This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 894 The chance is still too small

Then, Li Han made a first line at the scene, and if anyone can match the second line, they will get the relevant information such as the first line written by Li Han, and all of them will be spread on the Internet.

People on the Internet also all showed great interest.

At the same time, I am very envious of the tourists at the scene.

If the tourists at the scene are right, they can take a chance on their luck, and even if they are right, they can't choose the lantern.

It is very regrettable.

At the same time, people on the Internet are also regretting the people on the scene.

It's a pity that in the first five minutes, no one made the next link.

If the second link was matched at that time, why should it be like this now, even if the second link was matched, it still needed good luck?

It seems that the couplet level of the tourists at the scene is not very good!

Li Han's first couplet fits the occasion very well, and it came out very well, but to be honest, it's not that difficult.

Of course, this should also be the reason why Li Han deliberately didn't make it too difficult.

It is a pity that this is not too difficult to connect, and no one can answer it within five minutes.

The couplet level of those people at the scene is not good, see me correct it in five minutes.

Everyone on the internet thinks this way.

Then one by one, they all started to think hard about the next connection.

It's a pity that five minutes have passed, and they haven't been able to match the next link.

Well, this upper link does not look difficult, but it seems that it is not so easy to match the lower link.

People on the Internet think the same way.

Of course, some people thought helplessly, well, their own couplet level is not very good.


Temple fair scene.

Now the scene is far more lively than before.

Because the news of the scene has spread,

More and more people rushed over in surprise and inexplicable, wanting to try their luck.

If I confronted the second couplet, and happened to choose the lantern that contained Li Han's first couplet, it would probably be a good story.

With Li Han's current influence, this is very possible.

This is so heartwarming.

Therefore, more and more tourists are gathered at the scene.

And then, of course, there are people who really got it right.

For example, on the high platform now, there is a young man in his thirties who is writing his lower couplet.

After the young man stopped writing, Yan Jiang showed the second couplet written by the young man to everyone at the scene, and said: "Mr. Li Han wrote the first couplet, 'Scenery in a prosperous world, and a thousand-year-old culture.'. And this gentleman's second couplet is, 'Chunfeng is mellow and has a long-lasting legacy.' Yes, it's really very good. This second line is really good, very good! Congratulations to this gentleman!"

When the crowd saw it, they all applauded.

Of course, everyone can see that this second line is indeed very correct.

"This second couplet is indeed very good!" Wang Chang applauded in the crowd.

Li Han nodded and said, "It's really good."

Li Han, Wang Chang, Huang Jian, and Du Ruchun also felt that the young man was right.

"Hahaha! Even Mr. Li Han, Mr. Wang, Mr. Huang and Mr. Du all think it's good. That kid is amazing!" "Not bad" all the tourists said excitedly.

Then the news quickly spread on the scene.

Soon, everyone at the scene knew, and even Li Han, Wang Chang, Huang Jian, and Du Ruchun thought it was good for the young man's second line.

This is equivalent to getting Li Han's approval!

What the hell! Boy bullshit!

For a while, everyone at the scene was even more envious of the young man.

The young man on the high platform also heard the news and was immediately excited. He hurriedly thanked Li Han, Wang Chang, Huang Jian, and Du Ruchun in the direction where they were, and thanked them for their recognition of the next couplet.

Yan Jiang smiled at this time: "Sir, let's start picking lanterns. If you are lucky enough, you will be able to get Mr. Li Han's calligraphy treasure."

"Okay!" the boy nodded.

Then take a deep breath and start picking out lanterns.

There are a total of about a hundred lanterns at the scene, which is really one in a hundred.

After a long time of picking and choosing, the young man finally made up his mind and chose a lantern.

The young man was very nervous, and Yan Jiang and the guests at the scene were equally nervous.

It's just that their tension is the exact opposite.

Neither Yan Jiang nor all the guests at the scene wanted the young man to be selected.

And the final result is... really not selected.

The young man shook his head regretfully, very unwilling, but there was nothing he could do.

Yan Jiang breathed a long sigh of relief, it would be a real pity if he was chosen so quickly.

I secretly rejoiced in my heart, but said: "It's really a pity. But it doesn't matter, you can continue to think of other subjunctives, if you come up with a different subjunctive, you will get another chance to choose a lantern. "

The young man nodded, and that was all he could do.

The guests at the scene all breathed a sigh of relief.

It's better if they don't pick, so they still have a chance.

Mar Egg, quickly think about the next link. It doesn't have to be good, just right.

Everyone at the scene began to think about the next connection again. Of course, some people were talking about each other, which was very lively.

Li Han and his party left after watching the lively scene for a while.

After that, I wandered all the way, guessing riddles, matching the next couplets, and buying various things to eat. It was very leisurely and pleasant.

The time gradually became late, and before I knew it, it was already 10:30 in the evening, and the temple fair was over in half an hour.

The day is only over tonight, and there will be more tomorrow night.

The group did not return to the previous scene. However, all kinds of news about the scene can always reach the ears.

Along the way, you will always hear passing tourists talking about what happened at the previous scene.

I heard that so far, there have been about 20 people facing the next couplet.

Of course it's all different. The quality of some downlinks is terrible, but it is indeed correct, and you can get a chance to choose a lantern.

However, I heard that at this time, no one has chosen the lantern with Li Han Shanglian.

It looks like there is no hope for tonight. Can only wait until tomorrow night to continue.

Wang Chang smiled and said, "The odds are indeed too small to be selected from about a hundred lanterns. No one has been selected yet. The most happy person should be the person in charge of the scene, Yan Jiang, right?"

Li Han, Huang Jian, Du Ruchun, Li Xiaoru, Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue all agreed.

After that, it was getting late and it was time to go home.

Wang Chang, Huang Jian, and Du Ruchun said their goodbyes and left.

Li Han, Li Xiaoru, Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue also left the scene.

At the temple fair tonight, several people felt that the trip was worthwhile.


It's Children's Day.

Happy Holidays to the children, big and small.

Everyone can celebrate Children's Day.

Because everyone is how old and how many months old.

Be sure to have fun!


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