This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 914: The No. 1 Star-Making Entertainment Program in History

After letting go completely, Wang Yan played better.

The more the four mentors and all the audience listened, the more delighted they became.

Gradually, the song ended, and Wang Yan's singing ended.

As soon as the music stopped, Ling You couldn't wait to say: "Hello, this contestant. In fact, I really want to hear it now. What's your voice like when you speak?"

The other three instructors and all the audience were also very curious about this question.

Still a male voice? Or a normal female voice?

Wang Yan smiled restrainedly, and then said, "Hello, four mentors! Hello, all the audience and friends!"

It's a perfectly normal female voice, and it sounds great.

All nodded, they were not surprised.

It would be really weird for such a beautiful girl to speak in a male voice.

Of course, speaking in a normal female voice, but singing in a pure male voice, this is already very strange.

Gu Zhan said, "Is the male voice you sing with a natural voice, or did you sing with a male voice on purpose?"

Wang Yan said: "It's a natural voice. I can also sing in a female voice on purpose, but it's not natural and I can't sing well."

Gu Zhan nodded and smiled: "You can really be said to be blessed. It's amazing."

Wang Yan hurriedly said, "Thank you, Teacher Gu."

All the audience fully agreed with Gu Zhan's statement, Wang Yan's situation can indeed be said to be unique.

It can even be said to be a special talent.

With this kind of talent, as long as you are willing to work hard and have a certain chance, it is difficult to think of not being famous.

And Li Han planned the stage of "The Voice", which is undoubtedly Wang Yan's chance.

In the future, I am afraid it will be better.

All the audience thought so, and the four mentors on the stage had already started to use their own means for Wang Yan.

Wang Yan's singing ability is strong,

It also comes with top-level traffic, and the four mentors all want to recruit them to their teams.

The intensity of its competition is even greater than when it competed with Wang Yu before.

Naturally, all the audiences were very happy and entertained.

The scene where the four mentors robbed one person at the same time was the most exciting.

In the end, Wang Yan chose Ye Xiaowen.

Ye Xiaowen cheered, looking very excited, she finally got her wish.

And Ling You, Gu Zhan, and Wang Junsheng all sighed helplessly.

They really feel very sorry.

But there is no other way but to congratulate Ye Xiaowen.

Of course, I also congratulate Wang Yan at the same time.

Wang Yan chose to join Ye Xiaowen's team, and the audience was very satisfied, especially the male audience.

Such a beautiful woman should join the team of female mentors, right?

Back in the players' lounge, the rest of the players also congratulated Wang Yan.

Wang Yan was still excited all the time.

She actually succeeded! She couldn't help thinking once again that the stage of "The Voice" was really her chance.

For "The Voice" and for Li Han, she is full of gratitude.

Wang Yan's appearance has come to an end temporarily, and the voice of Wang Yan on the Internet is still very lively.

Major entertainment media also began to report on Wang Yan.

Various reports emerged one after another, and Wang Yan's name quickly entered the hot search list.

The name of another "The Voice" contestant was on the hot search list, and countless people sighed again.

Many celebrities are once again envious.

"The Voice" is too strong, isn't it?

Judging from the fact that there are constantly players on the hot search list, this is definitely the number one entertainment program in history!

It is also the first star-making entertainment program in history.

As expected of Li Han's show, it's really too strong!

And the real-time ratings of "The Voice" were also exposed on the Internet.

It reached an astonishing 6.0.

This rating made everyone completely stunned. Is this Nima too high?

This rating, even if you look at all entertainment programs and variety shows, is definitely the top rating.

Only a few programs such as the Spring Festival Gala are higher than it.

Cow batch! Super beef batch!

Who would have thought that an entertainment program whose market has been seriously declining would be so aggressive?

No, with such a high audience rating, how can the market for rap and singing talent shows decline seriously?

It seems that it is not that the market for singing talent shows has declined. But now all of these programs are almost the same, which makes the audience tired and too lazy to watch.

It's not that the market is declining, but the quality of the program itself is not good.

Including Shonan Satellite TV's "I Love to Sing", the rest of the singing talent shows wanted to refute, but were unable to refute.

Because the fact of "The Voice" is right in front of them, they have to admit that it is not that there is no market for such programs, but the quality of their programs is not good.

Looks like a change should be made.

What they thought before about the market rules for this type of show seems to be wrong.

It may have been right before, but now it is wrong.

The so-called market law, it seems, should also change with the changes of the times.

The emergence of "The Voice" has made other similar programs realize this.

When this statement spread on the Internet, countless audiences laughed and seemed very excited.

"Niubi! Niupi! As expected of Li Han's show. Is this called a show to wake up the dreamer?"

"With the appearance of "The Voice", it can be said that the era of singing talent shows has turned. This show is of great significance!"

"It's natural, don't look at who planned the show? However, I really didn't expect to have such an influence before that."

"I didn't expect it to be so influential? At least half of the people think "The Voice" will hit the street."

"Those guys have bad eyesight. I didn't think The Voice would be so influential, but I at least think The Voice would be popular."

"Damn it! It's time to stop flogging the corpse, right? How many times have you flogged? We have long since admitted that it was indeed our vision that was bad."

"Hahaha! I'm sorry, I whipped you again before you knew it."


The audience was excited, and then there was another one that was just as excited.

It is Chengzhi Pharmaceutical, Tuojiang Wine and other enterprises.

Chengzhi Pharmaceutical purchased the exclusive naming rights of "The Voice" at a sky-high price of 130 million.

Enterprises such as Tuojiang Wine Industry purchased the advertising space of "The Voice" at prices ranging from 5 million to 30 million.

Such a high-priced title and advertising space has always been incomprehensible to other companies before, and they gloated on the misfortune, waiting to see Chengzhi Pharmaceutical, Tuojiang Wine and other companies lose everything.

As for Chengzhi Pharmaceutical and Tuojiang Liquor, to be honest, they were somewhat apprehensive.

Investment at such a high price means that the ratings of "The Voice" are really unsatisfactory. The investment will be completely lost, and it will also make other companies see jokes.

This really goes a long way.

Fortunately, everything is not far away now.


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