This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 851 Invitation by the Department of Basic Education

Then, they were both excited and somewhat depressed and worried.

Excited needless to say. Depressed and worried is because, if the author is Li Han, then the radio station wants to introduce "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", it is estimated that it will not be easy to handle.

Because Li Han would not care about the copyright fee they prepared. No matter how much you prepare, you probably won't care.

This is something everyone knows.

Then, don't care about the platform either. In Li Han's eyes, Izumo Radio and their big radio stations are probably no different.

If Li Han cared about the platform, he wouldn't let "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" broadcast on Izumo Radio.

Since the author is Li Han, everyone guessed before that Izumo radio station cheated the author of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", and it doesn't exist anymore.

That is to say, the advantages of their radio station compared to Izumo Radio do not exist in Li Han's eyes.

How to do that?

It's obviously not going well.

The people in the major radio stations are of course depressed and worried.

However, everything has two sides. They may also introduce "Ghost Blowing Lamp" more easily.

Because Li Han does whatever he wants, he let "Ghost Blowing Lamp" broadcast on Izumo Radio, which does not mean that he will only let "Ghost Blowing Lamp" broadcast on Izumo Radio.

Whether it is broadcast on Izumo Radio or on other radio stations, it should be the same for Li Han.

That is to say, Li Han doesn't care where the speech is broadcast.

Well, he would probably agree that "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" would also be broadcast on their radio.

So, things either don't stand a chance, or they're going to be easier than previously thought.

As for the final result? It depends on your own chances.

People from major radio stations have analyzed such results.

So, is the author of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" really Li Han?

Although it seems that it should be Li Han undoubtedly, but after all, there is no official statement.

Now we can see the official statement of Cloud Radio.

Now that the situation is like this, Izumo Radio should not continue to deliberately hide it.


Izumo Radio.

Director Wei Wanyang said with a smile: "It was guessed by someone. However, this is not unexpected, it is normal."

Tang Wenliang said: "If you have the heart, you can indeed guess that it is Mr. Li Han. Director, since it has been guessed, should we also make an official announcement?"

Wei Wanyang nodded and said, "It is indeed time. Then let's make an official announcement to the outside world."

Therefore, Izumo Radio officially announced to the outside world that the author of the work "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", which is very popular recently, "Night Story" is Li Han.

Although the news that the author is Li Han has spread on the Internet, and most people know it, the official announcement of Izumo Radio still caused a sensation on the Internet.

Speculation and official announcements are still different after all.

Countless people, especially those who like "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", are excited and have a lot of discussions on the Internet.

"Hahaha! Sure enough, it's Li Han's servant. I knew that only that servant has this ability."

"When I first heard "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" on the "Night Story" program, I fell in love with this work and knew it would be a hit. I was still talking about who the author was. It's quite a bullshit! It turned out to be Mr. Li Han. I should have thought of it at the time."

"Did you listen to it directly. When I saw the content about "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" on the Internet today, I completely fell in love with it. I couldn't wait to see it immediately. It turned out to be the work of Li Han. Well, it's impossible for me to completely fall in love with someone else's work under this circumstance."

"Sure enough, only Li Han has the ability to write such a wonderful and successful tomb robbery theme that all the authors have never dared to think about before."

"I also said before that Cloud Radio had cheated on the author of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", but now it seems that there is no such thing at all. It's normal for Li Han to let Izumo Radio broadcast "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"."

"Li Han just planned a singing talent show "The Voice of Yan Kingdom" for Magic Capital TV some time ago, and now he has created another "Ghost Blowing the Lantern". The speed at which he creates works is really fast."

"It's already been known."



The people from the major radio stations finally waited for the official answer, and they all let out a long sigh of relief.

The next thing, as they analyzed before, depends on the opportunities of their respective radio stations.

Hopefully luck is good enough.

Of course, you can't just rely on luck, you have to work hard.

As for how to fight for it? Then it's just up to you.


Tian Yun, director of the program production department of CCTV radio station, said to Ning Guoqiu, deputy director: "Director, it has now been confirmed that the author of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is indeed Li Han. Whether we can successfully introduce it or not is now a variable. "

Ning Guoqiu pondered: "There are indeed variables. However, things may be simpler. Director Guo of the National Department of Basic Education and Li Han are quite friendly. I can ask Director Guo to come forward and introduce you to Li Han."

Tian Yun's eyes lit up and said, "This is really good."


Li Han received a call from Guo Xuewen, director of the National Department of Basic Education.

"Director Guo, long time no see."

Guo Xuewen laughed on the phone and said, "Although I haven't seen each other for a while, the stories about Mr. Li Han are always coming to my ears!"

Li Han said with a smile: "Those things are too exaggerated to spread to the outside world. In fact, the influence should not be that great."

Guo Xuewen said: "No no no, in my opinion, it's not an exaggeration at all."

After the two exchanged a few words, Li Han asked Guo Xuewen's purpose for calling.

Guo Xuewen said that there are two things that need to trouble Li Han.

The first thing is Tian Yun from the program production department of CCTV Radio Station. I want to get to know Li Han, and I hope he can help introduce him.

Of course Li Han understood why Tian Yun was looking for him? This is not a bad thing.

Therefore, he did not refuse.

Guo Xuewen laughed again, thanking Li Han for giving him such a thin noodles.

Then there is the second thing, Guo Xuewen said: "Mr. Li Han, the Chinese New Year is coming soon. Mr. Li Han is the best children's literature writer in our country. Our Department of Basic Education intends to invite Mr. Li Han to help all children in our country. The teenagers created a work as their New Year's gift. I wonder what Mr. Li Han thinks?"


This one surprised Li Han quite a bit. The State Department of Basic Education actually had such an idea.

However, this is not a bad thing.

Bringing works to children has always been something Li Han is very willing to do.

Therefore, Li Han is very interested. Asked: "I don't know what kind of work it is?"

Guo Xuewen said: "There are no specific requirements. As long as the content is positive and helpful to the children."

"That's it!" Li Han thought in his heart.


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