This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 903 More Qualified

Then I saw Yan Zhongwen singing on the stage at first sight.

"Sure enough, he is a farmer uncle who is not too young." The loyal audience of singing talent shows thought so in their hearts.

Then I saw the four tutors sitting with their backs to the stage, and the hesitant and tangled expressions on the tutors' faces.

This is……

Seeing such a scene, I seem to understand a little, what does "there is a mentor to turn around" mean?

Although I understand a bit, there are more places I don't understand.

Why did the instructor turn around? What are the conditions for turning around? What does it mean for the mentor to turn around?

What does it mean if there is no mentor to turn around?

Waiting for these questions made them suddenly very curious.

At the same time, they also felt for the first time that the program "The Voice" seemed to be a bit interesting.

Moreover, what surprised them was that they didn't feel awkward when they saw the uncle peasant singing on the stage.

It's completely different from what they wanted before.

How is this going?

Don't you just want to see handsome men and beautiful women? Now seeing such an uncle peasant, I should feel very awkward in my heart!

Why don't you feel awkward at all?

Not only did it not, it seemed to be quite surprising.

What the hell is going on here? The loyal audience of singing talent shows can't understand it themselves.

They are now full of doubts.

And now, Yan Zhongwen's singing on the stage is coming to an end.

Still no teacher turned around.

"Is there really no mentor to turn around?" Yan Zhongwen sighed in his heart.

Although I had already prepared in my heart and knew that the result would be like this, when it came to this time, I was still not reconciled at all.

He actually really wanted to have a mentor to turn him around.

But now it looks like the chances are very slim.

Forget it, then enjoy this last moment.

Just a few more lines left.

Such a big and luxurious stage, I am afraid that I will never have the opportunity to board such a stage again in the future.

All the audience, whether it was the audience at the scene or the audience in front of the TV, all let out a long sigh at this time.

After all, is there still no mentor to turn around for the farmer uncle?

Everyone feels very sorry.

It's not that the farmer's uncle has no chance, because the expressions on the faces of the four mentors are very tangled, and it is obvious that they want to turn around.

Especially Gu Zhan, he has put his hand on the button many times.

But unfortunately, it didn't work in the end.

Of course, there is still hope, Yan Zhongwen's singing is not over yet.

There is always hope until the end of the song.

Sure enough, Gu Zhan put his hand on the button again.

The eyes of all the audience suddenly brightened.

Is there really a chance?

"Press it! Press it! Press it!" Many viewers couldn't help shouting in their hearts.

They really hope that there is a mentor who can turn around for the farmer's uncle.

If the farmer's uncle was replaced by a young handsome guy or a beautiful woman, everyone might not be so eager.

It was at this time that everyone once again determined in their hearts that players who were not handsome men and beautiful women had to affect their hearts even more on this stage.

The selection criteria of "only look at the voice, nothing else" is really a breakthrough feat like a genius.

Everyone was so emotional.

At this moment in Lianzi Village.

All the villagers in front of the TV saw Gu Zhan put his hand on the button again.

Everyone knows that this should be Yan Zhongwen's last chance.

So, all the villagers couldn't help shouting, "Press! Press!"

They shouted out, and all the audience shouted inwardly.

At the same time, everyone's eyes were fixed on Gu Zhan's right hand on the button.

Suddenly, Gu Zhan moved his right hand and pressed it down sharply.

Then the seat started to turn slowly.

The audience were all stunned, and then they realized what happened?

All cheered. Everyone felt happy and excited from the bottom of their hearts.

At the same time, the Internet is also boiling in an instant.

"Turn! Turn! Gu Zhan turned around! Hahaha! Finally a mentor turned around for Uncle."

"Uncle is so good! He's so handsome!"

"The moment I saw the mentor turned around, I jumped up all over, as if the mentor was turning around for me. This show is interesting! It's really interesting!"

"Uncle is amazing! Bulls!"


Countless viewers expressed their excitement online.

So excited.

First, because they were happy for the farmer uncle in their hearts.

Second, they feel more and more that the program "The Voice" is interesting and very beautiful.

It just looks better the more you look at it.

And the villagers of Lianzi Village were all excited.

Yan Zhongwen actually did it.

This is the pride of their entire lotus seed village.

The audience at the scene burst into cheers, and the other nineteen contestants who were waiting in the singer's lounge at this time were all applauding, and they were happy for Yan Zhongwen.

Of course also very envious. In my heart, I hope that when I sing by myself later, there is also a mentor who can turn around for me.

Even the most loyal viewers of singing talent shows who still have many questions in their minds felt inexplicably excited the moment they saw Gu Zhan turn around.

Although they still don't quite understand what it means for the mentor to turn around? I don't quite understand what it means if there is no mentor to turn around in the end?

But they can feel that the mentor's turn is very important to the players.

So they felt an inexplicable excitement.

At the same time, for those doubts just now, I am even more curious to know the answer.

Yan Zhongwen on the stage is of course an excited person.

The excited voice trembled a little, and there were obvious flaws in the singing voice.

But it doesn't matter anymore, there are already mentors turned around.

Gu Zhan's seat turned slowly. When he saw Yan Zhongwen, he was obviously surprised and surprised.

It's not because of Yan Zhongwen's age.

In fact, it can be heard from Yan Zhongwen's voice that he is no longer young.

Gu Zhan was surprised by Yan Zhongwen's identity as a farmer.

At this time, Yan Zhongwen's singing ended.

The seats of Ling You, Wang Junsheng, and Ye Xiaowen turned around automatically.

When they finally saw Yan Zhongwen, they were also quite surprised by Yan Zhongwen's identity as a farmer.

"Very nice to meet you. Could you please introduce yourself first?" Ling You said.

Yan Zhongwen nodded and briefly introduced himself.

Everyone knows that he is from Lianzi Village. He is 46 years old this year. He is indeed an authentic farmer.

Although it has been seen before, but now listening to Yan Zhongwen say it himself, everyone is still very emotional.

Including four mentors.

It was absolutely impossible for a farmer who is no longer young to appear on such a stage and sing for his hobbies and dreams.

At this time, everyone suddenly felt that "The Voice" was more qualified to be called a singing talent show than other similar programs.


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