This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 869 It's actually the first class of enlightenment?

Although Tu Lie's words are "like", "heard" and so on, he is not sure.

But no matter how you look at it, it looks like you really want to add a show.

If it is not a particularly important program, it is definitely impossible for the Spring Festival Gala program group to add programs at this time.

How cumbersome and complicated that is!

It is estimated that only Li Han's new works deserve to be done by the Spring Festival Gala program team.

Besides, Tu Lie said that he didn't know whether the news was true or not, it should be false.

Is the news true or false? Tu Lie must have known. But for some reason, it was inconvenient for him to break the news directly to the media.

Then, if he did not directly deny it, it is estimated that it is almost inseparable.

Countless netizens were once again thoroughly excited.

This year's Spring Festival Gala will really be a perfect rhythm!

Those who had previously argued that the news must be fake, this time the voice was obviously much quieter.

Clearly, they have faltered.

Netizens were pleasantly surprised, and so were the major entertainment media.

Because, they found that as the interview progressed, the news seemed to be true.

Before, although they broke the news, they actually thought that the news should be fake.

But now, they found out that the news is true Nima may be true.

Especially after interviewing singers such as Tu Lie and Ye Qingxian who will be on the stage of this year's Spring Festival Gala.

This time, Nima really broke the news.

Even Nima himself was startled.

Then, it was a surprise.

Because if there are new works by Li Han on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, then they will not be short of news material in the next few days, until the days after the Spring Festival Gala.

This is absolutely great news.

at the same time,

The media also guessed the idea of ​​the Spring Festival Gala program group.

The reason why the Spring Festival Gala program group does not officially release an announcement, refute rumors or confirm that the news is true, is to make the news true and false, and let the outside world discuss endlessly.

Well, their entertainment media likes that.


After Tu Lie, a number of singers and actors who will participate in the Spring Festival Gala were interviewed by the media.

Although their interviews did not directly confirm that the news was true, they also gave people a feeling that the news was true.

This made netizens even more surprised and excited, and there was a lot of discussion on the Internet.

And this phenomenon makes many people feel very emotional.

Li Han's current influence is already terrifying!

This even includes Li Han's former opponents, such as Wang Xiaosheng, a famous martial artist, Ye Yunsheng, a famous koan, and Yan Jun, a famous cartoonist and writer.

They also had to be so emotional.

I hope to have the opportunity to compete with Li Han again in the future.

Although they knew that they would definitely not be Li Han's opponents, they still hoped to compete with Li Han again in their own field.


On the Internet, more and more people believe that the news is true.

Then, a new problem arose.

That is a new work of Li Han. What kind of new work is it?

song? This possibility seems most likely.

Because the performance of songs is very suitable for the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

So, there is another problem. That is who will sing the song?

First of all, it is certain that Li Han will not sing on stage in person. Then, there is bound to be a singer who will be the lucky one this time.

Who is the one? Is it a famous star singer? Or a rookie singer?

This is worth a lot of discussion and speculation.

Countless netizens are very interested in this.

However, it doesn't have to be a song.

Possibly some other type of show.

crosstalk? A sketch?

It's not impossible either.

Although Li Han has never created these two types of works before.

But no one would be surprised if Li Han really created a cross talk work, or a sketch work appeared in the Spring Festival Gala.

No one will doubt that Li Han has the strength to create these two types of works.

In addition to the three types of songs, cross talk and sketches, are there other types of possibilities?

Of course the answer is yes.

No matter what type of Li Han's new works, no one will be surprised.

So what will it be?

Countless netizens are very interested in this, and they have speculated and discussed on the Internet.

The major entertainment media will naturally not miss such a golden opportunity.

The media that can seize the opportunity to attract traffic is the excellent media.

A number of media have launched one after another, and there are prize-guessing activities for Li Han's Spring Festival Gala works.

The forms of activities are different, but the essence is the same.

That is to attract netizens to participate in the quiz, and those who successfully guess the answer in the end will be eligible to participate in the lottery.

In order to attract more netizens to participate in the quiz, various entertainment media have sought cooperation with merchants, and the prizes given are quite attractive.

Home appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators, and washing machines have come into battle.

And such quiz activities have indeed attracted a large number of netizens to participate.

The traffic of major media has been rising.

With traffic, everything is there.

The major media were excited and full of emotion.

Li Han's popularity is really too high, if you seize the traffic brought by Li Han, there must be meat to eat.

On the quiz pages of major media, the most guessed answers are songs.

Followed by cross talk and small categories, the number of guesses between the two is roughly the same.

Then there are other types, such as stage, acrobatics, opera, etc., the number of guesses is significantly less than the first three.

Then there are written works, including poetry, fairy tales, fables and so on.

Not sure why there is such an option? It's not reliable at all.

But there are still people who choose such options, albeit in small numbers.

In short, the Internet is very lively, and all kinds of speculation and discussions are always on.


Yuanxi Village.

Li Han and his father and mother together, after cleaning the house well, went for a walk in the village.

On the way, I met a few old acquaintances.

Huang Jian, Wang Chang and Du Ruchun.

Li Han was a little surprised. He didn't expect Ji Lao to come to the village for a stroll today.

Haha laughed and said hello: "Huang Lao, Wang Lao, Du Lao, Happy New Year!"

When Huang Jian, Wang Chang, and Du Ruchun saw Li Han, their eyes lit up.

Huang Jian smiled and said, "It turns out that little friend Li Han has already returned to the village."

Li Han said: "I just came back today."

Wang Changdao: "Although little friend Li Han has returned to the village, the news about little friend Li Han on the Internet is very lively!"

Li Han said: "Has Wang Lao also noticed the news on the Internet?"

Wang Chang smiled and said, "That's true. The news should be true, right?"

Li Han nodded.

Wang Chang said again: "I don't know what kind of work it is? To be honest, even we are very curious."

Li Han smiled and said: "A work for children and parents, it is a kind of enlightenment reading for children."

"It turned out to be a kind of enlightenment?" Wang Chang, Huang Jian, and Du Ruchun were all surprised.


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