This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 852 This is very rare

Li Han wondered if there were any suitable works?

If so, of course he would be willing to accept the invitation.

The result is, of course, true, and there are many options.

What kind of works do not exist in the cultural treasure house of the previous life?

So, Li Han said with a smile: "Director Guo, I am very honored to be invited by the Department of Basic Education. I am very willing to work hard to create a work for the children as a New Year's gift this year."

On the phone, Guo Xuewen laughed heartily and said, "I knew Mr. Li Han would agree. To be honest, this is very exciting. Also, our Department of Basic Education and the children all over the country will be very grateful to Mr. Li Han for his support. ."

Li Han said: "I hope you and the children will not be disappointed by then."

Guo Xuewen said: "I definitely won't be disappointed."

Afterwards, the two exchanged views on some issues.

After the call ended, Su Yuqing said, "What kind of work are you planning to create for children?"

Li Han said: "I have some ideas for the time being, but I haven't decided yet. I'll think about it again and make a choice. After the work is created, I'll show it to you."

Su Yuqing nodded and said, "What about "Ghost Blowing the Lantern"? The director of CCTV Radio's program production department is looking for you, and he must want to introduce "Ghost Blowing Lamp". Do you want to authorize them?"

Li Han said: "Not only CCTV radio stations, but also major radio stations including Modu Radio, Hunan Radio, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Radio, all want to introduce "Ghost Blowing the Lantern"."

Su Yuqing said: "Will they let them in?"

Li Han nodded and said, "Yes. Since all major radio stations are interested, then we simply don't serialize them in magazines, and we won't publish physical books for the time being, so we can broadcast the lectures entirely through radio stations. Then, major radio stations have broadcast lectures. Isn't it interesting?"

Su Yuqing said: "It's really interesting. Moreover, it will not affect Izumo Radio. First, Izumo's progress is ahead. Second, Tang Wenliang's speech has been fully recognized by everyone. I can receive Izumo's signal. listeners, Izumo Radio will definitely always be their first choice.”

Li Han smiled and said, "That's true. Besides, when I sign contracts with other radio stations, I will ask them to make their broadcasts no faster than Izumo Radio. In this way, Director Wei has no worries at all.

I have already discussed this with Director Wei before. "

Su Yuqing said: "This way there is no problem."


Tian Yun, director of the production department of the CCTV radio program group, flew to the capital to meet Li Han.

Because of Guo Xuewen's introduction, the two were not too unfamiliar, and the conversation was very pleasant.

When it comes to business, the same goes well.

Tian Yun was very pleasantly surprised, he did not expect things to go so smoothly.

The copyright price he needs to pay is completely within the acceptable range.

As for the broadcast progress not exceeding the requirements of Izumo Radio's "Night Story" column, Tian Yun thought it was normal, and he fully understood and accepted it.

Moreover, this has no effect on their CCTV radio station at all.

After Tian Yun, the heads of major radio stations such as Modu Radio, Hunan Radio, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Radio also went to Modu to meet Li Han one after another through the relationships they found.

The purpose is naturally to introduce "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

The negotiation was still quite smooth, and all major radio stations successfully obtained the broadcasting rights of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

Although it is not the exclusive copyright, it is a little regrettable, but they all know that it is impossible for them to get the exclusive copyright.

It's not a matter of how much the copyright fee is, but Li Han doesn't mean to sell the exclusive copyright.

Then there is no way.

Of course, it's just a pity.

In addition to regret, the major radio stations are still very excited.

Because they're sure, even if it's not exclusive rights, they can get a very good listening rate.

As for the broadcast progress not exceeding the requirements of "Night Story", the major radio stations also fully understand and accept it.

The major radio stations are very excited, and the introduction of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" may indeed go very smoothly.

Their previous judgment was not wrong.

Everything is happy. All major radio stations, including CCTV Radio Station, are eager to try and prepare to broadcast "Ghost Blowing the Lantern".

Before that, of course, it was the official announcement of the successful introduction of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern".

As a result, major radio stations such as CCTV Radio, Modu Radio, Hunan Radio, and Jiangsu and Zhejiang Radio have successively issued official announcements, announcing that "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" has been successfully introduced, when will it be broadcast, and who will act as the broadcaster.

The broadcasts selected by the major radio stations are the ace broadcasts of their respective stations.

For this kind of top work, to compete with each other for listening rate, it must be dispatched to broadcast the trump card.

The official announcements of major radio stations naturally caused a great sensation in the outside world.

The first thing that countless people sighed was that, as expected of Li Han's work, it was a bullshit.

All the major radio stations, including CCTV, are scrambling to introduce copyright.

This is definitely a very rare scene.

Then I sighed with emotion about the work "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

Now everyone knows that this work is a brand-new attempt by Li Han, creating a brand-new genre in one fell swoop.

Everyone knew before that this work is definitely not easy, and now it is more certain.

How can it be easy for all the big radio stations to compete for copyright works?

A pioneering work of a new genre, it was the peak from the beginning, and it is estimated that only Li Han can do this.

Everyone is very emotional, Li Han has inadvertently set foot in a brand new field!

And then, people from all over the country who are interested in "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" are all extremely excited.

Because, they can finally hear "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

So many major radio stations will broadcast, even in remote areas, you can find a radio station that can listen to "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

"Hahaha! Those of us who are outside the coverage area of ​​Izumo Radio Station are finally blessed. "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", here we come!"

"The major radio stations are quite powerful this time! I'm really excited and looking forward to it."


A lot of people are expressing their excitement on the Internet.

However, more people are a little entangled and hesitant.

These people are people who are not used to listening to radio programs.

They are also very interested in "Ghost Blowing Lamp" and can't wait to enter the world of "Ghost Blowing Lamp".

But honestly, they don't like listening to radio shows.

Some people have never even listened to the radio.

They still prefer to look directly.

However, "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" does not seem to be serialized in the magazine, or to directly issue physical books.

What to do then? Want to choose to listen to radio programs?

This is a question that a lot of people struggle with.

After entanglement, some people reluctantly chose to give up.

No way, they really don't like it, and they're not used to listening to radio shows.

Let's wait until the physical book of "Ghost Blowing Lamp" is released in the future.

But more people decided to give it a try.

They can't wait to step into the mysterious, weird, thrilling and exciting world of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern".

Radio programs are radio programs.

Listening to the anchor's talk, there may be a special feeling.

Still very hopeful.


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