This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 860 Really Li Han?

Everyone at the scene was still sighing, Xie Wenquan took the Spring Festival couplet written by Li Han and returned to his tavern with satisfaction.

Then, instead of attaching the Spring Festival couplets immediately, they took them to a decoration shop in the town to carry out various decoration and protection treatments on the Spring Festival couplets.

Such precious Spring Festival couplets must be properly protected.

If it is not properly protected, it will definitely regret it if it is damaged in the future.

After a long time in the decoration shop, Xie Wenquan was finally satisfied.

Then he returned to the tavern with the prepared Spring Festival couplets, asked two guys for help, and carefully pasted them on both sides of the door.

Then no matter how I looked at it, I couldn't see enough, and I became more and more excited and excited.

I took pictures with my phone and posted them online.

Xie Wenquan can't wait to act on the Internet.

He wants to make countless people on the Internet envious and jealous of him.

He should be the first person who received the Spring Festival couplets from Li Han and wrote them down in his own hand, right?

This has a special meaning.

"Hahaha! The Chinese New Year is coming soon. We will put a couplet on our tavern. What do you think of this couplet?"

Xie Wenquan kept his words lightly. The photos he posted and the words he said would definitely not have any influence at the beginning.

But Xie Wenquan knew that it wouldn't be long before everything related would spread throughout the Internet.

Xie Wenquan is waiting.

After a while, someone noticed the photo posted by Xie Wenquan.

"Huh? What the hell! This pair of Spring Festival couplets is quite appropriate and wonderful to use at the entrance of the tavern!"

"This Nima is really. 'Pour in the bamboo leaves and a cup of green, and drink the peach blossoms.' This Spring Festival couplet is tailor-made for the hotel."

"I don't seem to have seen this pair of Spring Festival couplets before. Was it written by the tavern owner himself? This is too powerful. Absolute master of couplets!"

"Not only is he a master of couplets, but he is also a master of calligraphy.

This word is so beautifully written, it feels like it's almost a master level, right? "

"Indeed. Even if it's not at the level of a master, it's not too far."

"The owner of the tavern should not be so powerful. It is estimated that he is going to ask for the Spring Festival couplets from which master."

"Where's the tavern owner? Your Spring Festival couplets have successfully aroused our interest. Come out and talk about it, how did you get these Spring Festival couplets?"

Xie Wenquan laughed, and at this time he already felt that this forced act was very cool.

But this is just the beginning.

"Hahaha! Everyone is right, I really don't have such ability. I really got this pair of Spring Festival couplets from a master. And the reason why I was able to get this pair of Spring Festival couplets is because I got a chance. Unbelievable opportunity."

"Oh, is it? Boss, let's be specific. We are really curious."

"First of all, let me tell you the address of my tavern. It is at the intersection of Hehua Road, Izumo Town. Everyone in Izumo Town should know it, right?"

"Boss, you are advertising! However, we do know about Izumo Town. Even if we didn't know it before, we know it now. The incident of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" by Li Han has made the whole country aware of it. Izumo Town."

"It's not an advertisement, but I got this opportunity in Izumo Town, not far from my tavern. In other words, about two hours ago, I was resting in the tavern, Then I saw a place not far away, surrounded by a group of people..."

Xie Wenquan told what happened.

Afterwards, everyone on the Internet tutted, "You mean, your Spring Festival couplets came from that young man?"

"That's right, it came from that young man. After that young man listened to me and hoped that the Spring Festival couplets could be related to the tavern, he wrote them down to me at will."

"Damn it! You're telling the truth. A young man can write this Spring Festival couplet according to your request? I said boss, you are not being kind! You are making up stories to advertise your own pub. I even wrote this couplet for you, you thought it was Li Han!"

"That's right. If a young man can write this pair of Spring Festival couplets according to your request, that young man can only be Li Han. Boss, don't tell us, that young man is Li Han!"

"So you can all guess. Yes, that young man is Mr. Li Han. To be honest, I was looking for a pair of Spring Festival couplets suitable for a pub, but I couldn't find it for several days. But when I saw the young man's At that time, I knew I had my Spring Festival couplets. Because I recognized that it was Mr. Li Han. Hahaha!"

"Cut! Boss, do you think we'll believe it if you say this? Boss, you are rubbing against Li Han's enthusiasm, you are not being kind!"

"That's right. How could your luck be so good. Li Han is helping people make Spring Festival couplets not far from your tavern? How is that possible?"


People on the Internet did not believe it, and Xie Wenquan was not in a hurry.

He knew people on the Internet wouldn't believe it. If it was him, he wouldn't believe it either.

However, he has a way of convincing people on the web.

He took a photo, and Li Han was writing the photo of the couplet.

He didn't dare to shoot the front, only the back and the side, and that was enough.

Moreover, Xia Xiaoyu, who was standing beside Li Han, was also photographed by him.

He didn't recognize Xia Xiaoyu at the time, but thought that the little girl beside Li Han was so beautiful, it was amazing.

Later, after Li Han and Xia Xiaoyu left, he suddenly remembered that it was Xia Xiaoyu!

Xia Xiaoyu became famous with the song "It's Dawn".

But after becoming famous, Xia Xiaoyu was extremely low-key and did not participate in any public activities.

The outside world's impression of Xia Xiaoyu is only her appearance when she sang "The Daybreak".

Even the people of Izumo Town are like that.

Compared with that time, Xia Xiaoyu has grown taller and more beautiful, and has taken off more childishness.

Therefore, Xie Wenquan did not recognize it at all at the time.

There is Xia Xiaoyu in the photo, and Li Han's identity is even more certain.

Xie Wenquan chose a profile photo of Li Han, and then he was able to see the front of Xia Xiaoyu and posted it on the Internet.

He also said, "I won't say more about whether Mr. Li Han should look at the photos by themselves. In the photos, Mr. Li Han has already written the first couplet, and the words are clearly seen, which is enough to show that it is indeed the photos at that time. I also took them. I have the frontal photo of Mr. Li Han, but without the permission of Mr. Li Han, the frontal photo will not be issued."

Xie Wenquan actually didn't dare to take a frontal photo, but he wouldn't say that.

When the photo came out, everyone on the Internet was shocked.

"Is it really Li Han?"

Although the photo is only from the side, everyone has never seen a frontal photo of Li Han before.

However, looking at the photo, they did have an inexplicably strong feeling that the young man who was writing the couplet on the photo was indeed Li Han.

What the boss said turned out to be true, and his couplet actually came from Li Han's hands.

This luck is too good for Nima, right?


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