This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 861 The tavern is really crowded

Then, everyone also noticed the little girl standing beside Li Han in the photo.

"The little girl beside Li Han is so beautiful! Besides, she seems to have seen it somewhere."

"I also feel like I've seen it before. Why do I feel this way. Wait... FUCK!"

"What's wrong?"

"I know who that little girl is? That's Xia Xiaoyu! Compared with that time, she has grown taller and more beautiful."

"Fuck! It's really Xia Xiaoyu. No wonder she feels a little familiar. Xia Xiaoyu has grown so tall, her figure is good, and she is even more beautiful than before. Wait two more years, I'm afraid it will be incredible!"

"Since the little girl is Xia Xiaoyu, then the man who is writing the couplet is Li Han, which is even more 100% certain."


At this time, everyone on the Internet finally believed Xie Wenquan's words.

For a while, envy and jealousy.

"Fuck! Boss, you're lucky too, right? With this pair of Spring Festival couplets written by Li Han, the boss's future business will not be bad."

"This Nima is simply too enviable and jealous."

"The boss is very optimistic about the Spring Festival couplets! Don't be stolen by accident. Hahaha!"

"Before the boss, those who were given Spring Festival couplets by Li Han were also very lucky. It's just that their Spring Festival couplets were not written by Li Han, which is a pity."

"Is Li Han taking Xia Xiaoyu shopping? A beast! Xia Xiaoyu is not yet an adult. Although she is taller than many adult women."


Xie Wenquan's Spring Festival couplets came from the news stone hammer from Li Hanzhi.

Next, just as Xie Wenquan expected, the news quickly spread all over the Internet.

Soon the whole network will know.

As a result, countless people are envious and jealous of Xie Wenquan, and countless people are talking about it on the Internet.

Many young people who are in Izumo Town at this time,

It is even more continuous "Fuck" sound.

Two or three hours ago, did Li Han help people make Spring Festival couplets at Hehua Street?

"Why didn't I go to Lotus Street at that time, Nima? If I did, maybe I could get a pair of Spring Festival couplets as a gift from Li Han. I really regret it."

There are many people expressing their regrets on the Internet.

It is such a pity that Li Han missed the opportunity to present the Spring Festival couplets in vain.

However, there are people who are more regretful.

"It's nothing to you. I'm so talented, Nima, I really regret it. Because at that time, I just passed Lotus Street, and I saw a group of people around the street, but I don't know what it is. What happened? Then, I left so directly without going over to see what happened? I really regret this Nima now."

"Me too. I thought at the time not to go to the fun, not to get together, and then I left. This Nima is really... ah! It was obvious that the opportunity that could not be met was right in front of me, but I just missed it. Alas …”

Such a person is indeed the one who really regrets his bowels.

When the rest of the people on the Internet met, they could only say "Sorrow and change".

It's not that everyone is schadenfreude and gloating, but seeing that someone has missed the opportunity like this, they suddenly feel a lot more balanced.

Then, all the people in Izumo Town who were "memorial and obedient" were saying, "Let's go, let's go to the entrance of the tavern at the entrance of Hehua Street. Look at the pair of Spring Festival couplets written by Li Han. Maybe it can be stained with some more. The boss's luck."

Everyone thought so, and then they all walked towards Lotus Street.

At the entrance of the tavern, Xie Wenquan was feeling more excited and satisfied than ever before.

Seeing the envy and jealousy of countless people on the Internet for him, his mood has never been happier.

This time, pretending to be forced on the Internet is really cool.

Then, he also saw on the Internet that many young people in Izumo Town said that they would come to see the news of the Spring Festival couplets.

This was completely within Xie Wenquan's expectations, and he knew it would be the case.

So, he was already prepared.

His tavern, from now on, is completely famous.

It really takes no effort to get it, as long as the opportunity is good enough.

Xie Wenquan thought happily.

Then soon, the first group of people who "save and obey" arrived.

"Boss, let's take a look at that pair of Spring Festival couplets, shouldn't you mind?"

Xie Wenquan said with a smile: "Of course not. Everyone, just watch it."

A group of people gathered at the entrance of the tavern, looking at the Spring Festival couplets pasted on both sides of the entrance, each with emotion.

"As expected from Li Han, this Spring Festival couplet is tailor-made for the tavern. It's a 'blushing after drinking peach blossoms'. Boss, bring me a glass of your signature wine, I want to experience the peach blossom face Red." said one person, then lifted his foot into the tavern.

Just looking at it was no longer enough to satisfy him.

"Boss, give me a cup too, and I want to experience it too."

"If that's the case, then give me a drink too."


With the first person, there will soon be a second person, a third person...

Xie Wenquan was very excited and responded loudly: "Good! Everyone please come in and make sure everyone is satisfied."

People outside the door entered the tavern one after another, and then more people came to the tavern.

After looking at the Spring Festival couplets on both sides of the door and feeling emotional, they also entered the tavern.

Soon, the small pub was full of people. There are still many people outside the door who want to come in, but there is no place.

The phenomenon of people like a city really appeared like this.

Xie Wenquan was very excited and emotional.

Then, the overcrowded situation inside and outside the tavern was shared on the Internet.

Countless people on the Internet saw it and were also full of emotion.

But at the same time, I don't think this is surprising, it's completely normal envy.

Li Han's current influence is so great.

At this time, the guests outside the tavern also took pictures to spread the situation on the Internet.

There are even people who usually play live broadcasts, and live broadcasts on the spot.

"It's finally here. This is the tavern in Izumo Town that Li Han donated the Spring Festival couplets to. Look at it, it's already overcrowded. I have to say that Mr. Li Han's influence is really too great... "

"Look, this is the pub. Now there are people inside and outside the pub. Later, the anchor will take you to the tavern, and then drink a glass of the tavern's signature wine and show you the 'drinking peach blossoms' blushing'..."


Some people broadcast live, and then of course some people clock in.

"The tavern at the entrance of Hehua Street in Izumo Town, the check-in was successful! There are so many people here."

"The Spring Festival couplets written by Mr. Li Han have been punched in successfully!"


A small ordinary pub has quickly become an Internet celebrity.


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