This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 862: The Customs of the New Year's Day

The tavern, which usually does not have many customers, is suddenly overcrowded.

This naturally attracted the attention of other shops around the tavern, as well as pedestrians who often passed by the entrance of the tavern.

"What the hell is going on with this tavern? Why is business so good all of a sudden?"

"That's right! What's going on? Boss thank you for letting people drink for free?"

Many people asked questions one after another, and then a nearby shop owner who knew the whole story said: "It's not that people drink for free, but because of a pair of Spring Festival couplets. You should have seen that a new pair of Spring Festival couplets has been posted at the entrance of the tavern."

"We have indeed seen the Spring Festival couplets. They are indeed new ones, but they weren't posted before. But a pair of Spring Festival couplets can't have such a big influence, right? Although this pair of Spring Festival couplets seems to be very suitable for sticking at the entrance of the tavern."

"A pair of Spring Festival couplets has such influence. The premise is that this pair of Spring Festival couplets comes from the hands of Li Han."

"Li Han? Who is it? Why does he have such an influence? That name seems familiar."

"I didn't know Li Han very well before, but now I know..."

The shop owner who knew the details told the story, and the rest were all surprised.

It turned out that Li Han's influence was so great.

Although it is hard to believe, but the facts in front of them make them have to believe.

Then they all sighed again, "Thank you boss for your luck this time, it's too good. This is the rhythm to send!"

On the opposite side of Hehua Street, the stall owner of the previous Spring Festival couplet stall is still setting up a stall.

He saw all the changes in the tavern.

In addition to emotion, my heart is still emotional.

Then, when he thought that he had written so many couplets for Li Han today, the stall owner felt honored.

This thing is enough to make him proud, and what he says is also enough to make people envious.

Opportunities like this are also rare.

Moreover, he is now in the light of Li Han,

It is also famous in this Izumo town.

No, it should be considered famous on the Internet.

Because there are many people who come to the tavern because of his fame. After seeing his booth, they will come over excitedly and ask if this booth is the one where Li Han wrote the Spring Festival couplets?

He also asked if he was the stall owner who wrote the Spring Festival couplets on behalf of Li Han?

At the beginning of this situation, he was a little confused at the age of nearly 60.

Then I finally got used to it.

After getting used to it, I can't help but feel a lot of emotion in my heart.

How could he have thought that one day he would become famous on the Internet?

Now, in front of his booth, there has never been a long queue.

Many people came to him specifically to write Spring Festival couplets.

In addition to the emotion, the stall owner is also very happy.

Today is also his blessed day.


Li Han and Xia Xiaoyu have already bought things, a lot of big bags and small bags.

Li Han called a tricycle specially designed to pull people and passengers, and Xia Xiaoyu and Xia Xiaoyu got on the tricycle with something.

They are going to sit in the town entrance parking lot.

Li Han drove Su Yuqing's SUV over and stopped there.

When the tricycle passed by Hehua Street, it saw that the entrance of Xie Wenquan Bistro was full of people.

Li Han and Xia Xiaoyu looked at each other and smiled.

At this time, the tricycle master seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to be saying to Li Han and Xia Xiaoyu: "Thank you, boss, for doing this business today, which is really good. I heard that it was all because he got a pair of , The reason why the famous person named Li Han gave him the Spring Festival couplets. One pair of Spring Festival couplets can make the business so good, which is really hard to understand. "

After Li Han and Xia Xiaoyu heard it, they looked at each other and smiled again.

Not long after, at the Zhenkou parking lot, Li Han and Xia Xiaoyu got off the car, and Li Han paid the money.

After the master received the money, he rode a tricycle and left.

Li Han put the things he bought into the trunk of the car, got into the car with Xia Xiaoyu, drove out of the parking lot, and drove in the direction of Xia Xiaoyu's house.

On the way, I received a call from Cen Xuegeng.

Cen Xuegeng said half-jokingly on the phone, and asked Li Han to write him a pair of Spring Festival couplets as well.

Li Han politely declined. Cen Xuegeng is a real boss-level figure, how can Li Han be qualified to write Spring Festival couplets for others?

Cen Xuegeng's attainment in calligraphy is far superior to Li Han's.

When he arrived at Xia Xiaoyu's house, Xia Xiaoyu's grandfather Xia Guoshu repeatedly said that Li Han bought too many things.

Li Han smiled and said, "I thought it was the Chinese New Year, so I bought a little more."

Xia Guoshu also said that this was too expensive for Li Han, and then said: "Xiao Han, tomorrow will be Xiao Nian. If you want, how about you stay here for Xiao Nian? Go back after Xiao Nian."

Li Han thought about it and said, "Okay, then thank you grandpa."

When Xia Guoshu saw that Li Han agreed, he happily said yes, and Xia Xiaoyu's grandmother was also extremely happy.

Needless to say, Xia Xiaoyu was of course even more excited.

After a while, Xia Guoshu said again: "Xiaohan, in fact, I also want to invite Miss Su and Miss Qin to come here for the new year. It's just that they are noble, so I invite them to come here, I don't know if it's suitable?"

Li Han smiled and said, "Grandpa, you are too worried. Their identities are indeed not ordinary people, but they themselves think that they are ordinary people. If Grandpa invites them, they will be very happy."

Xia Guoshu nodded and said, "Okay! Then Xiaohan, tell them for me, see if they have time tomorrow?"

Li Han nodded, and then called Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue respectively.

After Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue heard about it, they agreed very happily.

After Xia Guoshu found out, of course he was overjoyed again.


That night, Li Han did not return to the magic capital, but stayed at Xia Xiaoyu's house for the night.

The next day, Li Han got up early.

Of course, Xia Xiaoyu and her grandparents also got up.

Today is the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month. In traditional customs, today is a small year.

On this day, every household will send the Lord of Stove to heaven.

That is to cremate the portrait of the kitchen lord, and let the kitchen lord go to the sky to report to the Jade Emperor about the performance of his family in the past year.

Therefore, in order to let the Kitchen Lord say more good things in front of the Jade Emperor, people have to offer sugar melons, and when sending off, they also put sugar on the Kitchen Lord's mouth, so that he can say more good things to the sky.

On New Year's Eve, to welcome the Kitchen King back, it is to buy a new portrait of the Kitchen Lord and put it in the kitchen.

This world's custom of sending the Kitchen Lord to heaven on the day of the young year is no different from Li Han's previous life.

Also, most places have it.

It's just a pity that in Li Han's previous life, this custom has been almost completely forgotten.

On the day of the new year, almost no one sent the Kitchen Lord to heaven.

It's a pity.

And the situation in this world is much better than in the previous life.

Although this custom is almost absent in the cities, there are still many places in the countryside that have this custom.

Xia Xiaoyu's family has this custom.

So, after getting up in the morning, Xia Guoshu said to Li Han, "Xiao Han, after you go to pick up Miss Su and Miss Qin later, we will send the kitchen master to heaven together."

Li Han smiled and said, "Okay!"

The villages of this world still retain this custom, which makes Li Han very happy.

To some extent, it can be regarded as making up for some regrets in previous lives.


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