This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 900 All other similar programs are dumbfounded

Whether it is the audience on the spot or the audience in front of the TV, they basically fully understand the responsibilities of the mentor and the content and format of the program.

There is just one doubt in my mind. That is, the host Yang Sheng has emphasized many times that when the four mentors select students, they will only judge by the voice of the players, and will not care about the external conditions of the players.

Well, here's a problem. That is how the four mentors do not care about the external conditions of the players?

It will be very difficult. Also, it cannot be done 100%.

After all, after the players appeared, the mentors first saw the players' appearance and various external conditions before listening to the players sing.

The appearance and various external conditions of the players will let the tutors give an impression first.

Of course, this doesn't matter too much, as long as the four mentors can insist on only watching the sound, regardless of other principles.

Those next, it should be the instructor's appearance, right?

Sure enough, after a series of introductions, Yang Sheng said: "Now, let us use the warmest applause to invite our four mentors. They are Ling You, Gu Zhan, Wang Junsheng, and Ye Xiaowen..."

In the warm applause and cheers, Ling You, Gu Zhan, Wang Junsheng and Ye Xiaowen appeared in turn.

The popularity of the four is not high.

Moreover, the four of them have hardly been guests in any singing talent show before.

Now the four people have accepted the invitation of "The Voice" at the same time, which once caused an uproar from the outside world.

No one knew why the four people accepted the invitation of "The Voice" before?

It's just a guess that it should be because of Li Han.

After all, "The Voice" is a program planned by Li Han himself.

But now, everyone knows that the biggest reason for the four people to accept the invitation should be that they were attracted by the responsibilities of the mentor in the show.

This is a new and never-before-seen challenge.

All four hope to undertake such a challenge.

Probably at this moment,

The hearts of the four were also inexplicably excited.

All the audience thought so.

This makes them even more excited and excited.

The more excited the four mentors were, the more they cared that the final championship came from their own team.

Then, in the whole process of the game, they will work "real swords and real guns".

And this will undoubtedly make the show more exciting and more interesting.

Sure enough, after the four mentors appeared, in the process of interacting with the audience, they all expressed their desire and determination to win the final championship.

The four mentors are really ready to grab people.

The audience was inexplicably excited and looking forward to the next game.

After the interaction between the four instructors and the audience, they walked to four seats and sat down.

Those four seats were indeed prepared for the four mentors.

Seeing that the four mentors were all seated, Yang Sheng said, "Then I will ask the four mentors to turn around now."

turn around?

What's the meaning?

Whether it was the audience at the scene or the audience in front of the TV, they were very puzzled. They didn't understand what Yang Sheng meant by turning the four mentors around?

At this time, I saw the four mentors demonstrate with each other, and then pressed the buttons on the handle at the same time.

The entire seat immediately spun up, spun 180 degrees and then stopped.

Instead of facing the stage and facing the audience before, now facing the audience and facing the stage.

This scene made all the audience's eyes widen.

Then suddenly it seemed to understand something?

It made them excited and excited again.

From the beginning of the show to the present, in just a few minutes, they don't know how many times they have been excited and excited.

After the four instructors faced the audience, they all smiled and greeted the audience.

At the same time, each mentor has a set of secondary cameras in front of him. The expressions on the faces of the instructors, the voices they speak, etc., can all appear on the big screen at the scene and on the TV screen in time through the secondary camera.

"How do you feel?" Ling You asked. He will be responsible for leading the conversation when necessary.

"It feels very good. This chair is much more comfortable than the chair at home." Gu Zhan said with a smile.

Ling You, Wang Junsheng, and Ye Xiaowen laughed at the same time.

The audience at the scene and the audience in front of the TV were also laughing.

Gu Zhan is very humorous, I really didn't know it before.

The audience felt so close to Gu Zhan for the first time.

Of course, the other three mentors were the same, and it was the first time they felt so close.

This made them inexplicably excited again.

Then, Yang Sheng said: "Why did our four mentors turn around? It was naturally to prevent the players from seeing their appearance after the players came out. The only criterion for the four mentors to select students is their voice. To be a player After they started to sing, the four mentors judged by the contestant's singing. If they think the contestant is good and want to choose him to their team, then they can turn around for the contestant. During the singing process, the contestant can turn around at any time. ."

Sure enough.

All the audience members were excited once again, and they had just vaguely guessed that this would be the case.

It does now.

Before, everyone still had doubts, that is, when the instructors select students, how can they really only look at the sound, regardless of other things?

Feeling like you can't really do it all right?

But now everyone knows that what they think can't be done completely, Li Han has a way.

Turn your back to the player, only listen to the sound, and turn around for the player after being moved by the sound.

This is simply too Nima perfect!

Moreover, it feels very, very interesting, and very, very interesting.

As expected of the program planned by Li Han himself, it really surprises people everywhere.

That's right, now all the audiences have once again felt a huge surprise.

This show is so fun!

Moreover, as a result, the external conditions of the contestants were uneven, but it became the biggest highlight and highlight of the show.

Think about it, when the tutors are selecting students, they don't even know whether the players they are looking for are tall or short? Is it fat or thin? Is it male or female?

Well, male or female can still be distinguished from the sound.

Anyway, they just don't know what the players in their picture look like. When they turn around and see the players, their expressions should be quite interesting, right?

The whole show really feels more and more interesting and interesting.

Those who said that "The Voice" was going to hit the streets before, felt that they were too superficial and stupid at this time.

Li Han's show really won't hit the street no matter what.

The other program crew members of the singing talent shows were basically dumbfounded at this time.

Can a singing talent show be planned like this?


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