This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 913 From shock to excitement

I can't believe my eyes, but what I see and hear is the truth.

Of course Ye Xiaowen understood this.

At the same time, Ye Xiaowen finally understood why the audience had such a puzzling reaction after hearing the contestants sing before.

That's a normal reaction.

After that, Ye Xiaowen also became faintly excited.

Interesting, really interesting!

This is definitely the most shocking and surprising moment for her from the beginning of the show to the present.

Yes, it is a surprise, an unprecedented surprise.

There are many good-looking people, whether they are boys or girls, and there are many people who sing well. There are also many people who are good-looking and sing well.

However, it is extremely rare for a girl to grow up so beautifully, to have a good figure, and to sing with a pure and pleasant male voice.

even unique.

No matter what kind of stage such a player appears on, including the next stage of "The Voice", they will definitely be the absolute focus of existence.

If such a player is in his own team, then his own team will not lack attention.

The more Ye Xiaowen thought about it, the more excited she became, and then she made up her mind that she must win this player to her team this time.

This is really a magical program, and you can meet all kinds of players.

Every turn may be a surprise, or a surprise.

Ye Xiaowen has liked this show more and more.

I really don't know how Li Han planned such a program?

Really too strong!

So many thoughts flashed through Ye Xiaowen's heart, and the expression on her face changed very obviously.

From the initial shock, disbelief, to the final excitement, it was all written on his face.

And these changes in expressions were seen by all the audience throughout the entire process.

The audience laughed and felt very satisfied.

They have been expecting the mentors to turn around and see how the contestant singing on the stage is a beautiful woman.

Now Ye Xiaowen's reaction did not disappoint him, and it was not a waste of their expectations.

And Ye Xiaowen is just the beginning, there are still three mentors who haven't turned around yet.

Although Ye Xiaowen said that when she turned around, she said that the other three mentors did not need to turn around, and it was enough for her to turn around alone.

But Ling You, Gu Zhan, and Wang Junsheng obviously couldn't be obedient.

The three of them were obviously very moved.

Especially after hearing Ye Xiaowen's uncontrollable low voice, she felt even more itchy.

Although Ye Xiaowen's low voice was not loud, it was obviously the result of her efforts to suppress it.

If it is not suppressed, it is estimated that it will be an exclamation.

What is the situation that makes a teacher can't help but exclaim?

Ling You, Gu Zhan, and Wang Junsheng felt itchy.

And their heart itch is unbearable to be seen by all the audience.

The audience laughed again, and since it's already so itchy, let's turn around quickly.

After turning around, you can also enjoy a shock and wonder in your heart.

With a "bang", Ling You, Gu Zhan, and Wang Junsheng took the button at the same time.

The three turned around at the same time.

Once again, all four mentors turned around.

And this time is even more exciting than the last time.

All the audience members entered into a new excitement and excitement.

Then, they all stared intently at the faces of the three mentors.

For the first time, everyone found that the three mentors turned around at the same time was not very good, because they were somewhat unable to see.

"Let's also take a look at what's going on? It's estimated that the three of us don't know what happened in the whole world..." This is Ling You talking while turning around.

However, before the words were finished, they suddenly stopped.

Ling You's mouth was open in an "O" shape and remained motionless, they could no longer speak today.

The shocked expression on her face was exactly the same as Ye Xiaowen before.

Of course, Gu Zhan and Wang Junsheng are the same.

All three were completely stunned.

At the same time, I finally fully understood everything.

No wonder the audience reacted like that before, no wonder Ye Xiaowen couldn't help exclaiming.

Everything has an answer.

It's incredible that there are such players.

It really is a magical stage.

Ling You, Gu Zhan, and Wang Junsheng couldn't help but feel so emotional.

Then, the three of them couldn't help but get excited.

Such players are hard to come by, and even if you deliberately search for them, you may not be able to find the second person.

Be sure to win such players to your own team.

Ling You, Gu Zhan, and Wang Junsheng thought the same way.

At the same time, the three also liked the show more and more and looked forward to the next contestant.

Also looking forward to what surprises there will be after each turn?

They really feel very lucky now to be invited to mentor on The Voice.

Fortunately, they agreed after a little hesitation at the time.

Otherwise, you will definitely regret it now.

Now I don't know how many people are envious and jealous of them.

The three of them thought happily in their hearts, and of course the changes in their expressions just now were seen by all the audience.

All the audience laughed again.

Fun, really fun.

This is the correct way to open entertainment programs!

Considering the mentor as a guest, even the changes in the expressions of the guests can make people look forward to it, and it is very satisfying to watch. Which entertainment program can do it before?

absolutely not!

As expected of the program planned by Li Han himself, it is really awesome!

All the audience had to feel so emotional again.

At this time, the new audience who had just been attracted by the saying "a beautiful woman sings with a pure male voice" were all very pleasantly surprised.

Just before, they were attracted by those sayings, and driven by strong curiosity, they chose to watch Magic Capital TV.

They didn't believe it at first, and their eyes were instantly rounded.

It turned out to be true.

The voice of an absolutely beautiful singing turned out to be a pure male voice.

It's really amazing.

Li Han's "The Voice" is so amazing.

At this moment, they also developed a strong interest in "The Voice".

Then I saw the four mentors turn around one after another, and after learning the meaning of the mentor's turn on the Internet, I was even more pleasantly surprised.

It turned out that "The Voice" turned out to be such an interesting and good-looking program.

It's such a shame that I've only just started watching it now.

After the surprise, these new audiences all regretted that they didn't choose to watch it earlier, and missed the appearance of more than ten players in vain.

Don't know if there will be a replay tomorrow?

If there is, it must be seen from the beginning to the end.

The new audience thought so in their hearts.

on the stage.

Wang Yan's singing continues. At this time, she was already indescribably excited.

Not only because the four mentors turned around for her, but also because both the mentors and the audience recognized her very much.

Everyone didn't laugh at her because of her special voice, and they didn't look at her like a monster.

Except for the shock and disbelief at the beginning, there are expressions of excitement and surprise.

This made Wang Yan more and more confident while being excited.

At the beginning, I was still a little hard to let go, and I didn't dare to let go completely.

Now the bottom has been released.


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