This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 881 The box office battle is more intense than expected

Li Han and Li Xiaoru walked into the cinema, and they were dazzled by various movie posters and display racks.

The posters of movies such as "Song Long's Tour", "Assassination" and "Three Kingdoms Movie" are all included.

Li Xiaoru stood in front of the poster and said, "It's not so easy for your "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie" to win the box office championship."

Li Han smiled and said: "It is indeed difficult, but at least I hope it is not the most."

Li Xiaoru nodded, this is true.

The time is now 9:45, and the "Song Long's Tour" that starts at 10 o'clock can already check in.

After checking the tickets, Li Han and Li Xiaoru walked into the aisle of the auditorium.

As soon as I walked into the passage, a group of people rushed in in the ticket hall.

It was the group of people who had just been outside.

They ran in, naturally, to see if there was a chance to get acquainted in front of Li Han?

But after searching the entire ticket hall carefully, Li Han and Li Xiaoru were not found. Thinking that they had already entered the movie hall, I couldn't help but feel very sorry.

Upon seeing this, the staff in the hall stepped forward and asked, "I'm very sorry, are you looking for someone? Do you need any help?"

"Thank you, it's nothing." A group of people said, and they didn't want to let others know that Li Han walked into the movie theater.


In the movie hall where Li Han and Li Xiaoru were.

When the movie started, Li Han observed the attendance and found that most of the seats were filled with people, and the attendance rate should have exceeded 95%.

Attendance is very good.

Li Han was a little surprised.

However, the audience's voice before this movie was not low, and it cannot be said to be an accident with such a high attendance rate.

This time the box office battle is really fierce.

Soon, the movie begins.

Song Long,

Not a person's name, nor a real dragon, but the emperor of the Song Dynasty.

This is a story about a Song Dynasty emperor who went on a tour in micro clothes.

With a certain comedy color, it is indeed very suitable for the golden period of the Spring Festival.

The quality of the movie is really not low. If the full score is 10, Li Han is willing to give it a 7.

With Li Han's vision, he could score 7 points, and other audience members in the theater were naturally even more pleasantly surprised.

This movie is really nice!

After two hours, the movie ends.

There were many audience members in the theater, and they couldn't wait to give their evaluations.

"It's good-looking, even better than I imagined. This movie ticket is worth it, and I want to watch it again."

"It's really beautiful, I feel like I haven't seen such a good movie for a long time."

"I feel that the film's box office performance will be very high. It is not impossible to win the box office champion in this Spring Festival schedule."

"The movie "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is more difficult than expected to win the box office championship!"


Audiences are also very concerned about box office results. Its level of concern may not be much worse than that of the film crew.

Usually very concerned about it, this time even more.

In terms of emotional tendencies, most audiences hope that "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" can win the box office championship.

After all, this is a movie based on Li Han's original work.

Everyone also thinks that "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie" is very likely to win the box office championship.

But now, after watching "Song Long's Tour", everyone thinks that it is much more difficult for "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" to win the box office championship than before.

It's not just because "Song Long's Tour" looks better than expected, it has the possibility of winning the box office championship.

It is also because it can be seen from "Song Long's Tour" that the competition this time is far more intense than everyone thought before.

The upcoming films such as "Assassination" and "The Wanderer" will be aggressive.

The audience in the movie hall sighed and walked out of the movie hall while sighing.

Li Han and Li Xiaoru were also walking in the crowd.

Hearing the audience's comments, Li Han couldn't deny it.

The high attendance rate just now made him feel that the box office battle this time was more intense than previously expected.

It looks even more so now.

Li Xiaoru couldn't help but start to worry, and whispered, "Is there really no problem with "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"?"

Li Han said: "It should be. However, it seems that the difficulty is getting bigger and bigger. Sister Xiaoru, you don't need to worry about this. Even if you don't win the box office championship in the end, it's nothing."

Li Xiaoru nodded and said, "Okay. But I still hope to win the box office championship."

Li Han smiled and said, "I hope so."

After the two came out of the hallway, they went straight out of the cinema.

It was already 12 noon, and Li Han said to find a place nearby to have lunch first.

Li Xiaoru nodded.


On the Internet, the discussion about "Song Long's Tour" has already been very lively.

The vast majority of viewers said the movie was better than they believed.

They're going to give the movie high marks.

At the same time, everyone believes that this film will definitely be able to achieve a very high box office, or even win the box office champion this time.

It can be said that the vast majority of voices on the Internet affirmed "Song Long's Tour".

This situation is very rare.

Generally speaking, there will always be some people who like a movie and some people who don't.

Evaluations and discussions are naturally mixed.

Basically, it is difficult to have such a situation where the vast majority of voices are "compliments".

Therefore, the entire crew of "Song Long's Tour", including director Zeng Nianyu and assistant director Wang Zhe, were all excited.

A movie is recognized by the vast majority of people. In recent years, only a few of Li Han's previous movies have done this.

For example, "Tang Bohu Points Autumn Fragrance", "Buried Alive", "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai", etc.

No other movie seems to do it.

Now, their "Song Long's Tour" has also done it.

This is definitely a huge surprise.

They didn't actually hold out much hope for the box office champion before, but now, they really feel the existence of hope.

Everyone in the crew was excited.


The crew of "Song Long's Tour" was excited, and the rest of the film crew, including the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie" crew, were all frowning.

As the first movie to be released, "Song Long's Tour" really gave them a slap in the face!

According to this trend, it is really possible to win the box office championship.

This is definitely not good news.

Don't know how much the box office will be today?

The rest of the film crews care about the box office of "Song Long's Tour" today, which is no less than that of the "Song Long's Tour" crew.

"More than 80 million is definitely not a problem."

"Is there a possibility of breaking a billion?"

"Breaking 100 million is still an exaggeration, isn't it?"


The film crews have speculated.

On the second day, "Song Long's Tour" premiered at the box office yesterday.

120 million yuan!

This box office result has blinded countless people's eyes.


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