This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 901 Uncle Farmer is the first to appear

The show has just started, and the first contestant has not yet appeared, but I feel that this show has already been played by Li Han.

The program crews of various programs of the same kind were all in shock and mixed feelings.

They originally thought that they had thoroughly researched singing talent shows.

No matter how unrestrained Li Han is, it is impossible to play the show.

But now, Li Han really played a flower.

They couldn't believe it, and they had to admit that Li Han's tricks were really attractive and interesting.

They originally thought that "The Voice" violated the laws of the market and would definitely hit the streets.

But now, they suddenly feel that "The Voice" will not only not hit the streets, but will become a fire.

"Just look at the sound, nothing else." This is indeed against the law of the market. If their show chooses people like this, it will definitely be so bad that even mother doesn't know it.

But now, "The Voice" has miraculously transformed this selection criteria against market laws into its own selling points and highlights.

This is really amazing!

The members of the program crews of various similar programs all felt incredible.

How did Li Han come up with this design?

Really too strong!


As soon as "The Voice" opened, a series of settings about the mentor made everyone feel emotional.

The singing talent show was already very mature, so Li Han played a new trick.

Everyone felt incredible, and at the same time, they were looking forward to the appearance of the first contestant.

Is the first contestant male or female? What does it look like? What song will you sing? How is the singing? Will there be a mentor to turn it around?

Waiting for this series of questions, all appeared in everyone's mind.

And these questions are almost never seen in other similar programs.

There are really too many things to watch and look forward to in "The Voice".

I can't believe this is going to be a singing talent show.

Amidst everyone's tsk tsk and endless anticipation, the first contestant finally walked out of the player channel.


Yan Zhongwen was very nervous.

Because, at this time, the first contestant who was walking out of the player channel was him.

Yesterday, 20 contestants were randomly drawn in order of appearance.

I don't know if Yan Zhongwen's luck is too good? Still too bad, he was the first to play.

The first appearance is destined to attract attention, which is a very obvious advantage.

However, the disadvantages are also very obvious.

If nothing else, just talk about the choice of the tutors.

This is the first player to appear, even if the mentors are satisfied and want to turn around, they may wait a little longer and will not rush to shoot.

After all, mentors can only pick up to eight students.

Every place is very precious.

Then, the mentors will definitely worry that if the quota is used up in advance, if they encounter extremely satisfied players in the future, wouldn't they have no qualifications for selection?

That would be a pity.

Therefore, instructors must be very careful in selecting students.

The first player to play wanted to win the mentor's turn.


It's really hard!

Mentors would definitely prefer not to choose enough people in the end, rather than pick one easily, especially in the first half.

Because, if all 100 contestants have finished singing on stage. There are still instructors who have not selected enough eight students.

Then, the players who were eliminated before will be invited to come back to participate in the resurrection competition, so that the tutors who have not selected enough students will continue to select students.

Therefore, the instructors would rather not buy in the end, and would not take it lightly.

The first player to appear, the possibility of winning the mentor's turn is really not high.

Everyone thinks so, including Yan Zhongwen who is walking out of the player tunnel.

Yan Zhongwen felt a little regretful at the beginning, but after thinking about it, he didn't think that a mentor would turn around for him.

Does it matter if that's the first appearance?

It's better to be the first to appear and enjoy the feeling of being watched.

Therefore, although Yan Zhongwen was nervous, his form was very relaxed.

He decided to enjoy the opportunity to sing on such a stage.

This may well be his only chance.

All the audience at the scene, all the audience in front of the TV, all stared at the exit of the player channel.

Now everyone can only see a silhouette walking out of the passage, and it is not clear what it looks like.

Soon, the lights hit, and I could finally see clearly.

Seeing this clearly, all the audience at the scene couldn't help but let out a "wow", their mouths slightly opened into an "O" shape.

The audience in front of the TV is similar.

Obviously, no one thought that the first player to play was an uncle.

Moreover, it seems that he is still a farmer uncle.

This really took everyone by surprise.

It seems that when "The Voice" was auditioned before, it was strictly done, "Just look at the sound, no matter what else."

Otherwise, the uncle will never pass the audition at his age.

On the stage of other similar programs, there has never been a contestant of this age.

The four mentors turned their backs to the stage and could not see the situation of the first player who had already appeared, but the audience's reaction was completely seen by them.

"Everyone seems a little surprised." Ling You said.

"Indeed. It seems that this player of ours is different from the ordinary players in everyone's mind?" Gu Zhan said.

"I really want to turn around and have a look." Wang Junsheng said.

"When the contestant sings the first lyric, you can turn around," Ye Xiaowen said.

"That's fine. I have to listen carefully for a while before making a decision." Wang Junsheng said.

After the audience heard the four people gossiping, they all found it very interesting.

There's so much to see in this show.

All the audience became very excited after being surprised.

Other similar programs, if such a farmer uncle appeared on the stage, it would be very strange.

But on the stage of "The Voice" now, everyone is surprised to find that not only is it not weird, but it is also inexplicably very exciting.

A farmer uncle should have no professional singing training.

So how does he sing?

Since he can pass the audition, which requires very high voice, the uncle should sing very well.

So, will a mentor turn around for him later?

If there is. When the tutor turned around and saw the uncle's appearance, what kind of expression would he have?

All of this gets the audience excited.

After the contestants came out, they could not speak or introduce themselves. They could only sing directly.

Of course, this is also to allow the mentors to really choose players only by their voices.

Therefore, after Yan Zhongwen bowed and saluted, he started singing directly.

Sings a classic old song.

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone felt their eyes lit up.

Sing well!


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