This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 880 He Can't Only Drive Pickup

The "Assassination" crew can think of this, and of course other film crews can also think of it.

This is also the main reason why they think they have a chance to beat "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" to win the box office championship.

This is of course true.

It's not just the film crews who think this way. In fact, in the hearts of many audiences, there is a little bit of concern in this regard.

In recent years, it can be said that TV or movies destroy the original book, which can be said to happen frequently.

The probability is so great that many viewers are a little scared.

I don't dare to give confidence in the adapted TV series or movies.

This time, everyone's worries about "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie" are not so exaggerated, but there are still some.

"The "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie" must not destroy the original book! If such a wonderful original book is destroyed, I will not watch Jing Wenbo's movies in the future."

"Objectively speaking, it is indeed very difficult to make the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie" well. Because all the characters in it are heroic, it is really not easy to make it well. But if it is really not done well, Jing Wenbo It's a bit of a misnomer."

"We are so looking forward to the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" story being put on the screen. But the director of vision will not disappoint this time."


These discussions were seen by Jing Wenbo.

Inexplicably, Jing Wenbo suddenly felt a pressure.

However, Jing Wenbo had absolute confidence and said to himself, "Can't these guys have enough confidence in me?"


Yuanxi Village.

Li Han and Li Xiaoru traveled for a day and finally visited all the elders.

Li Xiaoru looked a little tired.

Li Han smiled and said, "It's been hard work today. I'll invite you to a movie tomorrow."

Li Xiaoru was overjoyed and said, "Okay! That's it. What movie to watch?"

Li Han said: "Tomorrow's newly released "Song Long's Tour\

,"It looks kind of interesting. Just watch this one. "

Li Xiaoru nodded and said, "Okay."

Li Han nodded, took out his mobile phone for a while, and then said, "The movie tickets have been bought. Tomorrow at 10 am. Get up early tomorrow."

Li Xiaoru said, "No problem."


the next day.

At eight in the morning, after Li Han had breakfast, he walked to Li Xiaoru's house.

Ready to call Li Xiaoru to go.

They want to go to the county seat and have to leave early.

Because, only the county has a movie theater.

However, when the hotel at the entrance to the village is built, a cinema will be opened.

At that time, you will be able to watch movies directly in the village.

But that was after the hotel was built.

Now, only to the county to see.

Arrived at Li Xiaoru's house, Li Xiaoru was ready.

Then go.

There were several pickups on the farm, and Li Han drove one and set off with Li Xiaoru.

An hour later, he stopped in front of a movie theater in the county seat.

Li Xiaoru got out of the car, and everyone around had an incredible look on the faces.

One is because of Li Xiaoru's beauty.

Second, I guess I didn't expect that such a beautiful woman would get off a pickup.

This is totally unreasonable.

Li Xiaoru ignored the expressions of the people around her and walked into the cinema with Li Han.

After the two walked in, the surrounding people suddenly tutted and talked.

Someone said sourly: "It seems that as long as you are handsome enough, even if you are driving a pickup, you can have such a beautiful woman sitting in the co-pilot."

"Not only in the co-pilot, but also watching a movie together. I guess it's a couple, but it's a good match for a man and a woman. It's a pity that the man is handsome, but he can only drive a pickup truck."


The people around nodded one after another, although it was a pity, but it was able to make them feel a little more balanced.

If that man is handsome, he has such a beautiful girlfriend as a girlfriend, and he has money, how much envy and jealousy would he be?

"This... I think you have misunderstood. The reason why that gentleman drives a pickup truck is not because he can only drive a pickup truck. It is because he doesn't care about cars. Perhaps in his eyes, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands Compared with those millions and tens of millions of luxury cars, it is not much different." A different voice said.

Everyone around was stunned, and all looked at the person who spoke different voices, a tall and thin man in his thirties.

Everyone obviously didn't believe what the tall and thin man said.

It's no different from a luxury car with millions or tens of millions. It seems that the man can afford such an expensive luxury car.

Knowing that everyone didn't believe him, the tall and thin man shook his head and said, "Did you not know that beautiful woman just now?"

The people around looked at each other and shook their heads. Some people said, "Why, is she famous? Although she is indeed extremely beautiful, we don't necessarily have to know her."

The tall and thin man nodded and said, "Of course it's normal if you don't know her. However, you should have heard her name before."

"What's her name?" asked the people around.

The tall and thin man said, "Yuanxi Village, Li Xiaoru."

"Li Xiaoru?" Everyone around was startled, "She is the rumored manager of Happy Farm, Li Xiaoru? According to rumors, Li Xiaoru is very beautiful and has a lot of money..."

The tall and thin man said, "Why, do you think the woman just now wasn't stunning enough?"

"No, no, no!" The surrounding people shook their heads quickly, indicating that they didn't mean that.

If the woman just now wasn't stunning enough, then there would be no stunning woman in this world.

"So she is Li Xiaoru... So the rumors are true..." The people around were full of emotion.

The rumored Li Xiaoru is really so beautiful...

Um? and many more……

Since the woman just now was Li Xiaoru, then the identity of the man just now...

What the hell!

The people around were terrified, and Nima himself just thought that Li Han could only drive a pickup.

This is the funniest joke in the world.

Then, everyone knew that what the tall and thin man said just now was indeed true.

Li Han just doesn't care about the car, he drives like a pickup.

After the shock, the people around were filled with emotion.

Seeing everyone's expressions, the tall and thin man knew that everyone had guessed Li Han's identity.

He had never met Li Han before, but he had met Li Xiaoru.

Knowing that the woman is Li Xiaoru, Li Han's identity is ready to be revealed.

Li Han actually came to the cinema today. Did he come to see a movie?

The tall and thin man was thinking about this question in his heart, and then he saw a group of people who were still around him just now, and suddenly all of them ran into the cinema.

Obviously, everyone went after Li Han.


After the lanky man made a "fuck off" sound, he quickly ran into the cinema.

What the heck, he shouldn't have explained to those guys just now, wasting so much time in vain.

You must know that meeting Li Han here is definitely something that cannot be asked for. If you can take the opportunity to say a few words to Li Han and let Li Han have an impression of himself, it is definitely a blessing from heaven. .

It's really stupid to waste so much precious time just now.


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