomb robbing. However, watching them talk so excitedly, it seems that the story is very good-looking. look."

"I see that they are also very excited. However, I'm sorry, I can't understand a story about a tomb raid, what can be exciting?"

"I can't understand it either. Forget it, don't worry about it. It's late, go to bed."

"Yeah, it's time to go to bed. As for "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", let them continue the discussion. Looking at them, they probably won't be able to sleep for a while."


"Ghost Blowing the Lantern" mainly tells the story of tomb robbery, which gradually spread on the Internet with the continuous discussion on the Internet by the audience of "Night Story".

Many people have heard of it.

But almost everyone was very surprised after hearing about it.

They all know about suspenseful stories, and they have never heard of stories about tomb robbing.

This "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" takes a different approach and dares to write a story that no one has ever written before.

But the point is, can a story about tomb raiding be good?

Shouldn't it be?

Most people think so.


The night is deeper.

The readers of "Night Story", who were no longer sleepy, finally fell asleep.

The voices about "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" on the Internet have finally stopped.

But this pause is destined to be only temporary.

There are bound to be more voices to come.


the next day.

The news of the "Night Story" column of Izumo Radio, with the highest listening rate of 1.02 and the average listening rate of 0.86, spread in the radio circle.

The whole radio circle was quite surprised, even shocked.

It wasn't the listening rate last night that was astounding, but the speed with which it rose.

The night before yesterday's "Night Story", the highest listening rate was 0.76, and the average listening rate was 0.43, which has already attracted the attention of the radio circle.

Izumo Radio is just a small local radio station with a limited coverage area.

If it weren't for the fact that Izumo Town Izumo Town was within the scope of the Great Demon City, such a radio station would hardly exist in the radio circle.

Although Izumo Radio has a certain sense of existence, the attention of the entire radio circle is not high.

However, as soon as the listening rate of "Night Story" came out the night before, the whole radio circle took notice.

"Izumo Radio's "Night Story" column, didn't the previous ratings continue to be below 0.2 for a long time? Why did it suddenly rise so high?" The entire radio circle has such questions.

The average listening rate of 0.43 is actually not high and should not have attracted the attention of the radio circle.

But it was below 0.2 for a long time before, and suddenly it rose to 0.43, which is worth noting.

After inquiring about the reason, the answer was soon found.

It turned out that the new broadcast told a story called "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

It's not clear who the author is, but the audience's comments seem to be very good.

After the radio circle found the reason, they didn't pay too much attention.

For a new story, it's normal for the ratings to go up.

Although it has risen a bit, it is actually not bad. The listeners want to be fresh.

The listening rate of the next second issue should drop somewhat.

The whole radio circle thinks so.

However, when the listening rate of the second phase was released, not only did it not drop, but it skyrocketed.

The average listening rate has doubled from 0.43 to 0.86.

The whole radio circle was shocked!


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