Then, for the outside world, on the Internet, "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is also the first time it has become popular.

A lot of people who didn't notice it before, now notice it all.

Those who noticed it before, but didn't pay much attention to it, are now all wondering, "What is the origin of this "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"? Why is it getting more popular every day?"

Then, related statements about "people light candles, ghosts blow lanterns", as well as the process of robbing the tombs of Hu Bayi, Fatty, and Yingzi, were also uploaded on the Internet.

Some people saw it, but they didn't feel it too much, they just thought it seemed to be interesting.

But after watching it, some people became extremely excited and excited in an instant, and the whole person seemed extremely excited.

Obviously, these contents about "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" completely attracted them.

"Damn it! It's amazing! It's amazing! It's exciting, thrilling, and weird, and it's hard to stop watching. Is this work called "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"? I've never seen it before! Is it a new work? Where is it? Serialized in this magazine? Or a physical book issued directly? Where can I buy it? Who can tell me? Please tell me quickly. I want to see this work right now."

There are many such people, and they all ask on the Internet.

Everyone was surprised. They really did not expect that a work that interested them so much would appear on the Internet.

They are really too interested, they can't wait to see it immediately, and they can't wait to enter that new world of thrilling, exciting, weird and mysterious.

Then, someone quickly explained their confusion.

"It's impossible for you to see it right away. However, if you live in the west gate of the magic capital, or Izumo Town, you can hear the new content tonight."

"What does this mean? I don't quite understand, please make it more clear."

"It means that "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" has not been released in the market yet. The only channel that can 'see' it is the "Night Story" column that starts at 11:00 every night on Izumo Town Izumo Radio Station. At least for the time being."

"Such a wonderful work actually premiered on the radio? Also, it's a small local radio station like Izumo Radio. It's unbelievable." After those people got the answer, they were all very surprised.

Do they wonder what the author of "Ghost Blowing Lamp" was thinking?

How much copyright can a small Izumo radio station give him?

Just take this book directly to the publisher for publication.

Must be able to sell a very gratifying price.

Who is the author? Did you get caught by Izumo Radio?

I really do not understand.

When I didn't understand, I was extremely frustrated and depressed.

Not to mention that most of them are not in the area of ​​Ximen and Izumo Town.

Even if he is there, he basically does not have the habit of listening to radio programs.

How can this be so?

Those who can't wait to see "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" are all wailing in their hearts.

It's hard to see a work that makes them so excited, but they can't watch it, its depression can be imagined.

Izumo Radio is damned! Actually cheating on the author.

If it weren't for the pit, the author would definitely not choose to broadcast on his Izumo radio station.

Those who can't wait to see "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" think so.

Then, this statement quickly spread on the Internet.

Everyone sees it, I wipe it! Seems to make sense.

Then, the claim that Izumo radio station cheated people spread more and more widely on the Internet.

Many people began to feel that Izumo Radio was too unkind this time.

Everyone is thinking, "Could it be that "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" really came from Izumo Radio?"

After all, under normal circumstances, it is indeed impossible for Izumo Radio to obtain the copyright of "Ghost Blowing Lamp".

It is also impossible for the author of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" to choose Izumo Radio.

Unless he sees fame and money as nothing.

Is there such an author?

The answer, of course, is that there are such authors.

But such an author is only Li Han, who is said to be hidden in the city.

The rest of the authors have not reached that level.

Don't tell me the author is Li Han.

How is that possible? Li Han has never created works in this regard.

hmm... wait...


Why can't it be Li Han?

If it was Li Han, then everything would make sense.

Not to mention giving the copyright to Yuyun Radio, or giving it to a less influential radio station, it is entirely possible.

It all depends on Li Han's mood.

As for the fact that Li Han has never written such works before, it is not a problem.

Li Han is famous for always dabbling in different fields.

It wouldn't be a strange thing for him to write any kind of work, and no one would be surprised.

Also, "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is clearly a whole new genre that no one has ever written about before.

If you want to start a new genre, and be so successful, its author must have extraordinary talent.

Then, the first author I can think of is definitely Li Han.

I wipe! It's not really Li Han, is it?

More and more people are thinking about this, and then the more they think about it, the more certain they are.

There can be no mistake, this is what Li Han did.

The rest of the authors should not have this ability.

The author of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is Li Han's statement, which has spread more and more widely on the Internet.

People who haven't thought about this layer are all stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

I see.

They just said, who has such a great ability to write a subject that has never been written before, with such a great influence.

It turned out to be Li Han's servant, which is not surprising.

Zeng Yuchao, Yan Chufeng and other old listeners were also stunned.

When they first listened to the first issue of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", they were very interested in its author, and they called the "Night Story" program hotline to inquire.

Then they didn't ask for the answer, and the program team had to keep it a secret for the time being.

Now it's finally clear.

Then one by one excited, said on the Internet:

"Hahaha! I should have thought of it a long time ago. Besides Li Han, who else would dare to create works with the theme of 'Tomb robbery'? Besides Li Han, who else could write 'Tomb robbery' so wonderfully?"

"Yes, I should have thought of it long ago. Besides Li Han, who else has such a skill?"



While trying to find out who the author of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is, everyone from the major radio stations was slightly taken aback.

Li Han? Could it be Li Han?

They hadn't really thought about it before.

But now after reading the analysis of netizens, I have to admit that it is indeed very reasonable.

Maybe it's really Li Han.

This time, they lost to those netizens.


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