This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 902 I can't bear it anymore

At this moment, Lianzi Village.

The village chief moved the TV to the yard, and most of the villagers in the whole village were watching TV here at this time.

Naturally, I watched the "Good Voice" program on Modu TV.

It's not that the villagers don't have TVs at home, but the atmosphere where everyone watches together is better.

The villagers like the atmosphere.

Yan Zhongwen was the first player to appear, and the villagers did not expect it.

However, it doesn't matter, the first one to play is the first one to play.

"Hahaha! Judging from the TV, I feel that Lao Yan is much younger!"

"It's unbelievable that one day we were able to see Uncle Yan sing on TV. This stage is so cool, it feels better than the Spring Festival Gala stage."

"I feel Zhongwen is a little nervous. I hope it won't affect his performance!"

"Started to sing... It feels okay! It sounds better than he sang in the village."

"I must have practiced in the past few days, and they have been guided by professional teachers. In addition, the live singing equipment is top-notch, and it must be good."

"Did you say there will be a mentor to turn around?"

"There should be."


The villagers were all inexplicably nervous, afraid that there would be no mentor to turn around for Yan Zhongwen.

Although it is normal to turn around without a mentor, it is even more normal than turning around with a mentor.

But in the end it will make people feel quite regretful and regretful.


There are also countless people on the Internet who are talking about Yan Zhongwen who is singing at this time.

Everyone is watching the live broadcast and discussing on the Internet.

Everyone thinks that Yan Zhongwen sings very well, but they don't know if it's good in the ears of the four professional tutors?

You don't know what the four mentors are thinking,

However, one or two can be seen from the expressions on the faces of the four mentors, as well as the occasional brief comment.

"Not bad." Ling You said.

Gu Zhan, Wang Junsheng, and Ye Xiaowen also nodded their heads.

Then, I saw a trace of tangled expressions on the faces of the four people.

This expression made all the audience feel bright.

Because this means that the tutors have initially recognized Yan Zhongwen and have begun to hesitate.

This is the rhythm that there may be a mentor turning around!

The audience is excited.

For some reason, they all looked forward to having a mentor to turn around.

Maybe it's because everyone hopes that the hard work of the players will be rewarded.

If there is no mentor to turn around, it means that Yan Zhongwen will be eliminated.

Everyone didn't know Yan Zhongwen before, but if Yan Zhongwen was really eliminated, they would be very sorry.

But as I said before, as the first player to play, it is difficult to win the mentor's turn.

There are many people on the Internet who are guessing, will there be a mentor to turn around?

Very lively.

At this time, many people who didn't watch "The Voice" finally felt that something was wrong.

Everyone's evaluation and discussion of "The Voice" seems to be completely different from what they thought before.

There are many viewers who are watching "The Voice" at this time, but there are more people who are not watching.

There are two main types of these people.

One is people who have no interest in singing talent shows.

They never watch talent shows, and even if this time "The Voice" was planned by Li Han himself, they didn't plan to watch it.

No matter how you plan, what new tricks are there? Since it is a talent show, its essence cannot be changed, right?

The essence remains the same, so what if it is a program planned by Li Han himself?

There is another on the contrary, they are the most loyal audience of singing talent shows.

What they like to watch the most is singing talent shows.

So why don't they watch The Voice?

Because what they want to see is those handsome men and beautiful women singing and dancing on the stage, not the various contestants with uneven external conditions such as "The Voice".

In their opinion, "The Voice" is a complete mess.

It annoyed them a bit, so they decided not to watch it.

They waited and watched online, the rants about the show from those watching The Voice.

They think that those people will definitely complain.

And, soon after the show starts, it will start to complain.

But now in fact, what they saw was the audience of "The Voice", all of whom seemed to be very excited and very interested in the show.

what's going on?

Isn't it said that the first player to appear is a farmer uncle who is not too young?

A farmer's uncle singing, will make people so interested?

And what the hell is the teacher turning around?

I became more and more curious, and finally couldn't help asking on the Internet: "Is "The Voice" good? Why do you all seem to be very excited? Also, what does it mean for the tutor to turn around?"

Soon someone responded, "Instead of asking here, you might as well turn on the TV and watch it yourself. Is it good-looking or not? Can you judge for yourself?"

"I don't want to watch it because I'm a little annoyed that The Voice is messed up."

"Why do you want to pay attention if you don't want to see that? You are really a bit strange."


Without asking the answer, it made people choked up, and the most loyal audience of singing talent shows felt even more annoyed and depressed.

If you don't pay attention, you don't pay attention, as if someone really wants to pay attention.

Said not to pay attention, but still can not help but continue to pay attention.

Then I saw that there are many people who have never watched singing talent shows before, and they also said excitedly on the Internet:

"'The Voice' is very interesting! I've never watched this kind of show before. But now I'm wondering if there will be a mentor to turn around for the uncle?"

"I've never watched it before. This time, driven by strong curiosity, I chose to watch it. I just wanted to take a look and get to know it. Very attractive!"

"The market for singing talent shows is seriously dying now. But I feel that the emergence of "The Voice" will bring the market of singing talent shows back to its peak. No, it is more active than the previous peak."

"Hahaha! It's hard to believe that a singing talent show can be so good-looking."

"I never thought that one day I would also be interested in a singing talent show. As expected of the show planned by Li Han himself, it is simply amazing."


Seeing this evaluation, the most loyal audience of singing talent shows finally became completely restless.

Is it that good-looking and attractive? Even people who have never watched this kind of show before have given such a high evaluation.

Also, the emergence of "The Voice" will bring the market of singing talent shows back to its peak, and it will be more active than the peak.

This is too much, too much!

Although I thought it was too much, I couldn't help it after all.

Finally turned on the TV and selected the TV channel to Magic Capital TV.


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