This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 893 The first temptation for the next couplet is too great

Li Han presented the award to Wu Liangquan.

20,000 yuan in cash, plus coupons for double-door refrigerators.

Wu Liangquan walked off the high platform excitedly with the prize.

Next, it is time for Li Han to write the first couplet.

On a long table, paper, ink, pen and inkstone are ready.

Li Han walked to the long table and started writing, and all the guests at the scene were all ready for the next couplet.

If they can match the next couplet, then they don't have to envy Wu Liangquan just now.

The opportunity has already appeared in front of us, just see if we can seize it?

Under such circumstances, Li Han shouldn't be too difficult to write the Shanglian, right?

Soon, Li Han stopped writing.

Yan Jiang's eyes are bright, and this sentence is really appropriate at this time.

Then, Yan Jiang showed Li Han's last couplet to everyone at the scene, and said: "Mr. Li Han's last couplet is, 'Scenery in a prosperous world, and a thousand-year-old culture'. Today is the Lantern Festival, and whether it is the Lantern Festival culture, Whether it is temple fair culture, it has been passed down for thousands of years. Our prosperous world today is better than thousands of beautiful scenery. Mr. Li Han's first couplet is the best couplet for this situation."

All the guests at the scene also have sharp eyes.

This line is indeed as Yan Jiang said, and it is the best line for this situation.

At the same time, it makes people feel very proud that they have such a culture that has been passed down for thousands of years.

Then, there is another reason for the excitement of the guests at the scene, that is, the difficulty of the first line should not be too big.

They may be able to match the next link.

Li Han really didn't say a very difficult first link.

In addition to being excited, the guests at the scene were all thinking about the next couplet very quickly in their minds, and they all wanted to be the first to make the next couplet.

Yan Jiang was extremely happy and satisfied when he saw the situation at the scene.

His approach of inviting Li Han to add a lantern was indeed correct.


How could such a scene occur?

In addition to the joy, Yan Jiang said: "Friends at the scene, I have another good news to tell you.

That is, I have obtained the consent of Mr. Li Han just now. If anyone submits the second couplet, the first couplet written by Mr. Li Han will be given to him as a souvenir.

The above couplet uses standard couplet paper, which can be directly pasted after taking it back.

This is Mr. Li Han's calligraphy treasure!

Moreover, this last link, and the story that is happening, are destined to spread.

Whoever opposes the second couplet will be fortunate enough to circulate with Mr. Li Han's first couplet.

Moreover, you will also become the second protagonist under Mr. Li Han in this story. "

The temptation of Yan Jiang's words was too great. All the tourists on the scene were all excited, and the expressions on their faces became more hot and eager.

No customer can resist such a temptation, and the desire to be the first to release the next couplet is even more urgent.

But Nai He's first line doesn't seem to be difficult, but it doesn't seem to be easy to match the second line.

The tourists are all very helpless, their couplet level is still not good.

And what Yan Jiang said next made the tourists even more helpless.

Yan Jiang said: "Everyone only has five minutes. If no one confronts the next link within five minutes.

Then, I will ask Mr. Li Han to put the Shanglian into a lantern in Kongdu.

Then I will randomly hang the lanterns among the existing lanterns. Of course, you can continue to meet the next link.

However, after the second couplet is displayed, it is necessary to select Mr. Li Han's first couplet among the hundreds of lanterns on the scene, in order to get Mr. Li Han's top couplet calligraphy. There is only one chance to choose lanterns for a second line. "

As soon as these words came out, the guests at the scene felt helpless.

For those of them who are at most couplet lovers, it is almost impossible to match the next couplet in five minutes.

They are afraid that they can only watch helplessly, Yan Jiang will hide the lanterns of Li Han Shanglian, hidden among hundreds of lanterns.

Some are unwilling but have no choice. Yan Jiang is the organizer of the event, and the rules are set by him.

Or take the time to think about it, and see if there will be a sudden burst of inspiration and the next link?

As it turns out, inspiration doesn't come out so easily.

Five minutes have passed, and no one at the scene has spoken to the next couplet.

Of course, Wang Chang, Huang Jian, and Du Ruchun have already made their plans for the second link, but none of them have said their plans for the second link.

Or leave the opportunity to other tourists on site.

Yan Jiang was overjoyed. Of course, he hoped that within five minutes, no one would make the next link.

In this way, the influence will be greater, and when the news spreads throughout the temple fair, more people will come to the scene.

The scene tonight is destined to be very lively.

Overjoyed in his heart, but with a regretful expression on his face, Yan Jiang said: "I am very sorry. It seems that everyone wants to get Mr. Li Han's calligraphy for the first couplet, in addition to the second couplet, they also need enough luck. . One in a hundred, the chance is actually not small."

The tourists at the scene were contemptuous for a while, and the chance of picking one in a hundred is not too small?

Of course, the odds of winning the $5 million lottery are much greater.

"Mr. Li Han, please!" Yan Jiang said impatiently.

Li Han smiled, nodded, and then folded the first couplet he had just written in person.

Then, in front of everyone at the scene, the upper couplet was put into a new lantern.

Now everyone is desperately watching the lanterns, trying to see if there are any special marks in the lanterns?

If there is, it should be easier to choose later.

Of course, the premise is that they will meet the next link later.

It's a pity that this lantern doesn't seem to be anything special.

It's a pity, I'm afraid it will really only depend on luck.

After Li Han put the upper couplet in place, he handed over the lantern to Yan Jiang, then left and walked off the high platform.

After that, nothing happened to him.

It was time for him to watch the crowd again.

After Yan Jiang thanked Li Han repeatedly, he carefully placed the lanterns.

He has to wait for a while and silently hang the lanterns out.

And can change the position at any time.

The tourists at the scene are still actively thinking about the next link.

Although now even if the second link is correct, it still needs enough luck.

But there is still hope.

Then, while thinking about it, some tourists also shared the situation on the Internet.

On the Internet, everyone is still discussing where the one dollar just went.

After seeing the latest sharing from the on-site tourists, they couldn't help but say "Fuck".

Not because of the answer, but because Li Han was really there.

Someone was saying before, Li Han shouldn't be there, right?

Unexpectedly, it was said that Li Han was really at the scene.

Then there's the answer about where one yuan went, and why Wu Liangquan found it.

For the answer, of course, all netizens suddenly realized, and suddenly felt inexplicably relaxed in their hearts.

It turned out to be so.

Looking at it now, the answer is not complicated, but rather simple.

Why such a simple answer, they just haven't thought of it for so long?

It's really weird.

However, this just shows that this question is indeed very interesting.

Yes, yes, they remembered the question.

Then, netizens were a little dumbfounded about the reason and process of Wu Liangquan finding the answer.

Is it even possible?

This Nima is also very lucky.

20,000 yuan in cash, a double-door refrigerator, and Li Han personally awarded the award... It may also be an anecdote...

This Nima is really enviable.

All the people on the Internet are very envious.

And Wu Liangquan, who was at the scene, was even more excited and excited after learning that he was being envied by countless people on the Internet.

His luck today is really too good for Nima!


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