This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 870 Every family is busy celebrating the New Year

Then, Wang Chang said: "It is very surprising, but it is very worth looking forward to."

Li Han said: "I hope I won't disappoint Wang Lao."

Wang Chang smiled and said, "Definitely not. When has Xiaoyou Li Han's work disappointed you?"

Huang Jian said: "If this is the case, few netizens will be able to guess correctly."

Du Ruchun said: "It will be very difficult to guess the specific enlightenment books. But there should be a lot of people who guess the major categories. After all, the total number of people participating in the quiz is really very large."

Huang Jian said: "This is indeed true."

It was getting late, and today was the last time three people came to the village a year ago.

Therefore, Li Han invited three people to be guests at home, and then went back after dinner.

"This..." The three were hesitant.

The reason was that they didn't have any gifts in their hands. They didn't expect to meet Li Han today. It would be very rude to go to someone's door and not bring any gifts during the Chinese New Year.

Li Han said with a smile: "The three of you don't want to be like this. If you go, my parents will definitely be very happy."

"This..." The three looked at each other.

Then, Wang Chang smiled and said, "Yes, Li Han is right, we are already so familiar with each other, we really shouldn't be seen outside."

Huang Jian and Du Ruchun nodded, and said at the same time that they would disturb little friend Li Han.

Li Han said, "Don't call me 'Li Han Xiaoyou' after the three of you. It's a bit born. I'm a junior, you can just call me 'Little Han'."

Wang Chang, Huang Jian, and Du Ruchun all laughed when they heard it, and said one after another, "Okay, we're a little hypocritical. I'll call you 'Xiaohan' from now on."

The three of them were very happy, and they felt that their relationship with Li Han had gotten a little closer.

Li Han smiled and said, "It's long overdue. Then let's go home now and prepare dinner earlier."

Wang Chang, Huang Jian, and Du Ruchun all expressed their goodwill.

In this way, the three followed Li Han to the house.

All three of Li Han's family had been here before, and they knew both parents and mother.

Therefore, when Dad and Mom saw the three people coming to the door, they were very happy and welcomed them again and again.

Wang Chang, Huang Jian, and Du Ruchun expressed that they came to disturb him.

There is a good deal of courtesy between the host and the guest.

After that, Li Han began to prepare the ingredients for the evening.

This is a big New Year's day, and there must be a whole table of sumptuous meals to entertain the guests.

After a while, Li Xiaoru also came over.

With the help of Li Xiaoru, the speed is much faster.

After a lot of work, a table of sumptuous dishes is ready.

This dinner is naturally enjoyed by the guests and hosts.


CCTV Spring Festival Gala studio.

The director of language programs held the latest online survey report and laughed: "Director Xia, it's exactly as we guessed before. Now the number of people who are looking forward to this year's Spring Festival Gala has exceeded 80% and is close to 90%. In the end More than 90 percent is possible. It's like a miracle."

Xia Yang also laughed and said: "As expected. Li Han's influence is still great! Although this is only a sample survey, the data is not 100% accurate, but it is roughly the same. This is indeed a miracle! Except for the first few sessions , Outside of the ten or so Spring Festival Gala, I'm afraid you haven't had such a high expectation rate, right?"

Wu Zuo said: "There should be no. At least in the last dozen or so sessions, there must be no. Director Xia, the "Three Character Classic" program is currently choreographed and directed, so I don't think it's a big problem. What do you think?"

Xia Yangdao: "There is really no problem. However, there are still some details that need to be further improved. We are running out of time, we must let the actors not be afraid of hard work and work overtime to rehearse. Of course, when it is time to rest, it is still You must rest."

Wu Zuo said with a smile, "Don't worry, Director Xia. The actors are no less motivated than us, and they are all excited. Including those young actors that we carefully selected, they are also very excited."

Xia Yang also smiled and said, "That's reassuring. However, I have to remind the actors that when it's time to rest, they still have to rest."

Wu Zuo said, "Understood, Director Xia."

Xia Yang nodded and said: "What kind of effect can this show achieve by then? It's really exciting!"

Wu Zuo said: "The effect will definitely be quite ideal."

Xia Yang said: "That's for sure."


In a blink of an eye, it was the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month.

The day after tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and most people choose to celebrate the New Year on this day.

There are almost no tourists in the village.

The villagers began to prepare the New Year's Eve dinner the day after tomorrow.

Killing chickens and geese is indispensable. Tofu buns, egg buns, fragrant bowls and other traditional dishes here also need to be prepared in advance.

Li Han walked around the village. Every household was busy, and only a group of bear children were running around in the village.

New Year's Eve, the bear children are also very happy one by one.

Li Han took the bear children to the street, bought a bunch of food, and the bear children cheered.

By the way, I also bought some things that will be used for "going to the grave to ask the ancestors" tomorrow.

Firecrackers, incense candles, money paper and the like.

The so-called "going to the grave to invite the ancestors" is to invite the deceased old people and ancestors to go home for the New Year.

This is a custom on the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month tomorrow, and most people in the village will practice this custom.

Li Han's family will also do it every year.

Li Xiaoru's family is also. Therefore, Li Han also brought a copy to Li Xiaoru.

When he arrived at Li Xiaoru's house, Li Xiaoru's father was killing chickens. When he saw Li Han, he greeted him very happily: "Little Han is here!"

Li Han smiled and said, "Uncle, I'm busy."

Li Xiaoru came out of the room when she heard the voice, wearing an apron. But even so, he couldn't hide his excellent figure.

"Have you bought anything?" Li Xiaoru asked.

Li Han handed a black bag in his hand to Li Xiaoru, indicating that it was all inside.

Li Xiaoru took it, said "thank you", and then asked Li Han if he wanted to have lunch here?

Li Han said: "I actually think so."

Li Xiaoru rolled her eyes and said, "Then come help."

Li Han said: "No problem."


On the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, today is "Little New Year's Eve", and it is also the day when every family invites the deceased old people and ancestors to go home for the New Year.

The time is usually in the early morning, after breakfast.

Therefore, after breakfast, the villagers went out one after another, took firecrackers, incense candles, money paper, offerings and other items, went to the graves of the deceased old people, and invited the old people to go home for the New Year.

The sound of "cracking crackling" firecrackers rang out in various places in the village one after another.

Li Han and his father and mother also took their things and went out.

When they arrived at the old man's grave, they lit incense candles, burned money and paper, chanted to let the old man go home for the New Year, and then set off firecrackers.

Then go back home, at the gate of the courtyard, burn the money paper again, and set off firecrackers again.

And they have to bow to the door, which means that the old man in the family is going home for the Chinese New Year, so please don't stop the door god.

After entering the gate, a peach wood stick should be placed horizontally at the gate, which is called "door blocking stick".

It is to stop those ferocious ghosts and not allow them to enter the door.

Then, a pair of bright candles need to be lit in the main room, which will not go out all night.

In this way, the elderly at home can come back for the Chinese New Year.

It's almost noon when these are done.

There is nothing to do next, just waiting for the New Year tomorrow and the Spring Festival Gala tomorrow night.

During the Spring Festival Gala, Li Han, of course, also watched it.


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