This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 882 The most concerned movie is

This box-office result was something that no one had thought of before.

Including the crew of "Song Long's Tour".

Previously, assistant director Wang Zhe predicted that it might exceed 100 million, but everyone just regarded it as a good wish.

In fact, everyone does not hold out hope that it will actually exceed 100 million.

Unexpectedly, it not only exceeded 100 million, but also reached 120 million.

What could be more surprising than this?

Everyone in the entire crew burst out laughing. They were so excited and excited that they never thought that one day, their movie would be able to achieve such a first-day box office result.

In this way, I feel that I am one step closer to the box office champion this time.

The crew of "Song Long's Tour" was revelling, while the rest of the film crew looked solemn.

They were all shocked this time.

It was said before that it was impossible to break through 100 million, but I did not expect that there would be 120 million.

This is not a good start!



Netizens also felt a little incredible, but more excited.

For one thing, it's always exciting to see such a high box office hit for your favorite movie.

Second, as a result, the box office battle this time is really fierce.

For netizens, this is definitely a good thing.

Although many people can't help but be a little worried, "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie" won't really win the championship this time, right?

But worry is worry, they still hope that the competition is as fierce as possible.


Yuanxi Village.

Li Han was also a little surprised. He didn't expect the box office to be so high.


Apart from the accident, Li Han did not have any other emotions.

He still has confidence in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie".

Going back 10,000 steps, even if he really didn't win the box office championship in the end, he would only be a little regretful at most.

Starting today, movies such as "Assassination" and "The Wanderer" have also been released one after another.

Li Han is not very interested in these movies, so he is not going to watch them.


In a blink of an eye, it was the fifth day of the first lunar month.

Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue will come to the village today, which was already agreed upon by Li Han when he left the magic capital before the new year.

The two arrived around 3pm.

Li Xiaoru has a good relationship with the two.

So, after getting two people to come today, I am quite happy.

At 3 pm, Li Xiaoru and Li Han went to the village entrance to wait for Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue.

Not long after, Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue took a taxi to the entrance of the village.

get off.

Li Han and Li Xiaoru greeted him.

"Yuqing, Xiaoyue, you have become beautiful again." Li Xiaoru said.

Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue said at the same time, "Sister Xiaoru, you are more beautiful."

Afterwards, the three of them laughed for a while, causing the surrounding tourists to look sideways frequently.

Three such beautiful women stand together, where have I seen such a scenery before?

It is such a blessing to be able to see such a scenery.

Li Han coughed lightly and said, "Three beauties, can we go now?"

The three of them gave Li Han a blank look at the same time, then each laughed "pochi" and walked towards the entrance of the village.

Li Han smiled and followed.

Enter the village.

Su Yuqing said, "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie will be released tomorrow, how about we watch it together?"

Li Xiaoru said: "Of course, Xiaohan and I also planned this way before."

Li Han said: "I've bought all the movie tickets. Four, tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock."

Su Yuqing smiled and said, "So, we thought about it together."

Qin Xiaoyue said: "Tomorrow, the major theaters will be very good in the arrangement of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie". I just don't know how much the box office will be tomorrow? The first-day box office results of the films that have been released are all very good. Yes. We must be better than them!"

Li Han smiled and said, "I'll know the day after tomorrow."


Tomorrow, the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie" will finally be released.

Countless netizens were very excited, and they finally waited.

Finally, I can see the wonderful, two stories of "Taoyuan Three Knots" and "Warm Wine Killing Huaxiong" were moved to the screen. What will it look like?

I can finally know what the third mysterious story is?

Which hero in the history of the Three Kingdoms will the protagonist of the story be?

The answers to these questions are finally known.

Although the films such as "Song Long's Tour", "Assassination", and "The Wanderer" that have been released in the past few days are all very good, very good-looking, and the box office is very high.

But the movie that everyone is most looking forward to is always "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie".

Although I am somewhat worried that the movie will destroy the original book and fail to capture the essence of the original book, my expectations remain the same.

Countless people are talking about it online.

"I finally waited until the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie" was released. Although I have been very satisfied watching the new movie these days, I am most looking forward to the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie". No way, who told this to be based on the original work of Li Han's What about the adaptation of the work?"

"I don't know how much the box office will be for the premiere tomorrow? I hope it will be higher than the previous films. Lest the few detractors of Li Han be there all day gloating about misfortune."

The box office of "Song Long's Tour" on the first day was 120 million yuan. The following films such as "Assassination" and "The Wanderer" also did not have low box office on the first day.

"Assassination" was 115 million yuan, and "The Homeless" was 108 million yuan.

Several other films also reached over 80 million.

Several films were released in a row, and the box office on the first day was so high that it can indeed be said to be breathtaking.

Many people sighed at this.

And there were always a few of Li Han's detractors who couldn't help but jump out after seeing this situation.

They gloated on the Internet, saying that in the face of such fierce competition, it was almost impossible for "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" to win the box office championship.

Not to mention the total box office, the box office on the first day is estimated to be no match for the three works of "Song Long's Tour", "Assassination" and "The Wanderer".

These gloating voices made many netizens unhappy.

Now they only hope that the box office of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" can exceed 120 million yuan on the first day, so that those gloating guys will shut up.


Not only netizens, but the movie that major film crews pay attention to the most is also "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie".

They have to admit that if they want to win the box office championship this time, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie" is the biggest enemy.

They will only have a real chance if they see that the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie" is not well done and really ruins the original work.

Otherwise, everything is in vain.

Therefore, each film crew pays the most attention to "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie".

Now, "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie" is finally released.

Honestly, the film crews were a little nervous.


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