This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 875 This time, I really want to hear the reverberation, and it will last for 3 days

Yuanxi Village.

Li Han is very satisfied with the "Three Character Classic" program written and directed by the Spring Festival Gala.

This classic work of the previous life, performed on the spot, does give people a feeling of grandeur and soul-stirring.

To be honest, Li Han was a little shocked just now.

Then feel completely relieved.

The shocking scene of so many people reading together just now is enough to show that people in this world recognize the Three Character Classic.

He did not live up to this classic of his previous life.

Then the phone rang, and it was Cen Xuegeng who called.

It seems that Cen Xuegeng is also watching the Spring Festival Gala.

Li Han smiled slightly and answered the phone, "Old Cen, Happy New Year! It's so late, I haven't slept yet."

"Hahaha!" Cen Xuegeng smiled heartily and said, "I just saw Xiaoyou Li Han's "Three Character Classic", which makes people a little sleepy."

Li Han smiled and said, "Old Cen also thinks The Three Character Classic is good?"

Cen Xuegeng said: "It's not only good, it's simply amazing! To be honest, even if I know that you have a talent against the sky, I still feel a little incredible when I see you write this work. Little friend Li Han The works are getting more and more amazing.”

Li Han said: "Old Cen is a bit ridiculous! I'm a little blown away."

Of course Li Han didn't float away. This is a classic work from the previous life, and it is not really from him.

Li Han has never forgotten this, he just chatted with Cen Xuegeng.

Cen Xuegeng smiled and said, "To be honest, little friend Li Han is indeed qualified to float. If I were little friend Li Han, I would have floated long ago."

Very rare, Cen Xuegeng even made a joke.

Li Han smiled, Cen Xuegeng seemed to be in a good mood!

Then, after talking to Cen Xuegeng for a few more words, he ended the call.

Just after hanging up, Wang Chang's phone called again.

"Hahaha! Xiaohan.

Just saw your work on the Spring Festival Evening. It can be said to be an enlightenment reading, of course. But it doesn't feel like a mere enlightenment reading. This work is worth reading and understanding for senior students and even adults. This work is not easy! "

"Thank you Wang Lao for your compliment. It's good not to disappoint Wang Lao."

"I said at the beginning that your work will definitely not disappoint. Now, your work is much better than I expected before. If there is no accident, this work can be passed down to future generations. "To be honest, even I am very envious."

"Old Wang, but Mo Yan will break me again."

"Hahaha! I'm telling the truth, how can I say it? Well, don't waste your time, there must be a lot of people who want to call you now. Leave your time to them. Hahaha! "

"Okay. Mr. Wang, Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!"


As Wang Chang said, there are many people who want to call Li Han.

Huang Jian, Du Ruchun, Guo Xuewen, director Luo Heng, Jing Wenbo, etc., many people.

Then there are more people who send Fetion messages.

Ye Qingxian, Yan Lingyu, Tu Lie and other singers, as well as a lot of actors, and people who have interacted with Li Han in various fields, very, very many people.

Li Han was too busy to answer the phone and reply to Feixin.

Everyone is two things, New Year's greetings, and feelings about the "Three Character Classic".

They all watched the Spring Festival Gala, they all saw the Three Character Classic, and they were all shocked.

As the host of the Spring Festival Gala said, it really feels like the words of the sages.

Everyone was overwhelmed with emotion.

Li Han was busy replying to the message, and a group of bear children ran outside the yard and asked Li Han to go out and watch the fireworks together.

This year, the villagers have made money, so many people have bought dazzling, and now it is lively.

Fireworks illuminate the night sky, lively and festive.

A group of bear children were very excited to watch the fireworks, but without Li Han, they always felt that something was missing.

Li Han is their "baby head" after all.

So, they ran outside Li Han's yard and asked Li Han to come out and watch the fireworks with them.

Li Han is naturally happy.

If the news is not finished, I will come back later. It is indeed a good choice to go out and watch the fireworks now.

Li Han did not buy fireworks. It's not that he is reluctant, but that he doesn't like setting off fireworks very much.

He likes to watch others put it, but he doesn't like to put it himself.

Walking out of the room, going downstairs and outside the courtyard, I felt that the fireworks everywhere illuminated the sky very brightly.

The bear children shouted, they grew up, and they had never seen so many fireworks in the village.

Li Han was actually the first time he saw so many fireworks in the village.

This made Li Han somewhat proud.

The village has been changed because of him, earth-shaking changes.

And then, the change will continue.

Li Han is looking forward to it.

It was getting late, and it was already twelve forty in the morning.

By this time, the Spring Festival Gala should be almost over.

The fireworks in the village also gradually stopped.

Li Han let the bear children go back to sleep.

Children can't stay up late. Today, I made an exception to stay up so late, and it should be enough.

Of course, according to traditional customs, this evening is to keep the year old.

The so-called age-defying means not being able to sleep all night. Everyone in the family, including the elderly and children, cannot sleep.

The family will light all the houses with candles, then sit around to talk and chat, and keep vigil all night.

This symbolizes the drive away of all evil plagues.

Of course, there are also elders who keep the year old, which means "farewell to the old year", which means cherishing time. Young people keep the year old, is to prolong the life of parents and elders and so on.

This statement varies.

The custom of keeping the new year has been recorded since a very early time.

From a very early age, people have already started to observe the age.

But by now, it is basically not keeping the age.

Even Li Han felt that there was no need to guard the age.

It's a bit overwhelming to have to stay there all night.

Young people are okay, but the elderly and children are really overwhelmed.

So, Shou Sui can only be kept in mind.

The bear children also knew that it was indeed time to go back to sleep, so they said goodbye to Li Han.

"Slow down, pay attention to safety." Li Han urged.

The bear children agreed from a distance.

Li Han returned to his room, and the Spring Festival Gala just ended. I haven't seen a few shows just now.

It doesn't matter, if the time is right tomorrow, just watch the replay.

It doesn't matter if you don't see it.

Lie on the bed and continue to reply Fetion messages.

Li Han will seriously reply to everyone's news.

At this time, the Internet is still lively.

"The Spring Festival Gala is over. This is the most satisfying Spring Festival Gala I've ever seen, bar none."

"This is the first time for me to feel very sad about the end of the Spring Festival Gala."

"This Spring Festival Gala is so satisfying. I still have the sound of everyone reading the Three Character Classic together in my mind."

"Me too. I feel that this time I really have to linger around, and it will last for three days."



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