This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 863 This work can be written in just a few minutes

Soon after, Li Han and Xia Xiaoyu drove to Izumo Town to pick up Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue.

Two people will take a car directly to Izumo Town.

Not long after Li Han and Xia Xiaoyu arrived in Izumo Town, Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue also arrived.

Xia Xiaoyu happily greeted him.

Li Han took the things that the two were holding and put them in the car.

These two people bought gifts for Xia Xiaoyu's grandparents.

After that, four people got into the car.

On the way, Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue naturally mentioned that Li Han was writing Spring Festival couplets in Izumo Town yesterday.

Both of them asked Li Han to write a pair of Spring Festival couplets for them as well.

Li Han naturally agreed.

Not long after, he arrived at Xia Xiaoyu's house.

Xia Guoshu and Xia Xiaoyu's grandmother were naturally very happy, and then said that they were very happy if they were willing to come, and they shouldn't have brought so many gifts.

Both Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue said that the gift was not heavy, it was just a little thought.

After that, Li Han, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue all went to the kitchen to help prepare the lunch for today.

Today's lunch will be quite rich.

On the wall in front of the kitchen owner, there is a shrine with a width of about 30 cm and a height of about 50 cm, and there is a god statue in the niche.

There is also a couplet on both sides of the shrine.

"God says good things, go back to the house to bring good luck."

Su Yuqing looked at the shrine and said, "Is that the Kitchen King Shrine? The statue enshrined in it should be the Kitchen Lord, right?"

Li Han was a little surprised, but Su Yuqing knew this.

Su Yuqing rolled her eyes and said, "The statues enshrined in the kitchen room, besides the Lord of the Kitchen, could there be any other gods?"

Well, it does seem to make sense.

Su Yuqing said again: "I also know that today there is a custom of sending the kitchen king to heaven."

"Oh?" Li Han smiled, "Have you seen it before?"

Su Yuqing shook her head and said, "I have never seen this before."

Qin Xiaoyue also said, "I haven't seen it either."

Li Han said: "Then you are blessed today. We will send the Kitchen Lord to heaven in a while."

Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue are both bright, does Xia Xiaoyu's family still have such a custom? This is an eye-opener.

The ceremony of sending the Kitchen Lord to heaven is usually held at dusk and into the night.

But it doesn't matter that much anymore. Anytime now, as long as today.

So, when it was almost noon, the ceremony of sending the Kitchen Lord to heaven began.

The ceremony also has a name, called "sent the stove".

In the past, the ceremony of sending the stove was very heavy.

In addition to the most basic incense offerings, one should also sing Songs for the Lord of the Kitchen, dance for the Lord of the Kitchen, etc. Very grand and lively.

Now it has been completely simplified, basically just add incense.

Simplified, but better than forgotten.

In front of the stove king shrine, Xia Guoshu placed the things that had already been prepared.

Paper horses tied with bamboo strips, fodder for livestock, and sweets.

Then lit a pair of red candles, three incense sticks, and put them in place.

Xia Guoshu faced the statue of the Kitchen King shrine and bowed three times very respectfully.

Li Han, Xia Xiaoyu, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue also gave three bows respectfully.

Directly above the statue of the kitchen king shrine, there is also a portrait of the kitchen king.

Xia Guoshu smeared some sugar on the mouth of the portrait of the Kitchen Lord, and then took off the portrait of the Kitchen Lord.

Why put sugar on the mouth of the kitchen king portrait?

That is to hope that after the Kitchen Lord ascends to heaven, he will be able to say a few good words to the family in front of the Jade Emperor.

It is exactly what the couplet on both sides said, "God says good things, and returns to the house to bring good luck."

After that, Xia Guoshu started to ignite the burning paper prepared earlier, and then put the portrait of the Kitchen Lord on the burning paper, and let the fire burn it out slowly.

Then there were words in his mouth, saying that after you go to heaven, Lord Kitchen, you must say more good things in front of the Jade Emperor and so on.

Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue looked quite novel and thought it was very interesting.

When all the portraits of the Lord of the Stove are burnt out, the whole ceremony of sending the stove is over.

Next, you just need to wait until New Year's Eve to invite the Kitchen Lord back again.

"What do you think? Our traditional customs are very interesting, right?" Li Han said to Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue.

Both of them said that it is really interesting, and such traditional customs should be passed on forever.

Li Han sighed and said, "I hope it can be passed on forever."

Next, it's time for lunch.

There was already a table full of food.

After the host and guests sat down separately, Xia Guoshu sighed and said that the family has been celebrating the New Year for many years, and it has never been so lively.

Li Han said with a smile that if possible, everyone will spend their new year together in the future, either here or in Yuanxi Village.

Xia Guoshu kept saying yes, and the whole person looked quite excited.

Then, take out two wine glasses, be sure to drink two with Li Han.

Of course Li Han did not refuse, and accompanied Xia Guoshu to drink two glasses of wine.


at dusk.

After having dinner at Xia Xiaoyu's house again, Li Han, Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue left.

Xia Xiaoyu was very reluctant, but she knew that Li Han, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue would also go home for the New Year, so she did not keep the three of them to play for another day.

Li Han drank alcohol, so Su Yuqing drove the car.

It is suitable to return to the place where Su Yuqing lives. It is already nine o'clock in the evening, and it is not too late.

Li Han walked into the study and said that after two days of thinking, the work that had been promised to Guo Xuewen, director of the National Department of Basic Education, had now been finalized, and he was going to write the work now.

Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue were both bright, and they naturally remembered such a work.

Is Li Han finally going to start writing now? It is worth looking forward to!

Su Yuqing said: "Go ahead and create, we won't disturb you. Can you write the opening part today? Show it to us later."

Li Han smiled: "Not just the opening part, I will write the whole work together soon. A few minutes is enough."

Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue were both very surprised that the entire work could be completed in a few minutes?

What kind of work is this? It can be done in a few minutes, which is too exaggerated?

Li Han said: "It's not an exaggeration. Because this work of mine only has more than 1,110 words in total, it naturally only takes a few minutes."

I see.

Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue nodded. There are only 1,110 words in total, so it should be a fairy tale.

Fairy tales are good.

It's just a New Year's gift for children and children all over the country. It's just a short fairy tale with more than 1,110 words. Isn't it a little too shabby?

Wouldn't it be better to use a medium-length fairy tale?

Li Han shook his head and said, "It's not a fairy tale. Don't worry, although this work only has more than 1,110 words, it will definitely not be shabby."

"Really? What kind of work is that?" Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue couldn't help but be very puzzled and curious.


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