This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 876 Give New Year's Money, Express Blessings

The reverberation lingered around the beam for three days. Although this is a bit exaggerated, but now in the minds of the vast majority of the audience, there is really still the sound of reciting the "Three Character Classic" together before.

This makes them still excited.

What kind of new work is Li Han this time?

Previously, major media have launched quizzes with prizes, and many people have made quizzes.

Now the answer has been revealed. So, which quiz result is correct?

This is a question that countless netizens are very concerned about at this time.

First, the Three Character Classic is a literary work. Then, the whole show is a skit.

Therefore, all the entertainment media that launched the quiz with prizes announced overnight that those who guessed literary works and sketches, all guessed the answer correctly, will be eligible for the lottery.

Those who guessed these two answers naturally cheered and seemed very excited.

Although the possibility of winning the prize in the end may not be high, guessing the answer itself is exciting enough.

Of course, those who didn't guess right were a little pity.

But it doesn't matter. If they guess wrong every time, Li Han will bring such a shocking work, and they would rather guess wrong every time.


It doesn't seem right. It's as if they guessed right, Li Han's work would not be shocking.

Whether they guessed it right or not, Li Han's works are equally shocking, okay?

Then, if there is another chance next time, I hope to guess right.

Those who guessed wrong think so.

The night was getting darker, but the countless audience members never fell asleep.

"It's past one o'clock in the morning, and now the whole person is still very excited, what should I do? I can't sleep at all!"

"It's okay, I can't sleep just to keep my year old. According to traditional customs, it was originally an all-nighter tonight."

"That's right, so let's go.

If you can sleep, you will sleep, if you can't sleep, you will be old. Hahaha! "


Many viewers really made plans to keep the year old, but after the night was deeper, they still fell asleep.

Slowly becoming calm on the Internet.

And the calm is destined to be only temporary.


Yuanxi Village.

Li Han finally answered all the Fetion messages Yiyi Yiyi.

Finally got some trouble.



the next day.

The first day of the first lunar month.

According to traditional customs, you can't move a broom today, and you can't sweep the floor. Don't break things at home.

If it is accidentally broken, it must be said immediately, "Sui Sui (Sui Sui) is safe".

Most families follow this custom.

Then there is a custom today, which is to give lucky money.

The elders give to the juniors, or the juniors give to the elders.

In the impression of many people, the New Year's money is given to the younger generation by the elders.

But that's not the case.

The real lucky money is actually given by the younger generation to the elder.

Of course, under normal circumstances, it is given to the elderly by the younger generation of the family.

Because the old man is getting old. Then, it is necessary to give lucky money to suppress his age so that his age will not increase.

In this way, the elderly can live a long and healthy life. This is the wish expressed by the younger generation in the family, hoping that the elderly can live a long and healthy life.

And the money that the elders give to the younger generation should actually be "squeezing money".

Because, it is believed that children have weak willpower, poor resistance, and are vulnerable to sneak attacks.

Then, I hope to use money to suppress the "hungry".

Exorcise evil spirits, help children have a safe Chinese New Year, and wish them healthy growth and peace in the new year.

However, because the homonym of "Xuan" and "Sui", "YuXianQian" is often written as "New Year's money", which is the same word as the real New Year's money.

Now, it is very common for elders to give money to the younger generation.

And many juniors actually give some money to the elderly at home.

But they often give money, but they don't know that they are giving money for the New Year.

It would be nice if they all knew that what they gave was actually lucky money.

Li Han had already prepared enough New Year's money.

Relatives and children at home naturally do not need to say more.

In addition to relatives and children, Li Han also intends to give each of the village's bear children a lucky money.

The bear children usually stick to Li Han very much, and treat Li Han as a doll's head. And Li Han has this ability now, so he is naturally willing to give such a blessing to his children.

Giving New Year's money to children is a kind of blessing, wishing the children can grow up healthy in the new year.

This is the true meaning of giving lucky money. Instead of the New Year's money that has turned sour in some places now.

Li Han told the bear children last night that they would come home to get the New Year's money after they had dinner this morning.

The bear children are very sensible. At the beginning, they all said that Li Han didn't need to give them New Year's money.

But Li Han said that the money is not much, it is just a kind of heart and blessing, and the bear children cheered and expressed their thanks again and again.

Therefore, after having breakfast this morning, the bear children all went to Li Han's yard one after another.

When Li Han saw that all the bear children had arrived, one of them gave a red envelope.

There are 200 bucks in the red envelope. Not much money, but a blessing.

The bear children cheered and expressed their thanks again and again.

Then, Li Han asked the bear children to play by themselves.

Li Han was going to the village to pay New Year's greetings to some elders, and of course he also prepared New Year's money for some older elders.

Li Xiaoru also wants to be together.

The two people are not related, so they do not have common relatives and elders.

But the objects of their New Year's greetings are not relatives and elders, but the elders with the same surname in the village.

I didn't have to pay New Year's greetings before, but this year is different.

This year, Li Han opened a farm in the village and borrowed the village's public resources. It is necessary to go to the elders to pay a New Year's greetings.

As the first person in charge of the farm, Li Xiaoru naturally had to accompany her.

Arrived at Li Xiaoru's house. Li Xiaoru is ready.

"Let's go." Li Xiaoru said.

The two walked in the village and saw that there were already many guests in the bustling village.

Today is the first day of the new year, and many people will choose to go out to play on this day.

Yuanxi Village is naturally the first choice for many people.

Many people are looking forward to meeting Li Han by chance in the village.

Therefore, today's Yuanxi Village is destined to be extremely lively.

Therefore, it is not yet nine o'clock in the morning, walking in the village, and at a glance, the tourists are already bustling.

Li Han does not deliberately avoid tourists. He never deliberately avoided tourists in the village.

If you are recognized, let's chat.

Li Han and Li Xiaoru were the first to arrive at Li Guofu's house.

Li Guofu, who is 102 years old this year, is one of the three centenarians in the village and the one with the highest seniority.

"Grandpa Guofu, we are giving you New Year's greetings." Li Han said.

According to his seniority, he is not only three generations younger than Li Guofu, but he has always been called "Grandpa Guofu".


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